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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Beeblebrox…” gasped Gargravarr’s mind in amazement.“毕博布鲁克斯……”伽古拉瓦的意识喘息着说,震惊不巳。
“Could I have a drink please?” said Zaphod.“我能喝点儿什么吗,”赞福德说。
“You… you… have been in the Vortex?” stammered Gargravarr.“你……你……刚才是在旋涡里吗,”伽古拉瓦结结巴巴地问。
“You saw me, kid.”“你不也看见了吗,伙计!”
“And it was working?”“它正常运行了吗?”
“Sure was.”“当然。”
“And you saw the whole infinity of creation?”“你看到整个无跟的宇宙万物了!”
“Sure. Really neat place, you know that?”“当然。真是个不错的地方,对吧?”
Gargravarr’s mind was reeling in astonishment. Had his body been with him it would have sat down heavily with its mouth hanging open.伽古拉瓦的意识由于震惊而感到一阵眩晕。如果他的身体此刻和他在一起的话,它肯定会张大嘴巴,重重地一屁股跌坐在地。
“And you saw yourself,” said Gargravarr, “in relation to it all?”“你也看到你自己,”伽古拉瓦继续追问,“和它的全部关系了。”
“Oh, yeah, yeah.”“哦,是的,是的。”
“But… what did you experience?”“可是,究竟经历了什么?”
Zaphod shrugged smugly.赞福德扬扬得意地耸了耸肩。
“It just told me what I knew all the time. I’m a really terrific and great guy. Didn’t I tell you, baby, I’m Zaphod Beeblebrox!”“它只不过告诉了我一些我早就知道的事情。我的确是一个了不起的伟大人物。我不是告诉过体吗?伙计,我可是赞福德·毕博布鲁克斯!”
His gaze passed over the machinery which powered the vortex and suddenly stopped, startled.他的目光越过为旋涡提供动力的机器,突然间停下来,似乎吃了一惊。
He breathed heavily.他的呼吸开始加重。
“Hey,” he said, “is that really a piece of fairy cake?”“嘿,”他说,“那真是块小仙人松糕吗?”
He ripped the small piece of confectionery from the sensors with which it was surrounded.他把这一小块甜点从环绕着它的一堆传感器上扯下来。
“If I told you how much I needed this,” he said ravenously, “I wouldn’t have time to eat it.”“如果我告诉你我是多么需要这东西的话,”他贪婪地说,“我就没时间吃它了。”
He ate it.然后他就吃掉了它。

Beeblebrox…” gasped Gargravarrs mind in amazement.
Could I have a drink please?” said Zaphod.
Youyouhave been in the Vortex?” stammered Gargravarr.
You saw me, kid.”
And it was working?”
Sure was.”
And you saw the whole infinity of creation?”
Sure. Really neat place, you know that?”
Gargravarrs mind was reeling in astonishment. Had his body been with him it would have sat down heavily with its mouth hanging open.
And you saw yourself,” said Gargravarr, “in relation to it all?”
Oh, yeah, yeah.”
Butwhat did you experience?”
Zaphod shrugged smugly.
It just told me what I knew all the time. Im a really terrific and great guy. Didnt I tell you, baby, Im Zaphod Beeblebrox!”
His gaze passed over the machinery which powered the vortex and suddenly stopped, startled.
He breathed heavily.
Hey,” he said, “is that really a piece of fairy cake?”
He ripped the small piece of confectionery from the sensors with which it was surrounded.
If I told you how much I needed this,” he said ravenously, “I wouldnt have time to eat it.”
He ate it.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
infinity [in'finiti]


n. (时间,空间等)无限,无穷,[数]无穷大

astonishment [əs'tɔniʃmənt]


n. 惊讶,令人惊讶的事

machinery [mə'ʃi:nəri]


n. (总称)机器,机械





