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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Arthur awoke to the sound of argument and went to the bridge. Ford was waving his arms about.阿瑟被一阵争吵声吵醒了,于是他来到控制桥。福特正挥动着胳膊。
"You're crazy, Zaphod," he was saying, "Magrathea is a myth, a fairy story, it's what parents tell their kids about at night if they want them to grow up to become economists, it's ..."“你一定是疯了,赞福德。”他说,“曼格拉斯只是一个神话,一个童话故事,是那些希望自己的孩子长大后成为经济学家的父母在夜里讲给孩子们听的,它是……”
"And that's what we are currently in orbit around," insisted Zaphod.“它是我们现在正绕其轨道运行的那颗行星。”赞福德强调说。
"Look, I can't help what you may personally be in orbit around," said Ford, "but this ship ..."“你瞧,我不知道你自己绕的是什么轨道,”福特说,“但是这艘飞船……”
"Computer!" shouted Zaphod.“电脑!”赞福德叫道。
"Oh no ..."“噢,别……”
"Hi there! This is Eddie your shipboard computer, and I'm feeling just great guys, and I know I'm just going to get a bundle of kicks out of any programme you care to run through me."“嗨,各位!我是艾迪,你们的舰载电脑。现在我感觉棒极了,弟兄们,我保证我能搞定你们在我身上运行的任何程序。”
Arthur looked inquiringly at Trillian. She motioned him to come on in but keep quiet.阿瑟以询问的眼神看着崔莉恩。她示意让他进来,但是要保持安静。
"Computer," said Zaphod, "tell us again what our present trajectory is."“电脑,”赞福德说,“告诉大家我们现在所处的轨道。”
"A real pleasure feller," it burbled, "we are currently in orbit at an altitude of three hundred miles around the legendary planet of Magrathea."“非常乐意,伙计。”它说,“我们现在正运行在那颗传说中的行星曼格拉斯上空300英里高度的轨道上。”
"Proving nothing," said Ford. "I wouldn't trust that computer to speak my weight."“这说明不了任何问题。”福特反驳道,“我相信这台电脑连我的体重都说不出来。”
"I can do that for you, sure," enthused the computer, punching out more tickertape. "I can even work out you personality problems to ten decimal places if it will help."“我当然能做到这一点。”电脑热心地说,同时打出更多的纸带,“我甚至能计算出你的个性弱点,精确到小数点后10位,如果你愿意的话。”

Arthur awoke to the sound of argument and went to the bridge. Ford was waving his arms about.
"You're crazy, Zaphod," he was saying, "Magrathea is a myth, a fairy story, it's what parents tell their kids about at night if they want them to grow up to become economists, it's ..."
"And that's what we are currently in orbit around," insisted Zaphod.
"Look, I can't help what you may personally be in orbit around," said Ford, "but this ship ..."
"Computer!" shouted Zaphod.
"Oh no ..."
"Hi there! This is Eddie your shipboard computer, and I'm feeling just great guys, and I know I'm just going to get a bundle of kicks out of any programme you care to run through me."
Arthur looked inquiringly at Trillian. She motioned him to come on in but keep quiet.
"Computer," said Zaphod, "tell us again what our present trajectory is."
"A real pleasure feller," it burbled, "we are currently in orbit at an altitude of three hundred miles around the legendary planet of Magrathea."
"Proving nothing," said Ford. "I wouldn't trust that computer to speak my weight."
"I can do that for you, sure," enthused the computer, punching out more tickertape. "I can even work out you personality problems to ten decimal places if it will help."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

myth [miθ]


n. 神话

altitude ['æltitju:d]


n. 高度,海拔,高地





