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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 29第二十九章
"Zaphod! Wake up!"“赞福德!醒醒l”
"Hey come on, wake up."“嘿,来吧,快醒醒。”
"Just let me stick to what I'm good at, yeah?" muttered Zaphod and rolled away from the voice back to sleep.“你就让我多干干我最擅长的事吧,嗯?”赞福德一边咕哝着,一边转过身去,很快又进入了梦乡。
"Do you want me to kick you?" said Ford.“你想让我踢你不成?”福特说。
"Would it give you a lot of pleasure?" said Zaphod, blearily.“那样做能给你很多快感吗?”赞福德睡眼朦咙地说。
"Nor me. So what's the point? Stop bugging me." Zaphod curled himself up.“我也不会。所以说你那样做有什么意义呢?还是别打扰我吧。”赞福德把身子蜷得更紧了。
"He got a double dose of the gas," said Trillian looking down at him, "two windpipes."“他吸入了双倍的烟雾。”崔莉恩说,低头看着他,“谁让他有两根气管昵。”
"And stop talking," said Zaphod, "it's hard enough trying to sleep anyway. What's the matter with the ground? It's all cold and hard."“求求你们闭嘴好吗?”赞福德说,“要睡个好觉简直太困难了。这地面又他*的是什么毛病?又冷又硬。”
"It's gold," said Ford.“这是黄金。”福特说。
With an amazingly balletic movement Zaphod was standing and scanning the horizon, because that was how far the gold ground stretched in every direction, perfectly smooth and solid. It gleamed like ... it's impossible to say what it gleamed like because nothing in the Universe gleams in quite the same way that a planet of solid gold does.随着一个令人惊叹的芭蕾舞动作,赞福德已经站了起来,开始扫视地平线,因为这代表着这片黄金大地向各个方向延伸的距离。真的是一马平川。它闪烁着像……其实根本不可能说清楚它闪烁着什么样的光芒,因为宇宙中根本没有任何地方会闪烁着像这样一个完全由黄金构成的行星一样的光芒。
"Who put all that there?" yelped Zaphod, goggle-eyed.“谁把这些黄金放在这儿的?”赞福德叫起来,瞪人了眼睛。
"Don't get excited," said Ford, "it's only a catalogue."“别太兴奋了。”福特说,“这只是一个商品目录而已。”
"A who?"“一个什么?”
"A catalogue," said Trillian, "an illusion."“一个商品目录,”崔莉恩说,“一个幻象。”
"How can you say that?" cried Zaphod, falling to his hands and knees and staring at the ground. He poked it and prodded it with his fingernail. It was very heavy and very slightly soft — he could mark it with his fingernail. It was very yellow and very shiny, and when he breathed on it his breath evaporated off it in that very peculiar and special way that breath evaporates off solid gold.“你们怎么能这么说呢?”赞福德一边嚷道,一边伏下身体,用手和膝盖接触地面,眼睛也盯着地面。他在上面又戳又刺。地面很厚实,有点儿软——他甚至能用手指甲在上面划出痕迹来。它泛着金黄色的光泽,当他朝上面呼气时,呼出的气从上面蒸发掉的情形和从真正的黄金表面蒸发掉的独特的情形完全一样。
"Trillian and I came round a while ago," said Ford. "We shouted and yelled till somebody came and then carried on shouting and yelling till they got fed up and put us in their planet catalogue to keep us busy till they were ready to deal with us. This is all Sens-O-Tape."“崔莉恩和我早些时候醒过来,”福特说,“我们也兴奋得大喊大叫,直到有人过来。我们接着大喊大叫,最后吵得他们心烦了,于是把我们扔进他们的商品行星目录。”

Chapter 29
"Zaphod! Wake up!"
"Hey come on, wake up."
"Just let me stick to what I'm good at, yeah?" muttered Zaphod and rolled away from the voice back to sleep.
"Do you want me to kick you?" said Ford.
"Would it give you a lot of pleasure?" said Zaphod, blearily.
"Nor me. So what's the point? Stop bugging me." Zaphod curled himself up.
"He got a double dose of the gas," said Trillian looking down at him, "two windpipes."
"And stop talking," said Zaphod, "it's hard enough trying to sleep anyway. What's the matter with the ground? It's all cold and hard."
"It's gold," said Ford.
With an amazingly balletic movement Zaphod was standing and scanning the horizon, because that was how far the gold ground stretched in every direction, perfectly smooth and solid. It gleamed like ... it's impossible to say what it gleamed like because nothing in the Universe gleams in quite the same way that a planet of solid gold does.
"Who put all that there?" yelped Zaphod, goggle-eyed.
"Don't get excited," said Ford, "it's only a catalogue."
"A who?"
"A catalogue," said Trillian, "an illusion."
"How can you say that?" cried Zaphod, falling to his hands and knees and staring at the ground. He poked it and prodded it with his fingernail. It was very heavy and very slightly softhe could mark it with his fingernail. It was very yellow and very shiny, and when he breathed on it his breath evaporated off it in that very peculiar and special way that breath evaporates off solid gold.
"Trillian and I came round a while ago," said Ford. "We shouted and yelled till somebody came and then carried on shouting and yelling till they got fed up and put us in their planet catalogue to keep us busy till they were ready to deal with us. This is all Sens-O-Tape."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

fingernail ['fiŋgəneil]


n. 手指甲

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

dose [dəus]


n. 剂量,一剂,一服
vt. 给 ... 服

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

illusion [i'lu:ʒən]


n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<





