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There was a throng in the state-rooms upstairs, increasing every minute; but still Mr Dombey's list of visitors appeared to have some native impossibility of amalgamation with Mrs Dombey's list, and no one could have doubted which was which. The single exception to this rule perhaps was Mr Carker, who now smiled among the company, and who, as he stood in the circle that was gathered about Mrs Dombey - watchful of her, of them, his chief, Cleopatra and the Major, Florence, and everything around - appeared at ease with both divisions of guests, and not marked as exclusively belonging to either.

Florence had a dread of him, which made his presence in the room a nightmare to her. She could not avoid the recollection of it, for her eyes were drawn towards him every now and then, by an attraction of dislike and distrust that she could not resist. Yet her thoughts were busy with other things; for as she sat apart - not unadmired or unsought, but in the gentleness of her quiet spirit - she felt how little part her father had in what was going on, and saw, with pain, how ill at ease he seemed to be, and how little regarded he was as he lingered about near the door, for those visitors whom he wished to distinguish with particular attention, and took them up to introduce them to his wife, who received them with proud coldness, but showed no interest or wish to please, and never, after the bare ceremony of reception, in consultation of his wishes, or in welcome of his friends, opened her lips. It was not the less perplexing or painful to Florence, that she who acted thus, treated her so kindly and with such loving consideration, that it almost seemed an ungrateful return on her part even to know of what was passing before her eyes.弗洛伦斯害怕他,他在房间里对她来说是个梦魇。她不能忘记有他在场,由于她不能抗拒对他的厌恶与不信任,因此她的眼睛不时朝他那边望一下。可是她的思想却在翻腾着别的事情,因为当她坐在一旁的时候--并不是由于没有人爱慕她或寻找她,而是由于她安静、文雅的性格才坐在一旁的--,她觉得她的父亲在流行着的活动中是多么不起作用;她痛苦地看到,他似乎是多么不自在;当他停留在门旁,迎接着那些他希望特别厚待的客人,并把他们领去介绍给他的妻子的时候,他又是多么不受尊重;他的妻子高傲地、冷漠地接见了这些客人,但丝毫也没有兴趣或愿望去讨他们的喜欢;在煞风景的接见仪式之后,她也没有考虑他的愿望或对他的朋友表示欢迎,一直不开口说一句话。使弗洛伦斯同样困惑不解或痛苦的是,这样行事的伊迪丝却这么亲切,这么慈爱、体贴地对待她;就她来说,甚至连注意到在她眼前所发生的这一切情形,几乎都好像是忘恩负义似的。
Happy Florence would have been, might she have ventured to bear her father company, by so much as a look; and happy Florence was, in little suspecting the main cause of his uneasiness. But afraid of seeming to know that he was placed at any did advantage, lest he should be resentful of that knowledge; and divided between her impulse towards him, and her grateful affection for Edith; she scarcely dared to raise her eyes towards either. Anxious and unhappy for them both, the thought stole on her through the crowd, that it might have been better for them if this noise of tongues and tread of feet had never come there, - if the old dulness and decay had never been replaced by novelty and splendour, - if the neglected child had found no friend in Edith, but had lived her solitary life, unpitied and forgotten.弗洛伦斯如果敢哪怕用眼光陪伴一下父亲的话,那么她该会多么幸福啊!但弗洛伦斯没有去猜疑他不自在的主要原因,就这一点来说她倒是幸福的。不过,她害怕表露出她似乎知道他处于不利的境地,唯恐他会对她愤怒不满;加上她一方面情不自禁地想亲近他,一方面又对伊迪丝怀着感激的感情,处在这样矛盾冲突的心情中,她就不敢抬起眼睛去看他们两人当中的任何一个人。她为他们两人感到焦急不安,郁郁不乐,所以在拥挤的人群中,她心中暗暗地产生了这样一些想法:如果这里从来就听不到这些嘈杂热闹的谈话声和走来走去的脚步声,如果往日沉闷无趣、凄凉冷落的景象从来就没有被现在新颖别致和富丽堂皇的景象所代替,如果这个受到冷落的孩子从来没有从伊迪丝那里找到友谊,而是一直过着她那被人遗忘、没人可怜的孤独的生活的话,那么对他们来说,这也许反倒比现在更好。
Mrs Chick had some such thoughts too, but they were not so quietly developed in her mind. This good matron had been outraged in the first instance by not receiving an invitation to dinner. That blow partially recovered, she had gone to a vast expense to make such a figure before Mrs Dombey at home, as should dazzle the senses of that lady, and heap mortification, mountains high, on the head of Mrs Skewton.奇克夫人也有一些这样的想法,但是这些想法并不是平平静静地在她的心中展开。这位善良的家庭主妇一开头就因为没有被邀请参加晚宴而受到了侮辱。她从这个打击中部分恢复过来之后,不惜破费大笔金钱,决心把自己打扮成一位穿着豪华的人物,在招待会上出现在董贝夫人的面前,使她见了眼花缭乱,并在斯丘顿夫人头上堆上高山般重重的屈辱。
'But I am made,' said Mrs Chick to Mr Chick, 'of no more account than Florence! Who takes the smallest notice of me? No one!'“可是我却被看得连弗洛伦斯也不如了!”奇克夫人对奇克先生说道,”有谁丝毫注意过我?谁也没有!”
'No one, my dear,' assented Mr Chick, who was seated by the side of Mrs Chick against the wall, and could console himself, even there, by softly whistling.“谁也没有,我亲爱的,”奇克先生同意地说道。他背靠着墙,坐在奇克夫人的身旁,甚至在这里,他也只能轻轻地吹吹口哨,聊以自慰。
'Does it at all appear as if I was wanted here?' exclaimed Mrs Chick, with flashing eyes.“这有一点点像需要我在这里的样子吗?”奇克夫人眼睛闪发出亮光,高声喊叫道。
'No, my dear, I don't think it does,' said Mr Chic“不错,我亲爱的,我看不像,”奇克先生说道。
'Paul's mad!' said Mrs Chic“保罗疯了!”奇克夫人说道。
Mr Chick whistled.奇克先生吹吹口哨。

There was a throng in the state-rooms upstairs, increasing every minute; but still Mr Dombey's list of visitors appeared to have some native impossibility of amalgamation with Mrs Dombey's list, and no one could have doubted which was which. The single exception to this rule perhaps was Mr Carker, who now smiled among the company, and who, as he stood in the circle that was gathered about Mrs Dombey - watchful of her, of them, his chief, Cleopatra and the Major, Florence, and everything around - appeared at ease with both divisions of guests, and not marked as exclusively belonging to either.
Florence had a dread of him, which made his presence in the room a nightmare to her. She could not avoid the recollection of it, for her eyes were drawn towards him every now and then, by an attraction of dislike and distrust that she could not resist. Yet her thoughts were busy with other things; for as she sat apart - not unadmired or unsought, but in the gentleness of her quiet spirit - she felt how little part her father had in what was going on, and saw, with pain, how ill at ease he seemed to be, and how little regarded he was as he lingered about near the door, for those visitors whom he wished to distinguish with particular attention, and took them up to introduce them to his wife, who received them with proud coldness, but showed no interest or wish to please, and never, after the bare ceremony of reception, in consultation of his wishes, or in welcome of his friends, opened her lips. It was not the less perplexing or painful to Florence, that she who acted thus, treated her so kindly and with such loving consideration, that it almost seemed an ungrateful return on her part even to know of what was passing before her eyes.
Happy Florence would have been, might she have ventured to bear her father company, by so much as a look; and happy Florence was, in little suspecting the main cause of his uneasiness. But afraid of seeming to know that he was placed at any did advantage, lest he should be resentful of that knowledge; and divided between her impulse towards him, and her grateful affection for Edith; she scarcely dared to raise her eyes towards either. Anxious and unhappy for them both, the thought stole on her through the crowd, that it might have been better for them if this noise of tongues and tread of feet had never come there, - if the old dulness and decay had never been replaced by novelty and splendour, - if the neglected child had found no friend in Edith, but had lived her solitary life, unpitied and forgotten.
Mrs Chick had some such thoughts too, but they were not so quietly developed in her mind. This good matron had been outraged in the first instance by not receiving an invitation to dinner. That blow partially recovered, she had gone to a vast expense to make such a figure before Mrs Dombey at home, as should dazzle the senses of that lady, and heap mortification, mountains high, on the head of Mrs Skewton.
'But I am made,' said Mrs Chick to Mr Chick, 'of no more account than Florence! Who takes the smallest notice of me? No one!'
'No one, my dear,' assented Mr Chick, who was seated by the side of Mrs Chick against the wall, and could console himself, even there, by softly whistling.
'Does it at all appear as if I was wanted here?' exclaimed Mrs Chick, with flashing eyes.
'No, my dear, I don't think it does,' said Mr Chic
'Paul's mad!' said Mrs Chic
Mr Chick whistled.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响

exception [ik'sepʃən]


n. 除外,例外,[律]异议,反对

impulse ['impʌls]


n. 冲动,驱动力,倾向,心血来潮
vt. 推

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

distrust [dis'trʌst]


n. 不信任 vt. 不信任

perplexing [pə'pleksiŋ]


adj. 使人困惑的,麻烦复杂的 perplex的现在分

recollection [.rekə'lekʃən]


n. 记忆,回想,回忆

advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]


n. 优势,有利条件
vt. 有利于

resist [ri'zist]


v. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住
n. 防蚀涂层





