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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“At the End of the Universe you have to use the past tense a lot,” said Zaphod, “’cos everything’s been done you know. Hi, guys,” he called out to a nearby party of giant iguana lifeforms, “How did you do?”“在宇宙尽头,你必须大量使用过去时态。”赞福德说,“你知道,因为每件事都已经过去了。嗨,伙计们,”他冲旁边的一伙活像巨型鬣蜥的生物打了个招呼,“过去近来过得怎么样?”
“Is that Zaphod Beeblebrox?” asked one iguana of another iguana.“这家伙是赞福德·毕博布鲁克斯吗,”一只鬣蜥问另外一只。
“I think so,” replied the second iguana.“我想是吧。”第二只鬣蜥回答说。
“Well doesn’t that just take the biscuit,” said the first iguana.“那么,值得为这个吃块饼干。”第一只鬣蜥说。
“Funny old thing, life,” said the second iguana.“生活,真够怪的。”第二只鬣蜥说。
“It’s what you make of it,” said the first and they lapsed back into silence. They were waiting for the greatest show in the Universe.“怪也是你自己过出来的。”第一只说,然后他们便又恢复了沉默。他们在等待着宇宙中最壮观的表演。
“Hey, Zaphod,” said Ford, grabbing for his arm and, on account of the third Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, missing. He pointed a swaying finger.“嘿,赞福德。”福特说,一边来抓他的胳膊。由于泛银河系含漱爆破药的作用,他有点儿迷糊了。他晃动着伸出一根手指:“那边有我的一个老相识,”他说,“霍特布莱克·迪西亚托!看见那边白金桌子旁那个穿铂灰色套装的人了吗?”
“There’s an old mate of mine,” he said, “Hotblack Desiato! See the man at the platinum table with the platinum suit on?”赞福德试图让自己的限腈跟随福特的指头,但这样做的结果却让他觉得头晕目眩。不过他最终还是看见了。
Zaphod tried to follow Ford’s finger with his eyes but it made him feel dizzy. Finally he saw.“噢,是的。”他说,又过丁一会儿,他才反应过来。
“Oh yeah,” he said, then recognition came a moment later. “Hey,” he said, “did that guy ever make it megabig! Wow, bigger than the biggest thing ever. Other than me.”“嘿,”他说,“是那个超级大牌的家伙哇,比有史以来最大牌的人还要大牌,当然,除丁我以外。”
“Who’s he supposed to be?” asked Trillian.“这家伙是谁?”崔莉恩问。
“Hotblack Desiato?” said Zaphod in astonishment, “you don’t know? You never heard of Disaster Area?”“霍特布莱克·迪西亚托?”赞福德惊讶地反问道,“你不知道吗?难道你从来没有听说过‘灾难地带’?”
“No,” said Trillian, who hadn’t.“没有。”崔莉恩说,她从来没听说过。
“The biggest,” said Ford, “loudest…”“最大牌的,”福特说,“虽吵闹的……”
“Richest…” suggested Zaphod.“最赚钱的。”赞福德提醒说。
“… rock band in the history of…” he searched for the word.“……摇滚乐队,在音乐历史上……”他停下来寻找合适的词。
“… history itself,” said Zaphod.“在所史上。”赞福德纠正他。
“No,” said Trillian.“没听说过。”崔莉恩说。

At the End of the Universe you have to use the past tense a lot,” said Zaphod, “’cos everythings been done you know. Hi, guys,” he called out to a nearby party of giant iguana lifeforms, “How did you do?”
Is that Zaphod Beeblebrox?” asked one iguana of another iguana.
I think so,” replied the second iguana.
Well doesnt that just take the biscuit,” said the first iguana.
Funny old thing, life,” said the second iguana.
Its what you make of it,” said the first and they lapsed back into silence. They were waiting for the greatest show in the Universe.
Hey, Zaphod,” said Ford, grabbing for his arm and, on account of the third Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, missing. He pointed a swaying finger.
Theres an old mate of mine,” he said, “Hotblack Desiato! See the man at the platinum table with the platinum suit on?”
Zaphod tried to follow Fords finger with his eyes but it made him feel dizzy. Finally he saw.
Oh yeah,” he said, then recognition came a moment later. “Hey,” he said, “did that guy ever make it megabig! Wow, bigger than the biggest thing ever. Other than me.”
Whos he supposed to be?” asked Trillian.
Hotblack Desiato?” said Zaphod in astonishment, “you dont know? You never heard of Disaster Area?”
No,” said Trillian, who hadnt.
The biggest,” said Ford, “loudest…”
Richest…” suggested Zaphod.
“… rock band in the history of…” he searched for the word.
“… history itself,” said Zaphod.
No,” said Trillian.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
disaster [di'zɑ:stə]


n. 灾难

astonishment [əs'tɔniʃmənt]


n. 惊讶,令人惊讶的事

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

recognition [.rekəg'niʃən]


n. 认出,承认,感知,知识





