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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The girl sank her face into her hands. "I wish to heaven that you had been first!" she sobbed.姑娘双手掩着脸,呜咽地说:“天哪,我多么愿意你是先来求婚的啊!”
McMurdo was down on his knees before her in an instant. "For God's sake, Ettie, let it stand at that!" he cried. "Will you ruin your life and my own for the sake of this promise? Follow your heart, acushla! 'Tis a safer guide than any promise before you knew what it was that you were saying."麦克默多当即跪在她的面前,大声说道:“看在上帝面上,伊蒂,那就按你刚说的那样办吧!你难道愿意为了轻轻一诺而毁灭你我一生的幸福吗?我心爱的,就照你的心意办吧!你知道你刚才说的是什么,这比你任何允诺都要可靠。”
He had seized Ettie's white hand between his own strong brown ones.麦克默多把伊蒂雪白的小手放在自己两只健壮有力的褐色大手中间,说道:
"Say that you will be mine, and we will face it out together!"“说一声你是我的吧,让我们同心合力应付不测。”
"Not here?"“我们不留在这儿吧?”
"Yes, here."“不,就留在这儿。”
"No, no, Jack!" His arms were round her now. "It could not be here. Could you take me away?"“不,不,杰克!"麦克默多这时双手搂住她,她说道,“决不能在这儿。你能带我远走高飞吗?”
A struggle passed for a moment over McMurdo's face; but it ended by setting like granite. "No, here," he said. "I'll hold you against the world, Ettie, right here where we are!"麦克默多脸上一时现出踌躇不决的样子,可是最后还是显露出坚决果敢的神色来。“不,还是留在这儿,"他说道,“伊蒂,我们寸步不移,我会保护你的。”
"Why should we not leave together?"“为什么我们不一起离开呢?”
"No, Ettie, I can't leave here."“不行,伊蒂,我不能离开这儿。”
"But why?"“到底为什么呢?”
"I'd never hold my head up again if I felt that I had been driven out. Besides, what is there to be afraid of? Are we not free folks in a free country? If you love me, and I you, who will dare to come between?"“假如我觉得我是被人赶走的,那就再也抬不起头来了。再说,这儿又有什么可怕的呢?我们难道不是一个自由国家里的自由人吗?如果你爱我,我也爱你,谁敢来在我们中间插手呢?”
"You don't know, Jack. You've been here too short a time. You don't know this Baldwin. You don't know McGinty and his Scowrers."“你不了解,杰克,你来这儿的时间太短了。你还不了解这个鲍德温。你也不了解麦金蒂和他的死酷党。”
"No, I don't know them, and I don't fear them, and I don't believe in them!" said McMurdo. "I've lived among rough men, my darling, and instead of fearing them it has always ended that they have feared me--always, Ettie. It's mad on the face of it! If these men, as your father says, have done crime after crime in the valley, and if everyone knows them by name, how comes it that none are brought to justice? You answer me that, Ettie!"“是的,我不了解他们,可是我不怕他们,我也不相信他们!"麦克默多说道,“我在粗野的人群里混过,亲爱的,我不光是不怕他们,相反,到头来他们总是怕我——总是这样,伊蒂。乍看起来这简直是发疯!要是这些人,象你父亲说的那样,在这山谷中屡次为非作歹,大家又都知道他们的名字,那怎么没有一个人受法律制裁呢?请你回答我这个问题,伊蒂!”
"Because no witness dares to appear against them. He would not live a month if he did. Also because they have always their own men to swear that the accused one was far from the scene of the crime. But surely, Jack, you must have read all this. I had understood that every paper in the United States was writing about it."“因为没有人敢出面对证。如果谁去作证,他连一个月也活不了。还因为他们的同党很多,总是出来作假证说被告和某案某案不沾边。杰克,肯定说这一切你会自己看出来的!我早知道美国的每家报纸对这方面都有报道。”
"Well, I have read something, it is true; but I had thought it was a story. Maybe these men have some reason in what they do. Maybe they are wronged and have no other way to help themselves."“不错,我确实也看到过一些,可我总以为这都是编造出来的。也许这些人做这种事总有些原因。也许他们受了冤屈,不得已而为之吧。”
"Oh, Jack, don't let me hear you speak so! That is how he speaks--the other one!"“唉,杰克,我不爱听这种话!他也是这样说的——那个人!”
"Baldwin--he speaks like that, does he?"“鲍德温——他也这么说吗?是吗?”

The girl sank her face into her hands. "I wish to heaven that you had been first!" she sobbed.
McMurdo was down on his knees before her in an instant. "For God's sake, Ettie, let it stand at that!" he cried. "Will you ruin your life and my own for the sake of this promise? Follow your heart, acushla! 'Tis a safer guide than any promise before you knew what it was that you were saying."
He had seized Ettie's white hand between his own strong brown ones.
"Say that you will be mine, and we will face it out together!"
"Not here?"
"Yes, here."
"No, no, Jack!" His arms were round her now. "It could not be here. Could you take me away?"
A struggle passed for a moment over McMurdo's face; but it ended by setting like granite. "No, here," he said. "I'll hold you against the world, Ettie, right here where we are!"
"Why should we not leave together?"
"No, Ettie, I can't leave here."
"But why?"
"I'd never hold my head up again if I felt that I had been driven out. Besides, what is there to be afraid of? Are we not free folks in a free country? If you love me, and I you, who will dare to come between?"
"You don't know, Jack. You've been here too short a time. You don't know this Baldwin. You don't know McGinty and his Scowrers."
"No, I don't know them, and I don't fear them, and I don't believe in them!" said McMurdo. "I've lived among rough men, my darling, and instead of fearing them it has always ended that they have feared me--always, Ettie. It's mad on the face of it! If these men, as your father says, have done crime after crime in the valley, and if everyone knows them by name, how comes it that none are brought to justice? You answer me that, Ettie!"
"Because no witness dares to appear against them. He would not live a month if he did. Also because they have always their own men to swear that the accused one was far from the scene of the crime. But surely, Jack, you must have read all this. I had understood that every paper in the United States was writing about it."
"Well, I have read something, it is true; but I had thought it was a story. Maybe these men have some reason in what they do. Maybe they are wronged and have no other way to help themselves."
"Oh, Jack, don't let me hear you speak so! That is how he speaks--the other one!"
"Baldwin--he speaks like that, does he?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

ruin [ruin]


v. 毁灭,毁坏,破产
n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

granite ['grænit]


adj. 花岗岩 n. 花岗石





