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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 13第十三章
Ford Prefect bounded up to the bridge of the Heart of Gold.福特长官跳上黄金之心号的舰桥。
“Trillian! Arthur!” he shouted, “it’s working! The ship’s reactivated!”“摧莉恩!阿瑟!”他嚷道,“它开始工作了!飞船恢复运行了!”
Trillian and Arthur were asleep on the floor.崔莉恩和阿瑟躺在地板上睡着了。
“Come on you guys, we’re going off, we’re off,” he said kicking them awake.“来吧,伙计们,我们准备走了,我们准备离开!”他一边说,一边把两人踹醒。
“Hi there guys!” twittered the computer, “it’s really great to be back with you again, I can tell you, and I just want to say that…”“嘿,伙计们!”电脑唧唧喳喳兴奋地说,“再次回到你们身边真是太好了。告诉你们吧,我只想说……”
“Shut up,” said Ford, “tell us where the hell we are.”“闭嘴,”福特说,“你只需要告诉我们这是什么鬼地方?”
“Frogstar World B, and man it’s a dump,” said Zaphod running on to the bridge, “hi, guys, you must be so amazingly glad to see me you don’t even find words to tell me what a cool frood I am.”“蛙星系B世界,一个彻头彻尾的垃圾场。”赞福德出现在舰桥上,道,“嗨,伙计们,你们见到我之后一定大喜过望--以至于找不出词汇来告诉我,我是一个多么醅的家伙吧!”
“What a what?” said Arthur blearily, picking himself up from the floor and not taking any of this in.“一个什么?”阿瑟睡眼惺松地说,他正从地板上爬起来,丝毫也不明白他们在说些什么。
“I know how you feel,” said Zaphod, “I’m so great even I get tongue-tied talking to myself. Hey it’s good to see you Trillian, Ford, Monkeyman. Hey, er, computer…?”“我知道你们的感受。”赞福德说,“我是如此伟大,甚至连我自己形容起来都会舌头打结。嘿,看见你们真高兴,崔莉恩、福特、猴子。嘿,嗯,还有你,电脑。”
“Hi there, Mr. Beeblebrox sir, sure is a great honor to…”“嗨,毕博布鲁克斯先生,先生,我非常荣幸……”
“Shut up and get us out of here, fast fast fast.”“闭嘴,快带我们离开这里。越快越好。”
“Sure thing, fella, where do you want to go?”“没问题,伙计们,你们想去哪儿?”
“Anywhere, doesn’t matter,” shouted Zaphod, “yes it does!” he said again, “we want to go to the nearest place to eat!”“任何地方都行,没关系的。”赞福德叫道:“不,有关系!”他又改口道,“我们想去最近的能够吃到东西的地方!”
“Sure thing,” said the computer happily and a massive explosion rocket the bridge.“没问题!”电脑愉快地说,然后,一次强烈的爆炸震动了舰桥。
When Zarniwoop entered a minute or so later with a black eye, he regarded the four wisps of smoke with interest.大约一分钟后,扎尼乌普黑着一只眼眶走进来。他饶有兴趣地观察着四股烟雾。

Chapter 13
Ford Prefect bounded up to the bridge of the Heart of Gold.
“Trillian! Arthur!” he shouted, “it’s working! The ship’s reactivated!”
Trillian and Arthur were asleep on the floor.
“Come on you guys, we’re going off, we’re off,” he said kicking them awake.
“Hi there guys!” twittered the computer, “it’s really great to be back with you again, I can tell you, and I just want to say that…”
“Shut up,” said Ford, “tell us where the hell we are.”
“Frogstar World B, and man it’s a dump,” said Zaphod running on to the bridge, “hi, guys, you must be so amazingly glad to see me you don’t even find words to tell me what a cool frood I am.”
“What a what?” said Arthur blearily, picking himself up from the floor and not taking any of this in.
“I know how you feel,” said Zaphod, “I’m so great even I get tongue-tied talking to myself. Hey it’s good to see you Trillian, Ford, Monkeyman. Hey, er, computer…?”
“Hi there, Mr. Beeblebrox sir, sure is a great honor to…”
“Shut up and get us out of here, fast fast fast.”
“Sure thing, fella, where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere, doesn’t matter,” shouted Zaphod, “yes it does!” he said again, “we want to go to the nearest place to eat!”
“Sure thing,” said the computer happily and a massive explosion rocket the bridge.
When Zarniwoop entered a minute or so later with a black eye, he regarded the four wisps of smoke with interest.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
explosion [iks'pləuʒən]


n. 爆炸,爆发,激增

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的





