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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"It's just life," they say.这就是生活。他们说。
A short aircar trip brought Arthur and the old Magrathean to a doorway. They left the car and went through the door into a waiting room full of glass-topped tables and perspex awards. Almost immediately, a light flashed above the door at the other side of the room and they entered. + "Arthur! You're safe!" a voice cried.空中飞车一段短暂的航程把阿瑟和曼格拉斯老人带到了一扇门前。他们下了车,穿过门,走进一间到处都是玻璃桌面的桌子和有机玻璃奖状的候见室里。随即,房间另一端的门上亮起了灯,于是他们走了进去。
"Am I?" said Arthur, rather startled. "Oh good."“阿瑟!你平安无事!”一个声音叫道。
The lighting was rather subdued and it took him a moment or so to see Ford, Trillian and Zaphod sitting round a large table beautifully decked out with exotic dishes, strange sweetmeats and bizarre fruits. They were stuffing their faces.“我吗?”阿瑟说,吓了一大跳,“哦,还好。”光线相当昏暗,他花了好一会儿才看见福特、崔莉恩和赞福德正围坐在一张大桌子旁,桌上摆放着异国情调的盘子、奇怪的甜肉和怪异的水果。他们正往嘴里塞著食物。
"What happened to you?" demanded Arthur.“你们都遇到了些什么?”阿瑟问。
"Well," said Zaphod, attacking a boneful of grilled muscle, "our guests here have been gassing us and zapping our minds and being generally weird and have now given us a rather nice meal to make it up to us. Here," he said hoiking out a lump of evil smelling meat from a bowl, "have some Vegan Rhino's cutlet. It's delicious if you happen to like that sort of thing." "Hosts?" said Arthur. "What hosts? I don't see any ..." A small voice said, "Welcome to lunch, Earth creature." Arthur glanced around and suddenly yelped.“哦,”赞福德边说边啃着一块带骨烤肉,“这里的主人让我们吸了麻醉气,扰乱了我们的思维,展示了一片光怪陆离的景象,现在终于提供了一顿丰盛的午餐作为补偿。来吧,”说着他从碗里扯吓一块气味很难闻的肉,“尝尝食草犀牛的肉排。如果你恰好喜欢这种口味的话,这可是一道美食。”“主人?”阿瑟说,“什么主人?我怎么没看见什么……”这时,一个细微的声音说道:“欢迎加入我们的午宴,地球生物。”阿瑟四下张望了一番,突然惊呼起来。
"Ugh!" he said. "There are mice on the table!" There was an awkward silence as everyone looked pointedly at Arthur.“天哪!”他说,“桌子上有老鼠!”接下来是一阵尴尬的沉默,所有人的目光都严厉的盯着阿瑟。
He was busy staring at two white mice sitting in what looked like whisky glasses on the table. He heard the silence and glanced around at everyone.他却还直直的盯着桌上坐在看上去像是威士忌酒杯的东西里的两只小老鼠,直到意识到了这阵沉默,他才开始环顾所有的人。
"Oh!" he said, with sudden realization. "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't quite prepared for ...""Let me introduce you," said Trillian. "Arthur this is Benji mouse." "Hi," said one of the mice. His whiskers stroked what must have been a touch sensitive panel on the inside of the whisky-glass like affair, and it moved forward slightly.“噢!”他这时才猛然醒悟过来,“噢,对不起,我本来是准备……”“让我来介绍一下,”崔莉恩说,“阿瑟,这位是本吉老鼠。”“嗨。”其中一只老鼠象他打了个招呼,同时用胡须碰了一下那个象是威士忌酒杯的玩意儿里的一个显然是触摸感应面板的东西,于是酒杯朝前稍稍移动了一点儿。
"And this is Frankie mouse." The other mouse said, "Pleased to meet you," and did likewise.“这位是弗兰克老鼠。”另一只老鼠说:“很高兴见到你。”随后做了相同的动作。
Arthur gaped.阿瑟目瞪口呆的立在原地。
"But aren't they ..." "Yes," said Trillian, "they are the mice I brought with me from the Earth." She looked him in the eye and Arthur thought he detected the tiniest resigned shrug.“可是他们不就是……”“是的,”崔莉恩说,“他们就是我从地球上带来的那两只老鼠。”她直视著阿瑟的眼睛,阿瑟觉得自己似乎觉察到了一个最细微的听天由命的耸肩动作。
"Could you pass me that bowl of grated Arcturan Megadonkey?" she said.“你能把那碗大角星巨驴碎肉递给我吗?”她说。
Slartibartfast coughed politely.斯拉提巴特法斯特礼貌的咳嗽了一声。
"Er, excuse me," he said.“噢,请原谅我的打扰。”他说。

"It's just life," they say.
A short aircar trip brought Arthur and the old Magrathean to a doorway. They left the car and went through the door into a waiting room full of glass-topped tables and perspex awards. Almost immediately, a light flashed above the door at the other side of the room and they entered. + "Arthur! You're safe!" a voice cried.
"Am I?" said Arthur, rather startled. "Oh good."
The lighting was rather subdued and it took him a moment or so to see Ford, Trillian and Zaphod sitting round a large table beautifully decked out with exotic dishes, strange sweetmeats and bizarre fruits. They were stuffing their faces.
"What happened to you?" demanded Arthur.
"Well," said Zaphod, attacking a boneful of grilled muscle, "our guests here have been gassing us and zapping our minds and being generally weird and have now given us a rather nice meal to make it up to us. Here," he said hoiking out a lump of evil smelling meat from a bowl, "have some Vegan Rhino's cutlet. It's delicious if you happen to like that sort of thing." "Hosts?" said Arthur. "What hosts? I don't see any ..." A small voice said, "Welcome to lunch, Earth creature." Arthur glanced around and suddenly yelped.
"Ugh!" he said. "There are mice on the table!" There was an awkward silence as everyone looked pointedly at Arthur.
He was busy staring at two white mice sitting in what looked like whisky glasses on the table. He heard the silence and glanced around at everyone.
"Oh!" he said, with sudden realization. "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't quite prepared for ...""Let me introduce you," said Trillian. "Arthur this is Benji mouse." "Hi," said one of the mice. His whiskers stroked what must have been a touch sensitive panel on the inside of the whisky-glass like affair, and it moved forward slightly.
"And this is Frankie mouse." The other mouse said, "Pleased to meet you," and did likewise.
Arthur gaped.
"But aren't they ..." "Yes," said Trillian, "they are the mice I brought with me from the Earth." She looked him in the eye and Arthur thought he detected the tiniest resigned shrug.
"Could you pass me that bowl of grated Arcturan Megadonkey?" she said.
Slartibartfast coughed politely.
"Er, excuse me," he said.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

bizarre [bi'zɑ:]


adj. 奇异的,怪诞的
n. 奇异花

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

shrug [ʃrʌg]


n. 耸肩
v. 耸肩

sensitive ['sensitiv]


adj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的

resigned [ri'zaind]


adj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去

lump [lʌmp]


n. 团,块,瘤,笨重的人
v. 使成块,形成

subdued [səb'dju:d]


adj. 减弱的;被制服的;被抑制的 v. 使服从,压制





