v. 大叫
n. 大喊
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He found no pleasure or relief in the journey. Tortured by these thoughts he carried monotony with him, through the rushing landscape, and hurried headlong, not through a rich and varied country, but a wilderness of blighted plans and gnawing jealousies. The very speed at which the train was whirled along, mocked the swift course of the young life that had been borne away so steadily and so inexorably to its foredoomed end. The power that forced itself upon its iron way — its own — defiant of all paths and roads, piercing through the heart of every obstacle, and dragging living creatures of all classes, ages, and degrees behind it, was a type of the triumphant monster, Death. | 他没有从旅行中找到快乐或安慰。他被这些思想折磨着,怀着忧闷无聊的心情,通过了迅速飞逝的风光景色;他匆匆穿过的不是物产富饶、绚丽多采的国家,而是茫茫一片破灭了的计划与令人苦恼的妒嫉。急速转动的火车速度本身嘲笑着年轻生命的迅速过程,它被多么坚定不移,多么铁面无情地带向预定的终点。一股力量迫使它在它的铁路——它自己的道路——上急驰,它藐视其他一切道路和小径,冲破每一个障碍,拉着各种阶级、年龄和地位的人群和生物,向前奔驶;这股力量就是那耀武扬威的怪物——死亡! |
Away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, from the town, burrowmg among the dwellings of men and making the streets hum, flashing out into the meadows for a moment, mining in through the damp earth, booming on in darkness and heavy air, bursting out again into the sunny day so bright and wide; away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, through the fields, through the woods, through the corn, through the hay, through the chalk, through the mould, through the clay, through the rock, among objects close at hand and almost in the grasp, ever flying from the traveller, and a deceitful distance ever moving slowly within him: like as in the track of the remorseless monster, Death! | 它尖叫着,呼吼着,卡嗒卡嗒地响着,向远方开去;它从城市出发,穿进人们的住宅区,使街道喧嚣活跃;它在片刻间突然出现在草原上,接着钻进潮湿的土地,在黑暗与沉闷的空气中隆隆前进,然后它又突然进入了多么灿烂、多么宽广、阳光照耀的白天。它尖叫着,呼吼着,卡嗒卡嗒地响着,向远方开去;它穿过田野,穿过森林,穿过谷物,穿过干草,穿过白垩地,穿过沃土,穿过粘泥,穿过岩石,穿过近在手边、几乎就在掌握之中、但却永远从旅客身边飞去的东西,这时一个虚幻的远景永远在他心中缓慢地随他移动着,就像在那个冷酷无情的怪物——死亡的轨道上前进一样! |
Through the hollow, on the height, by the heath, by the orchard, by the park, by the garden, over the canal, across the river, where the sheep are feeding, where the mill is going, where the barge is floating, where the dead are lying, where the factory is smoking, where the stream is running, where the village clusters, where the great cathedral rises, where the bleak moor lies, and the wild breeze smooths or ruffles it at its inconstant will; away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, and no trace to leave behind but dust and vapour: like as in the track of the remorseless monster, Death! | 它穿过洼地,爬上山岗,经过荒原,经过果园,经过公园,经过花园,越过运河、越过河流,经过羊群正在吃草的地方,经过磨坊正在运转的地方,经过驳船正在漂流的地方,经过死人躺着的地方,经过工厂正在冒烟的地方,经过小溪正在奔流的地方,经过村庄簇集的地方,经过宏伟的大教堂高高耸立的地方,经过生长着石竹、狂风反复无常地有时使它表面平顺光滑、有时又使它兴波起浪的萧瑟凄凉的荒原;它尖叫着,呼吼着,卡嗒卡嗒地响着,向远方开去,除了尘埃与蒸汽外,不留下其他任何痕迹,就像在那个冷酷无情的怪物——死亡的轨道上前进一样! |
Breasting the wind and light, the shower and sunshine, away, and still away, it rolls and roars, fierce and rapid, smooth and certain, and great works and massive bridges crossing up above, fall like a beam of shadow an inch broad, upon the eye, and then are lost. Away, and still away, onward and onward ever: glimpses of cottage—homes, of houses, mansions, rich estates, of husbandry and handicraft, of people, of old roads and paths that look deserted, small, and insignificant as they are left behind: and so they do, and what else is there but such glimpses, in the track of the indomitable monster, Death! | 迎着风和光,迎着阵雨和阳光,它转动着,吼叫着,猛烈地、迅速地、平稳地、确信地向远方开去,向更远的地方开去。巨大的堤坝和宏伟的桥梁像一束一英寸宽的阴暗的光线闪现在眼前,然后又消失了。它向远方,更远的地方开去,向前,永远向前地开去,瞥见了茅舍,瞥见了房屋、公馆、富饶的庄园,瞥见了农田和手工作坊,瞥见了人们,瞥见了古老的道路和小径(当它们被抛在后面的时候,看去是那么荒凉,渺小和微不足道——它们也确实如此——)、在难以制服的怪物——死亡的轨道上,除了瞥见这些东西之外,又还有什么别的呢? |
Away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, plunging down into the earth again, and working on in such a storm of energy and perseverance, that amidst the darkness and whirlwind the motion seems reversed, and to tend furiously backward, until a ray of light upon the Wet wall shows its surface flying past like a fierce stream, Away once more into the day, and through the day, with a shrill yell of exultation,roaring, rattling, tearing on, spurning everything with its dark breath, sometimes pausing for a minute where a crowd of faces are, that in a minute more are not; sometimes lapping water greedily, and before the spout at which it drinks' has ceased to drip upon the ground,shrieking, roaring, rattling through the purple distance! | 它尖叫着,呼吼着,卡嗒卡嗒地响着,向远方开去;它重新投入地面,以狂风暴雨般充沛的精力和坚韧不拔的精神向前奔驶;在黑暗与旋风中它的车轮似乎倒转,猛烈地向后面退回去,直到射向潮湿的墙上的光辉显示出,它的顶部表面正像一条湍急的溪流一般向前飞奔过去。它发出了欢天喜地的尖叫声,呼吼着,卡嗒卡嗒地响着,又一次进入了白天和经过了白天,急匆匆地继续向前奔驰着;它用它黑色的呼吸唾弃一切,有时在人群聚集的地方停歇一分钟,一分钟以后他们就再也看不见了;它有时贪婪无厌地狂饮着水,当它饮水的喷管还没有停止滴水之前,它就尖叫着,呼吼着,卡嗒卡嗒地响着,开向紫红色的远方去了! |
He found no pleasure or relief in the journey. Tortured by these thoughts he carried monotony with him, through the rushing landscape, and hurried headlong, not through a rich and varied country, but a wilderness of blighted plans and gnawing jealousies. The very speed at which the train was whirled along, mocked the swift course of the young life that had been borne away so steadily and so inexorably to its foredoomed end. The power that forced itself upon its iron way — its own — defiant of all paths and roads, piercing through the heart of every obstacle, and dragging living creatures of all classes, ages, and degrees behind it, was a type of the triumphant monster, Death.
Away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, from the town, burrowmg among the dwellings of men and making the streets hum, flashing out into the meadows for a moment, mining in through the damp earth, booming on in darkness and heavy air, bursting out again into the sunny day so bright and wide; away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, through the fields, through the woods, through the corn, through the hay, through the chalk, through the mould, through the clay, through the rock, among objects close at hand and almost in the grasp, ever flying from the traveller, and a deceitful distance ever moving slowly within him: like as in the track of the remorseless monster, Death!
Through the hollow, on the height, by the heath, by the orchard, by the park, by the garden, over the canal, across the river, where the sheep are feeding, where the mill is going, where the barge is floating, where the dead are lying, where the factory is smoking, where the stream is running, where the village clusters, where the great cathedral rises, where the bleak moor lies, and the wild breeze smooths or ruffles it at its inconstant will; away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, and no trace to leave behind but dust and vapour: like as in the track of the remorseless monster, Death!
Breasting the wind and light, the shower and sunshine, away, and still away, it rolls and roars, fierce and rapid, smooth and certain, and great works and massive bridges crossing up above, fall like a beam of shadow an inch broad, upon the eye, and then are lost. Away, and still away, onward and onward ever: glimpses of cottage—homes, of houses, mansions, rich estates, of husbandry and handicraft, of people, of old roads and paths that look deserted, small, and insignificant as they are left behind: and so they do, and what else is there but such glimpses, in the track of the indomitable monster, Death!
Away, with a shriek, and a roar, and a rattle, plunging down into the earth again, and working on in such a storm of energy and perseverance, that amidst the darkness and whirlwind the motion seems reversed, and to tend furiously backward, until a ray of light upon the Wet wall shows its surface flying past like a fierce stream, Away once more into the day, and through the day, with a shrill yell of exultation,roaring, rattling, tearing on, spurning everything with its dark breath, sometimes pausing for a minute where a crowd of faces are, that in a minute more are not; sometimes lapping water greedily, and before the spout at which it drinks' has ceased to drip upon the ground,shrieking, roaring, rattling through the purple distance!

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