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'Indeed,' said Mr Dombey, in his lofty patronage, 'anyone might say so. As far as it goes, it is a very commodious and well-arranged place - quite elegant.'

'As far as it goes, truly,' returned Carker, with an air of disparagement' 'It wants that qualification. Well! we have said enough about it; and though you can afford to praise it, I thank you nonetheless. Will you walk in?'“就实际情况来说,”卡克先生露出自我贬损的神态,回答道,”它确实还够不上那样的评价。唔,我们对它已说得够多的了;不过承蒙您称赞它,我还是谢谢您。请您进去好吗?”
Mr Dombey, entering the house, noticed, as he had reason to do, the complete arrangement of the rooms, and the numerous contrivances for comfort and effect that abounded there. Mr Carker, in his ostentation of humility, received this notice with a deferential smile, and said he understood its delicate meaning, and appreciated it, but in truth the cottage was good enough for one in his position - better, perhaps, than such a man should occupy, poor as it was.董贝先生走进房屋里面,注意到(他有理由注意到)房间完美的布置和陈列在各处的许多舒适的家具和摆设。卡克先生故意装出一副谦恭的态度,露出尊敬的微笑,对待这注意,并说,他理解这注意所包含着的关怀体贴的意义,并重视它;不过这茅舍尽管简陋,可是对于像他这样地位的人来说确实是够好的了,也许像他这样的人还不配占有它呢。
'But perhaps to you, who are so far removed, it really does look better than it is,' he said, with his false mouth distended to its fullest stretch. 'Just as monarchs imagine attractions in the lives of beggars.'“不过对于像您这样身份高贵的人来说,它看来确实比实际情况要好一些,”他把他虚伪的嘴巴张开到最宽阔的程度,说道,”就像君主在乞丐的生活中发现一些有趣的东西一样。”
He directed a sharp glance and a sharp smile at Mr Dombey as he spoke, and a sharper glance, and a sharper smile yet, when Mr Dombey, drawing himself up before the fire, in the attitude so often copied by his second in command, looked round at the pictures on the walls. Cursorily as his cold eye wandered over them, Carker's keen glance accompanied his, and kept pace with his, marking exactly where it went, and what it saw. As it rested on one picture in particular, Carker hardly seemed to breathe, his sidelong scrutiny was so cat-like and vigilant, but the eye of his great chief passed from that, as from the others, and appeared no more impressed by it than by the rest.他一边说,一边向董贝先生敏锐地看了一眼和敏锐地微笑了一下;当董贝先生昂首挺胸地站在壁炉前面,摆出他的二把手经常摹仿的姿势,环视挂在四周墙上的图画时,他向他更敏锐地看了一眼和更敏锐地微笑了一下。当董贝先生冷淡的眼光在这些图画上匆匆地扫过的时候,卡克先生的机警的眼光紧紧伴随着他的眼光,确切地留意它投向哪里,看到的是什么。当它停留在一张图画上的时候,卡克似乎屏住了呼吸;他斜着眼的跟踪是那么像猫,那么警惕,可是他的上司的眼光就像从其他的图画上滑过一样,从这张画上滑过去了,看来它在他心中并不比其他图画留下更深刻的印象。
Carker looked at it - it was the picture that resembled Edith - as if it were a living thing; and with a wicked, silent laugh upon his face, that seemed in part addressed to it, though it was all derisive of the great man standing so unconscious beside him. Breakfast was soon set upon the table; and, inviting Mr Dombey to a chair which had its back towards this picture, he took his own seat opposite to it as usual.卡克看着它--这就是那张像伊迪丝的图画--,仿佛那是个活着的人似的;他脸上露出恶意的笑容,仿佛是在向这张图画致意,但实际上却是在嘲笑这位毫无猜疑地站在他身旁的伟大人物。早饭很快就摆到桌上,他请董贝先生坐到背对着这张图画的椅子中,他自己则像平时一样,在对着它的位子中坐下。
Mr Dombey was even graver than it was his custom to be, and quite silent. The parrot, swinging in the gilded hoop within her gaudy cage, attempted in vain to attract notice, for Carker was too observant of his visitor to heed her; and the visitor, abstracted in meditation, looked fixedly, not to say sullenly, over his stiff neckcloth, without raising his eyes from the table-cloth. As to Rob, who was in attendance, all his faculties and energies were so locked up in observation of his master, that he scarcely ventured to give shelter to the thought that the visitor was the great gentleman before whom he had been carried as a certificate of the family health, in his childhood, and to whom he had been indebted for his leather smalls.董贝先生甚至比往常更为严肃,而且十分沉默。那只鹦鹉在华丽的笼子中的镀金的圆环中来回摇荡,徒劳地企图吸引人们对她的注意,因为卡克先生专心致志地注视着他的主人,顾不到注意她了,而那位客人则出神地陷在沉思之中;他越过硬挺的领饰呆呆地--如果不说是愁眉不展地--看着,眼睛没有从桌布上抬起。至于在桌旁侍候的罗布,他正聚精会神地注视着他的主人,所以脑子里根本没有闪过这样的念头:这位客人就是那位他在童年时代、曾经作为他们家庭的健康证明被抱到他面前的伟大的贵人;由于他的恩惠,他还曾经穿上那条皮短裤。
'Allow me,' said Carker suddenly, 'to ask how Mrs Dombey is?'“请允许我问一下,”卡克突然问道,”董贝夫人身体好吧?”

'Indeed,' said Mr Dombey, in his lofty patronage, 'anyone might say so. As far as it goes, it is a very commodious and well-arranged place - quite elegant.'
'As far as it goes, truly,' returned Carker, with an air of disparagement' 'It wants that qualification. Well! we have said enough about it; and though you can afford to praise it, I thank you nonetheless. Will you walk in?'
Mr Dombey, entering the house, noticed, as he had reason to do, the complete arrangement of the rooms, and the numerous contrivances for comfort and effect that abounded there. Mr Carker, in his ostentation of humility, received this notice with a deferential smile, and said he understood its delicate meaning, and appreciated it, but in truth the cottage was good enough for one in his position - better, perhaps, than such a man should occupy, poor as it was.
'But perhaps to you, who are so far removed, it really does look better than it is,' he said, with his false mouth distended to its fullest stretch. 'Just as monarchs imagine attractions in the lives of beggars.'
He directed a sharp glance and a sharp smile at Mr Dombey as he spoke, and a sharper glance, and a sharper smile yet, when Mr Dombey, drawing himself up before the fire, in the attitude so often copied by his second in command, looked round at the pictures on the walls. Cursorily as his cold eye wandered over them, Carker's keen glance accompanied his, and kept pace with his, marking exactly where it went, and what it saw. As it rested on one picture in particular, Carker hardly seemed to breathe, his sidelong scrutiny was so cat-like and vigilant, but the eye of his great chief passed from that, as from the others, and appeared no more impressed by it than by the rest.
Carker looked at it - it was the picture that resembled Edith - as if it were a living thing; and with a wicked, silent laugh upon his face, that seemed in part addressed to it, though it was all derisive of the great man standing so unconscious beside him. Breakfast was soon set upon the table; and, inviting Mr Dombey to a chair which had its back towards this picture, he took his own seat opposite to it as usual.
Mr Dombey was even graver than it was his custom to be, and quite silent. The parrot, swinging in the gilded hoop within her gaudy cage, attempted in vain to attract notice, for Carker was too observant of his visitor to heed her; and the visitor, abstracted in meditation, looked fixedly, not to say sullenly, over his stiff neckcloth, without raising his eyes from the table-cloth. As to Rob, who was in attendance, all his faculties and energies were so locked up in observation of his master, that he scarcely ventured to give shelter to the thought that the visitor was the great gentleman before whom he had been carried as a certificate of the family health, in his childhood, and to whom he had been indebted for his leather smalls.
'Allow me,' said Carker suddenly, 'to ask how Mrs Dombey is?'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
commodious [kə'məudiəs]


adj. 宽敞的

keen [ki:n]


adj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的 <

numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

humility [hju:'militi]


n. 谦逊,谦虚,谦卑



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

deferential [.defə'renʃəl]


adj. 恭敬的

ostentation [.ɔsten'teiʃən]


n. 卖弄,夸耀,摆阔,讲排场

comfort ['kʌmfət]


n. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉
vt. 安慰,使

scrutiny ['skru:tini]


n. 周密的调查,细看,监视

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的





