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'Your duty, Madam,' pursued Mr Dombey, 'to have received my friends with a little more deference. Some of those whom you have been pleased to slight to-night in a very marked manner, Mrs Dombey, confer a distinction upon you, I must tell you, in any visit they pay you.

'Do you know that there is someone here?' she returned, now looking at him steadily.“您知道这里还有别人吗?”她这时一动不动地看着他,回答道。
'No! Carker! I beg that you do not. I insist that you do not,' cried Mr Dombey, stopping that noiseless gentleman in his withdrawal. 'Mr Carker, Madam, as you know, possesses my confidence. He is as well acquainted as myself with the subject on which I speak. I beg to tell you, for your information, Mrs Dombey, that I consider these wealthy and important persons confer a distinction upon me:' and Mr Dombey drew himself up, as having now rendered them of the highest possible importance.“别走!卡克!我请您别走。我坚决要求您别走。”董贝先生拦住那位默不作声往外走的先生,喊道,”夫人,您知道,卡克先生是深得我信任的人。我所说的问题,他跟我一样清楚。请允许我告诉您,让您了解,董贝夫人,我认为这些富有的、重要的人物给了我极大的体面。”董贝先生挺了挺身子,仿佛现在已向他们表示了极大的敬意似的。
'I ask you,' she repeated, bending her disdainful, steady gaze upon him, 'do you know that there is someone here, Sir?'“我问您,”她重复地说道,一边用轻蔑的眼光注视着他,”您知道这里还有别人吗,先生?”
'I must entreat,' said Mr Carker, stepping forward, 'I must beg, I must demand, to be released. Slight and unimportant as this difference is - '“我必须请求,”卡克先生向前走了一步,说道,”我必须恳求,我必须要求让我离开,不管这争执是多么微不足道、无关紧要--”
Mrs Skewton, who had been intent upon her daughter's face, took him up here.斯丘顿夫人一直在注视着女儿的脸孔,这时把他的话接了过去。
'My sweetest Edith,' she said, 'and my dearest Dombey; our excellent friend Mr Carker, for so I am sure I ought to mention him - '“我最亲爱的伊迪丝,”她说道,”还有我最亲爱的董贝;我们的卓越的朋友卡克先生,因为我确实应当这样称呼他才是--”
Mr Carker murmured, 'Too much honour.'卡克先生轻轻地说道,”您过份夸奖了。真是不胜荣幸之至”。
' - has used the very words that were in my mind, and that I have been dying, these ages, for an opportunity of introducing. Slight and unimportant! My sweetest Edith, and my dearest Dombey, do we not know that any difference between you two - No, Flowers; not now.“他使用了我心里想要说的语言,在这一段时间里我一直渴望着有一个机会把它表示出来。微不足道、无关紧要!我最宝贝的伊迪丝,还有我亲爱的董贝,难道我们不知道,你们两人之间的任何争执--不,弗劳尔斯,现在不。”
Flowers was the maid, who, finding gentlemen present, retreated with precipitation.弗劳尔斯就是那位侍女,她看到有先生们在场,就急忙退出去了。
'That any difference between you two,' resumed Mrs Skewton, 'with the Heart you possess in common, and the excessively charming bond of feeling that there is between you, must be slight and unimportant? What words could better define the fact? None. Therefore I am glad to take this slight occasion - this trifling occasion, that is so replete with Nature, and your individual characters, and all that - so truly calculated to bring the tears into a parent's eyes - to say that I attach no importance to them in the least, except as developing these minor elements of Soul; and that, unlike most Mamas-in-law (that odious phrase, dear Dombey!) as they have been represented to me to exist in this I fear too artificial world, I never shall attempt to interpose between you, at such a time, and never can much regret, after all, such little flashes of the torch of What's-his-name - not Cupid, but the other delightful creature.“你们两人心心相印,”斯丘顿夫人继续说下去,”一条美妙的感情纽带把你们联结在一起;难道我们不知道,你们俩之间的任何争执,必然是微不足道,无关紧要的吗?还有什么语言能更好地表述这一事实?没有!因此,我高兴地利用这个小小的机会,这个微不足道的机会--人类的天性,你们个人的性格以及引起母亲流泪的一切都在这时候充分显露出来了--说一下,我丝毫也不认为这有什么重要的意义,我认为这只不过是人类心灵中那些毫不足取的因素在发生作用罢了;我不像大多数的丈母娘(多么讨厌的词儿哟,亲爱的董贝!在这个我担心太虚伪的世界上,我听说她们确实是存在的),我今后决不打算在这种时候介入到你们当中来干预你们的事情,也决不会因为--他叫什么--不是丘比德,而是另外一个可爱的人儿的火炬中有一点小小爆燃的闪光而感到十分难过。”
There was a sharpness in the good mother's glance at both her children as she spoke, that may have been expressive of a direct and well-considered purpose hidden between these rambling words. That purpose, providently to detach herself in the beginning from all the clankings of their chain that were to come, and to shelter herself with the fiction of her innocent belief in their mutual affection, and their adaptation to each other.这位好母亲说话的时候,向她的两个孩子投去了锐利的眼光,它可能已把隐匿在这些层次杂乱的话语中的一个直截了当、经过深思熟虑的意图表达出来了。这个意图就是,她打一开头就精明地退缩到一旁,不去听他们的链条将来叮当撞击的,并且躲藏在她天真地相信他们情投意合和相互体贴这一虚构的幻影之中。
'I have pointed out to Mrs Dombey,' said Mr Dombey, in his most stately manner, 'that in her conduct thus early in our married life, to which I object, and which, I request, may be corrected. Carker,' with a nod of dismissal, 'good-night to you!'“我已向董贝夫人指出了,”董贝先生以他最庄严的态度说道,”我们婚后生活初期中她的行为中我所不满意、我要求改正的地方。卡克,”他向他点点头,让他出去,”祝您晚安!”
Mr Carker bowed to the imperious form of the Bride, whose sparkling eye was fixed upon her husband; and stopping at Cleopatra's couch on his way out, raised to his lips the hand she graciously extended to him, in lowly and admiring homage.卡克先生向傲慢的新婚夫人鞠了个躬,她的眼睛一动不动地注视着她的丈夫;他向门口走去的时候,在克利奥佩特拉的长沙发旁边停住,以十分卑躬屈节、喜不自胜的敬意吻了吻她和蔼亲切地向他伸过来的手。
If his handsome wife had reproached him, or even changed countenance, or broken the silence in which she remained, by one word, now that they were alone (for Cleopatra made off with all speed), Mr Dombey would have been equal to some assertion of his case against her. But the intense, unutterable, withering scorn, with which, after looking upon him, she dropped her eyes, as if he were too worthless and indifferent to her to be challenged with a syllable - the ineffable disdain and haughtiness in which she sat before him - the cold inflexible resolve with which her every feature seemed to bear him down, and put him by - these, he had no resource against; and he left her, with her whole overbearing beauty concentrated on despising him.当房间里只剩下他们两人的时候(因为克利奥佩特拉已急急忙忙地离开了),如果他的漂亮的妻子责备了他,或者改变了脸色,或者说一句话来打破现在的沉默的话,那么董贝先生是能够挺身维护他的权利的。可是她看过他之后,以强烈的、难以形容的、令人畏缩的轻蔑的神色,低下了眼睛,仿佛对她来说,他是太没有价值,太无关紧要,根本不值得她开口去反驳他似的;她目空一切,无比傲慢地坐在他的前面;她仿佛要用她那冷酷的、毫不改变的决心把他压倒和踢开似的;--对于她的这种轻蔑和傲慢,他却束手无策。他离开了她,留下她那傲气十足的美貌,心中极度地蔑视他。
Was he coward enough to watch her, an hour afterwards, on the old well staircase, where he had once seen Florence in the moonlight, toiling up with Paul? Or was he in the dark by accident, when, looking up, he saw her coming, with a light, from the room where Florence lay, and marked again the face so changed, which he could not subdue?是不是他很胆怯,所以在一个钟头以后,他要在他过去有一次看到弗洛伦斯在月光下抱着小保罗费劲地走上去的那个楼梯间里,有意在暗中监视她呢?还是他在黑暗中偶尔出现在那里呢?当他抬起眼睛的时候,他看到她手中拿着一支蜡烛从弗洛伦斯睡觉的房间中走出来,并且再一次注意到那张他不能征服的脸孔改变成另一种神态。
But it could never alter as his own did. It never, in its uttermost pride and passion, knew the shadow that had fallen on his, in the dark corner, on the night of the return; and often since; and which deepened on it now, as he looked up.可是它决不会像他的脸孔那样改变。它在极度的傲慢与愤怒中,从来也不知道他们回到家来的那天夜间,在那个黑暗的角落里笼罩在他脸上的阴影;从那以后,他脸上时常出现这个阴影,现在当他往上看的时候,他脸上的这个阴影变得更为深沉了。

'Your duty, Madam,' pursued Mr Dombey, 'to have received my friends with a little more deference. Some of those whom you have been pleased to slight to-night in a very marked manner, Mrs Dombey, confer a distinction upon you, I must tell you, in any visit they pay you.
'Do you know that there is someone here?' she returned, now looking at him steadily.
'No! Carker! I beg that you do not. I insist that you do not,' cried Mr Dombey, stopping that noiseless gentleman in his withdrawal. 'Mr Carker, Madam, as you know, possesses my confidence. He is as well acquainted as myself with the subject on which I speak. I beg to tell you, for your information, Mrs Dombey, that I consider these wealthy and important persons confer a distinction upon me:' and Mr Dombey drew himself up, as having now rendered them of the highest possible importance.
'I ask you,' she repeated, bending her disdainful, steady gaze upon him, 'do you know that there is someone here, Sir?'
'I must entreat,' said Mr Carker, stepping forward, 'I must beg, I must demand, to be released. Slight and unimportant as this difference is - '
Mrs Skewton, who had been intent upon her daughter's face, took him up here.
'My sweetest Edith,' she said, 'and my dearest Dombey; our excellent friend Mr Carker, for so I am sure I ought to mention him - '
Mr Carker murmured, 'Too much honour.'
' - has used the very words that were in my mind, and that I have been dying, these ages, for an opportunity of introducing. Slight and unimportant! My sweetest Edith, and my dearest Dombey, do we not know that any difference between you two - No, Flowers; not now.
Flowers was the maid, who, finding gentlemen present, retreated with precipitation.
'That any difference between you two,' resumed Mrs Skewton, 'with the Heart you possess in common, and the excessively charming bond of feeling that there is between you, must be slight and unimportant? What words could better define the fact? None. Therefore I am glad to take this slight occasion - this trifling occasion, that is so replete with Nature, and your individual characters, and all that - so truly calculated to bring the tears into a parent's eyes - to say that I attach no importance to them in the least, except as developing these minor elements of Soul; and that, unlike most Mamas-in-law (that odious phrase, dear Dombey!) as they have been represented to me to exist in this I fear too artificial world, I never shall attempt to interpose between you, at such a time, and never can much regret, after all, such little flashes of the torch of What's-his-name - not Cupid, but the other delightful creature.
There was a sharpness in the good mother's glance at both her children as she spoke, that may have been expressive of a direct and well-considered purpose hidden between these rambling words. That purpose, providently to detach herself in the beginning from all the clankings of their chain that were to come, and to shelter herself with the fiction of her innocent belief in their mutual affection, and their adaptation to each other.
'I have pointed out to Mrs Dombey,' said Mr Dombey, in his most stately manner, 'that in her conduct thus early in our married life, to which I object, and which, I request, may be corrected. Carker,' with a nod of dismissal, 'good-night to you!'
Mr Carker bowed to the imperious form of the Bride, whose sparkling eye was fixed upon her husband; and stopping at Cleopatra's couch on his way out, raised to his lips the hand she graciously extended to him, in lowly and admiring homage.
If his handsome wife had reproached him, or even changed countenance, or broken the silence in which she remained, by one word, now that they were alone (for Cleopatra made off with all speed), Mr Dombey would have been equal to some assertion of his case against her. But the intense, unutterable, withering scorn, with which, after looking upon him, she dropped her eyes, as if he were too worthless and indifferent to her to be challenged with a syllable - the ineffable disdain and haughtiness in which she sat before him - the cold inflexible resolve with which her every feature seemed to bear him down, and put him by - these, he had no resource against; and he left her, with her whole overbearing beauty concentrated on despising him.
Was he coward enough to watch her, an hour afterwards, on the old well staircase, where he had once seen Florence in the moonlight, toiling up with Paul? Or was he in the dark by accident, when, looking up, he saw her coming, with a light, from the room where Florence lay, and marked again the face so changed, which he could not subdue?
But it could never alter as his own did. It never, in its uttermost pride and passion, knew the shadow that had fallen on his, in the dark corner, on the night of the return; and often since; and which deepened on it now, as he looked up.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

coward ['kauəd]


n. 懦夫
adj. 胆小的

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱

overbearing ['əuvə'bɛəriŋ]


adj. 傲慢的,骄傲自大的,蛮横的

resolve [ri'zɔlv]


n. 决定之事,决心,坚决
vt. 决定,解决

expressive [iks'presiv]


adj. 表达的,用作表达的,富于表情的

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

define [di'fain]


v. 定义,解释,限定,规定

affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响





