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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Nice chandeliers though,” said Trillian.“而且有华丽的吊灯。”崔莉恩说。
They looked about themselves in bemusement.他们迷惑地看着四周。
“It’s not so much an afterlife,” said Arthur, “more a sort of apres vie.”“不大像来世,”阿瑟说,“倒更像一场招待宴会。”
The chandeliers were in fact a little on the flashy side and the low vaulted ceiling from which they hung would not, in an ideal Universe, have been painted in that particular shade of deep turquoise, and even if it had been it wouldn’t have been highlighted by concealed moodlighting. This is not, however, an ideal Universe, as was further evidenced by the eye-crossing patterns of the inlaid marble floor, and the way in which the fronting for the eighty-yard long marble-topped bar had been made. The fronting for the eighty-yard long marble-topped bar had been made by stitching together nearly twenty thousand Antarean Mosaic Lizard skins, despite the fact that the twenty thousand lizards concerned had needed them to keep their insides in.实际上,这些吊灯显得有点儿俗艳,挂在低矮的拱形天花板上。如果在一个完美的宇宙中,这种天花板是不会描绘上这样特别的深绿松石色阴影的;即使这样做了,也不会又用隐蔽射灯打出的高光加以突出。然而,这并不是一个完美的宇宙,这一点又得到了进一步证明:大理石地板上镶嵌着的交叉眼腈图案,以及足有八十码长的大理石面吧台前部的设计风格。这个足有八十码长的大理石面吧台前部由差不多两万块来自心宿二的蜥蜴皮镶嵌缝制而成,尽管这两万只蜥蜴是那么需要这些皮来覆盖自己的躯体。
A few smartly dressed creatures were lounging casually at the bar or relaxing in the richly coloured body-hugging seats that were deployed here and there about the bar area. A young Vl’Hurg officer and his green steaming young lady passed through the large smoked glass doors at the far end of the bar into the dazzling light of the main body of the Restaurant beyond.穿着时髦的家伙在吧台前随意闲逛,或者放松地坐在酒吧区内随处放置的颜色艳丽、能把身体完全裹住的座位上。一个年轻的维尔哈格星官员和他年轻而叉兴致勃勃的绿色女伴穿过吧台远端那些巨大的黑玻璃门,走进光彩夺目的餐馆主体部分。
Behind Arthur was a large curtained bay window. He pulled aside the corner of the curtain and looked out at a landscape which under normal circumstances would have given Arthur the creeping horrors. These were not, however, normal circumstances, for the thing that froze his blood and made his skin try to crawl up his back and off the top of his head was the sky. The sky was…阿瑟身后是一扇被窗帘遮住的巨大凸窗。他撩起窗帘的一个角,看到的是一片荒凉阴沉的景象:灰暗、坑坑洼洼、满目凄惨。要是在普通环境里,这样的景象会让阿瑟不寒而栗。然而,这里不是普通环境。在这里是另一种东西使他血液冻结,使他后背直起鸡皮疙瘩,好像皮肤想从后背爬上头顶,再从头顶挣脱,彻底离开他。是这里的天空……
An attendant flunkey politely drew the curtain back into place.一个服务生走过来,礼貌地把窗帘放回远处。
“All in good time, sir,” he said.“一切都很好,先生。”他说。
Zaphod’s eyes flashed.赞福德的眼光闪动了一下。
“Hey, hang about you dead guys,” he said, “I think we’re missing some ultra-important thing here you know. Something somebody said and we missed it.”“嘿,等一等,死了的伙计们。”他说,“嗯,我想我们忽略了到这地方以来最重要的一句话,非常重要。某个人说了某句话,而我们忽略了。”
Arthur was profoundly relieved to turn his attention from what he had just seen.阿瑟总算可以不理会刚才见到的那番景象了,他如释重负。
He said, “I said it was a sort of apres…”他说:“我倒是说过,这像是一场宴会。”
“Yeah, and don’t you wish you hadn’t?” said Zaphod, “Ford?”“是的…难道你不希望自己压根儿没说过这句话吗?”赞福德说,“福特?”
“I said it was odd.”“我说过这里很古怪。”
“Yeah, shrewd but dull, perhaps it was…”“是的,说得极其正确,般其无意义。也许这里是……”

Nice chandeliers though,” said Trillian.
They looked about themselves in bemusement.
Its not so much an afterlife,” said Arthur, “more a sort of apres vie.”
The chandeliers were in fact a little on the flashy side and the low vaulted ceiling from which they hung would not, in an ideal Universe, have been painted in that particular shade of deep turquoise, and even if it had been it wouldnt have been highlighted by concealed moodlighting. This is not, however, an ideal Universe, as was further evidenced by the eye-crossing patterns of the inlaid marble floor, and the way in which the fronting for the eighty-yard long marble-topped bar had been made. The fronting for the eighty-yard long marble-topped bar had been made by stitching together nearly twenty thousand Antarean Mosaic Lizard skins, despite the fact that the twenty thousand lizards concerned had needed them to keep their insides in.
A few smartly dressed creatures were lounging casually at the bar or relaxing in the richly coloured body-hugging seats that were deployed here and there about the bar area. A young VlHurg officer and his green steaming young lady passed through the large smoked glass doors at the far end of the bar into the dazzling light of the main body of the Restaurant beyond.
Behind Arthur was a large curtained bay window. He pulled aside the corner of the curtain and looked out at a landscape which under normal circumstances would have given Arthur the creeping horrors. These were not, however, normal circumstances, for the thing that froze his blood and made his skin try to crawl up his back and off the top of his head was the sky. The sky was
An attendant flunkey politely drew the curtain back into place.
All in good time, sir,” he said.
Zaphods eyes flashed.
Hey, hang about you dead guys,” he said, “I think were missing some ultra-important thing here you know. Something somebody said and we missed it.”
Arthur was profoundly relieved to turn his attention from what he had just seen.
He said, “I said it was a sort of apres…”
Yeah, and dont you wish you hadnt?” said Zaphod, “Ford?”
I said it was odd.”
Yeah, shrewd but dull, perhaps it was…”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
dazzling ['dæzliŋ]


adj. 令人眼花缭乱的,耀眼的 动词dazzle的现在

vie [vai]


v. 竞争

shade [ʃeid]


n. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

lizard ['lizəd]


n. 蜥蜴,蜥蜴皮

attendant [ə'tendənt]


adj. 伴随的
n. 服务员,侍从,伴随物,

curtain ['kə:tən]


n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)
vt. (用帘)装

turquoise ['tə:kwɔiz]


n. 绿松石,土耳其玉,蓝绿色 adj. 蓝绿色的

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

shrewd [ʃru:d]


adj. 精明的





