Alibaba's choice to ditch a Hong Kong listing for a U.S. listing of up to US$15 billion will allow the ecommerce behemoth to keep control over the company's board, a privilege denied Alibaba by Hong Kong regulators. While getting into the U.S. may be easy, and a successful New York IPO is all but assured for China's biggest ecommerce player, Alibaba unlikely is to find being listed in the U.S. easy sailing.
First, the risks of investor lawsuits loom. By listing in the U.S., Alibaba exposes itself to class-action lawsuits from investors since Hong Kong lacks a class-action mechanism. A suit filed in 2004 by U.S. shareholders against giant China Life Insurance Co. over its alleged failure to disclose sensitive information--including a government audit--alerted many Chinese companies to U.S. litigation risk, although those claims ultimately were dismissed by courts in 2008. China Life, the country's largest insurer, listed in both the U.S. and Hong Kong in 2003.
首先,阿里巴巴将面临投资者诉讼风险。在美国上市后,阿里巴巴将把自己暴露在投资者集体诉讼的风险中,而香港的法律中没有集体诉讼制度。中国人寿保险股份有限公司(China Life Insurance Co.)就曾于2004年在美国遭遇股东提起的诉讼,股东起诉中国人寿未披露敏感信息(其中包括一次政府审计)。这促使很多中资企业对美国诉讼风险保持警惕。不过2008年美国法院驳回了针对中国人寿的诉讼。中国人寿是中国最大的保险公司,2003年在美国和香港两地上市。
Second, Alibaba's listing implies the need to turn over books containing valuable data on the Chinese economy to U.S. regulators. That might make Chinese officials uneasy.
'There's a lot of what China might consider to be state secrets inside of Alibaba,' said Paul Gillis, a professor of accounting at Peking University. 'Giving U.S. regulators access to that information is something that I think China doesn't really relish.'
北京大学会计教授吉利斯(Paul Gillis)说,阿里巴巴内部的许多信息可能被中国视为国家机密,授予美国监管部门访问这些信息的权利并不是中国真正想看到的。
Third, Alibaba faces uncertainty from an ongoing battle between the Securities and Exchange Commission and PRC affiliates of the Big Four accounting firms. The SEC has demanded access to working papers from the Big Four affiliates, which they say they cannot provide without violating Chinese law. In January, an SEC administrative judge suspended the PRC affiliates from auditing U.S-traded clients for six months, a decision the firms have appealed. Alibaba is insulated from the immediate suit; it says its principal auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong, which is unaffected by the ruling. But sources previously have told Moneybeat that issues surrounding Chinese secrecy laws might also apply in some cases to Hong Kong auditors, leaving them vulnerable to SEC sanction in the future.
第三,阿里巴巴将面临美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission, 简称SEC)与四大会计事务所中国子公司斗争带来的不确定性。SEC已要求查看四大会计事务所中国成员所的审计资料,而这些会计事务所则表示这样做将触犯中国法律,所以无法满足SEC的这一要求。今年1月份,SEC的一位行政法官裁定,四大会计事务所中国成员所暂停审计美国上市公司六个月。上述会计事务所已就这一裁决提起上诉。阿里巴巴目前暂时不受这桩诉讼干扰;阿里巴巴称,公司的审计工作主要由普华永道香港事务所(PriceWaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong)负责,后者不受SEC裁决的影响。但知情人士此前曾向Moneybeat栏目透露,相关问题涉及到中国保密法,某些情况下可能也适用于香港的会计事务所,所以未来这些公司可能也会受到SEC制裁。
And lastly, while a favorite venue of Chinese tech firms, the U.S. remains an unfamiliar market. Hong Kong has a larger investor base that understands--and is willing to invest in--Chinese companies. Alibaba Executive Vice Chairman Joe Tsai has written on Alibaba's corporate blog that since most of Alibaba's business is in China, 'it was natural for Hong Kong to be our first choice.' In an emailed statement, the Hong Kong Exchange echoed that sentiment, noting that HKEx has been 'the leading offshore capital formation centre for companies from Mainland China' for the past 20 years.
最后,虽然美国颇受中国科技公司的青睐,但那个市场仍不为中国公司所熟悉。而香港不仅拥有庞大的投资者群体,而且这些投资者了解且愿意投资中国公司。阿里巴巴董事局执行副主席蔡崇信(Joe Tsai)在公司博客上发文称,由于阿里巴巴大多数业务都位于中国内地,所以香港自然是其IPO首选地。香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchange)在一份电邮声明中附和了这一观点,称过去20年该交易所一直是吸引中国内地公司上市的主要离岸集资中心。
In fact, Alibaba rival, Tencent Holdings Ltd, is up roughly 10% since the beginning of 2014 in Hong Kong and has surged nearly 700% since it raised around US$200 million in its 2004 IPO. It now has a market capitalization of roughly US$140 billion. Meanwhile, Baidu, Inc., China's leading search engine and another internet rival of Alibaba's, is down 9% year to date. It hasn't done badly however, a reflection of the huge investor base in the U.S. covering fast-growing Chinese tech companies: Since its roughly US$4 billion IPO, Baidu is now worth US$56.63 billion.
阿里巴巴的竞争对手、在香港挂牌上市的腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd,简称:腾讯控股)的股价今年初至今已上涨了约10%,较2004年的发行价飙升了近700%。腾讯控股当年通过IPO筹集了约2亿美元,如今该公司市值为1,400亿美元左右。中国主要搜索引擎、阿里巴巴的另一个对手百度(Baidu Inc.)年初至今下跌了9%。但实际上,百度的表现还不错,这说明美国为数甚众的投资者开始关注快速增长的中国科技公司。百度挂牌上市时筹集了约40亿美元,现在该公司市值达到566.3亿美元。
Ironically, Alibaba may be exempt from the burden most companies associate with a U.S. listing--onerous requirements on disclosures and transparency. Foreign issuers are exempt from some of the stricter reporting requirements under the U.S.'s landmark Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Hong Kong, meanwhile, has more burdensome barriers for entry for companies using variable interest entity structures, or VIEs, which allow Chinese companies in industries where foreign ownership is restricted-web companies, for example-to list on overseas exchanges, according to Antony Dapiran, a partner at Davis Polk. Under VIE structures, the offshore listed company owns a Chinese shell company which contracts with the underlying Chinese firm to receive all its profits. Because the arrangement relies on contracts, if a company fails, foreign investors don't have much access to the underlying company's assets in China. Compared to Hong Kong, U.S. VIE regulation is light.
具有讽刺意味的是,阿里巴巴可能会免去大多数公司赴美上市遇到的麻烦──关于信息披露和透明度的繁琐规定。根据美国具有里程碑意义的萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)的规定,在美上市的海外公司可免于履行一些较严格的报告义务。达维律师事务所(Davis Polk)合伙人戴安通(Antony Dapiran)表示,那些使用可变利益实体(VIE)结构的公司赴香港上市时则面临重重壁垒,VIE结构让外资持股受限行业中的中国公司(如互联网企业)有机会在海外交易所挂牌上市。根据VIE结构,海外上市的公司拥有一个中国壳公司,该壳公司与这家中国主体公司签订接收其全部利润的协议。因为这种安排依赖的是协议,所以如果公司倒闭,外国投资者并无多大机会能获得主体公司在中国国内的资产。与香港相比,美国对VIE结构的监管较松。
'In a way the U.S. is less burdensome than Hong Kong for a company like Alibaba,' said Mr. Dapiran. The VIE structure already worked to Alibaba's advantage in 2012, when Alibaba founder Jack Ma transferred the contractual assets of Alipay, Alibaba's online payment system, to a private company he controlled-over the protests of Alibaba investor Yahoo.
Jack Ma)在公司投资者雅虎(