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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 17第十七章
After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthur's mind was beginning to reassemble itself from the shellshocked fragments the previous day had left him with. He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. The way it functioned was very interesting. When the Drink button was pressed it made an instant but highly detailed examination of the subject's taste buds, a spectroscopic analysis of the subject's metabolism and then sent tiny experimental signals down the neural pathways to the taste centres of the subject's brain to see what was likely to go down well. However, no one knew quite why it did this because it invariably delivered a cupful of liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. The Nutri-Matic was designed and manufactured by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation whose complaints department now covers all the major land masses of the first three planets in the Sirius Tau Star system.一天就这样开始了。经历了这样一个令人相当不安的开头后,阿瑟的思维开始从前一天留给他的那些混乱的碎片中重新集中起来。他发现了一台自动营养机,这为他带来了一杯不太像但也并非完全不算是茶的饮料。这台机器工作的原理非常有趣。按钮按下去后,它就会对这个人的味蕾进行一次迅速但详细的检查,借助分光镜分析他的新陈代谢,然后向连接他大脑味觉中心的神经中枢发射微弱的试验信号,以测试什么样的口味比较合适。然而,没有人知道它为什么要做这一系列的事情,因为它最后总是提供一杯不太像但也并非完全不算是茶的饮料。这台自动营养机也是由天狼星控制系统公司设计和制造的,它的投诉部目前只受理来自天狼星系陶星系统内三颗行星上主要的大陆的业务。
Arthur drank the liquid and found it reviving. He glanced up at the screens again and watched a few more hundred miles of barren greyness slide past. It suddenly occurred to him to ask a question which had been bothering him."Is it safe?" he said.阿瑟喝下这杯饮料,发现它相当提神。他瞟了一眼屏幕,看到飞船又越过了几百英里灰暗而贫瘠的土地。他突然想到要问一个一直困扰着他的问题。“这地方安全吗?”他问。
"Magrathea's been dead for five million years," said Zaphod, "of course it's safe. Even the ghosts will have settled down and raised families by now." At which point a strange and inexplicable sound thrilled suddenly through the bridge — a noise as of a distant fanfare; a hollow, reedy, insubstantial sound. It preceded a voice that was equally hollow, reedy and insubstantial. The voice said "Greetings to you ..."“曼格拉斯已经死去500万年了,”赞福德解释说,“当然是安全的。到了现在,甚至连鬼魂都应该安顿下来成家立业了。”这时,控制桥内突然响起了一阵奇怪的解释不清的响声一一仿佛遥远的号角,空洞、尖利、似幻似真。接下来,一个同样空洞、尖利、似幻似真的声音说道:“欢迎你们……”
Someone from the dead planet was talking to them.这颗已经死亡的星球上有人在对他们说话。
"Computer!" shouted Zaphod.“电脑!”赞福德吼道。
"Hi there!"“哥们,你好哇!”
"What the photon is it?"“这是什么声音?”
"Oh, just some five-million-year-old tape that's being broadcast at us."“哦,只是一些有着500万年历史的录音带正在向我们广播。”
"A what? A recording?"“什么?录音带?”。

Chapter 17
After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthur's mind was beginning to reassemble itself from the shellshocked fragments the previous day had left him with. He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. The way it functioned was very interesting. When the Drink button was pressed it made an instant but highly detailed examination of the subject's taste buds, a spectroscopic analysis of the subject's metabolism and then sent tiny experimental signals down the neural pathways to the taste centres of the subject's brain to see what was likely to go down well. However, no one knew quite why it did this because it invariably delivered a cupful of liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. The Nutri-Matic was designed and manufactured by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation whose complaints department now covers all the major land masses of the first three planets in the Sirius Tau Star system.
Arthur drank the liquid and found it reviving. He glanced up at the screens again and watched a few more hundred miles of barren greyness slide past. It suddenly occurred to him to ask a question which had been bothering him."Is it safe?" he said.
"Magrathea's been dead for five million years," said Zaphod, "of course it's safe. Even the ghosts will have settled down and raised families by now." At which point a strange and inexplicable sound thrilled suddenly through the bridge — a noise as of a distant fanfare; a hollow, reedy, insubstantial sound. It preceded a voice that was equally hollow, reedy and insubstantial. The voice said "Greetings to you ..."
Someone from the dead planet was talking to them.
"Computer!" shouted Zaphod.
"Hi there!"
"What the photon is it?"
"Oh, just some five-million-year-old tape that's being broadcast at us."
"A what? A recording?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

detailed [di'teild]


adj. 详细的

analysis [ə'næləsis]


n. 分析,解析

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

corporation [.kɔ:pə'reiʃən]


n. 公司,法人,集团

hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

experimental [iks.peri'mentl]


adj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

inexplicable [in'eksplikəbl]


adj. 无法说明的,无法解释的,费解的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星





