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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第5章 Part 4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"Excuse me?" said Arthur. "Are you trying to tell me that we just stuck out our thumbs and some green bug-eyed monster stuck his head out and said, Hi fellas, hop right in. I can take you as far as the Basingstoke roundabout?"

"Well," said Ford, "the Thumb's an electronic sub-etha signalling device, the roundabout's at Barnard's Star six light years away, but otherwise, that's more or less right."“嗯,怎么说呢,”福特说,“你所谓的‘大拇指’实际上是一套亚以太信号收发设备,而‘旋转木马’则是6光年以外的巴纳德星。不过,从某种角度来看,你说的差不多也算对吧。”
"And the bug-eyed monster?"“还有长着虫眼睛的怪物呢?”
"Is green, yes."“没错,是绿色的。”
"Fine," said Arthur, "when can I get home?"“好吧,”阿瑟说,“我什么时候能回家呢?”
"You can't," said Ford Prefect, and found the light switch.“你不能。”福特·普里弗克特说,同时找到了灯的开关。
"Shade your eyes ..." he said, and turned it on.“闭上眼睛……”他说着打开灯。
Even Ford was surprised.接下来的事甚至让福特也感到吃惊。
"Good grief," said Arthur, "is this really the interior of a flying saucer?"“天啊,”阿瑟说,“这真的是一架飞碟的内部吗?”
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz heaved his unpleasant green body round the control bridge. He always felt vaguely irritable after demolishing populated planets. He wished that someone would come and tell him that it was all wrong so that he could shout at them and feel better. He flopped as heavily as he could on to his control seat in the hope that it would break and give him something to be genuinely angry about, but it only gave a complaining sort of creak.沃贡·杰尔兹绿色的身影出现在飞船的控制桥上。在毁灭了有人居住的星球之后,他通常总会感到一种莫名的暴躁。这个时候,他总是希望有什么人跑到他跟前来,指责他所做的一切都是错误的,然后他就可以一枪崩了这家伙,这样他会感觉好点儿。他重重地一屁股硒进他的座椅,很希望这玩意儿会坏掉,这样就给他提供了一个大发雷霆的借口,只可惜座椅只是诉苦似的发出吱吱声。
"Go away!" he shouted at a young Vogon guard who entered the bridge at that moment. The guard vanished immediately, feeling rather relieved. He was glad it wouldn't now be him who delivered the report they'd just received. The report was an official release which said that a wonderful new form of spaceship drive was at this moment being unveiled at a government research base on Damogran which would henceforth make all hyperspatial express routes unnecessary.“滚开!”他冲着一个恰好在此时进到控制桥的年轻沃贡侍卫吼道。这个侍卫顷刻间就消失了,倒像是得到了赦免一样,他很高兴接下来汇报他们刚刚接收到的报告的人不再是自己了。这份报告是一份官方文件,通知说一种新型飞船已经在达蒙葛兰上的一个政府研究基地向外界进行了展示,这一成果使得所有的超空间快速通道变得不再需要了。
Another door slid open, but this time the Vogon captain didn't shout because it was the door from the galley quarters where the Dentrassis prepared his meals. A meal would be most welcome.又有一扇门被推开了,不过这次沃贡舰长没有吼叫,因为这扇门足通向丹特拉斯人为他准备午餐的厨房间的。一顿美味的午餐在这个时候也许是最受欢迎的了。

"Excuse me?" said Arthur. "Are you trying to tell me that we just stuck out our thumbs and some green bug-eyed monster stuck his head out and said, Hi fellas, hop right in. I can take you as far as the Basingstoke roundabout?"
"Well," said Ford, "the Thumb's an electronic sub-etha signalling device, the roundabout's at Barnard's Star six light years away, but otherwise, that's more or less right."
"And the bug-eyed monster?"
"Is green, yes."
"Fine," said Arthur, "when can I get home?"
"You can't," said Ford Prefect, and found the light switch.
"Shade your eyes ..." he said, and turned it on.
Even Ford was surprised.
"Good grief," said Arthur, "is this really the interior of a flying saucer?"
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz heaved his unpleasant green body round the control bridge. He always felt vaguely irritable after demolishing populated planets. He wished that someone would come and tell him that it was all wrong so that he could shout at them and feel better. He flopped as heavily as he could on to his control seat in the hope that it would break and give him something to be genuinely angry about, but it only gave a complaining sort of creak.
"Go away!" he shouted at a young Vogon guard who entered the bridge at that moment. The guard vanished immediately, feeling rather relieved. He was glad it wouldn't now be him who delivered the report they'd just received. The report was an official release which said that a wonderful new form of spaceship drive was at this moment being unveiled at a government research base on Damogran which would henceforth make all hyperspatial express routes unnecessary.
Another door slid open, but this time the Vogon captain didn't shout because it was the door from the galley quarters where the Dentrassis prepared his meals. A meal would be most welcome.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

galley ['gæli]


n. 单层甲板大帆船,(船或飞机的)厨房,[印]活版盘

shade [ʃeid]


n. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱



adj. 粒子数增加的 v. 居住于…中;构成…的人口(

thumb [θʌm]


n. 拇指
v. 翻阅,示意要求搭车

irritable ['iritəbl]


adj. 易怒的,急躁的 adj. 【医】过敏的,易感受

unnecessary [ʌn'nesisəri]


adj. 不必要的,多余的

switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换





