adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力
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The simple father was beginning to submit that he hoped his son, the quondam Grinder, huffed and cuffed, and flogged and badged, and taught, as parrots are, by a brute jobbed into his place of schoolmaster with as much fitness for it as a hound, might not have been educated on quite a right plan in some undiscovered respect, when Mr Dombey angrily repeating 'The usual return!' led the Major away. And the Major being heavy to hoist into Mr Dombey's carriage, elevated in mid—air, and having to stop and swear that he would flay the Native alive, and break every bone in his skin, and visit other physical torments upon him, every time he couldn't get his foot on the step, and fell back on that dark exile, had barely time before they started to repeat hoarsely that it would never do: that it always failed: and that if he were to educate 'his own vagabond,' he would certainly be hanged. | 这位老实人的儿子,过去的磨工,曾经被他那野兽般粗暴、残忍的老师吓唬过,殴打过,鞭挞过,在身上烙过印,并像鹦鹉般地教过;由这种人担任老师职务,就像让猎狗担任这种职务一样不合适。当这位头脑简单的父亲正想表示希望他的儿子不要在某些方面接受了错误的教育的时候,董贝先生怒冲冲地重复了一句:“到头来通常是这样的报答!”,就领着少校走开了。少校身子很重,很不容易把他举起送进董贝先生的车厢里;他被悬举在半空,每当他的脚踩不到车厢门口的踏板,重新落在肤色黝黑的流亡者的身上时,他就发誓赌咒地大骂说,他要把本地人活活剥下皮来,要把他的每根骨头都打断,还要让他的身体吃其他各种苦头;少校进了车厢以后,嘶哑地重复说,千万别做那种事,那样做总是失败的,如果他要让“自己这位流浪汉”去受教育的话,那么这小子到头来准会被绞死的;话音刚落,火车就开了。 |
Mr Dombey assented bitterly; but there was something more in his bitterness, and in his moody way of falling back in the carriage, and looking with knitted brows at the changing objects without, than the failure of that noble educational system administered by the Grinders' Company. He had seen upon the man's rough cap a piece of new crape, and he had assured himself, from his manner and his answers, that he wore it for his son. | 董贝先生心里很不好受地表示同意;但是在他的不好受中,在他仰靠在车厢里、皱着眉头看着车外不断变化的景物时那郁郁不乐的神色中,还包含着另外的意义,它并不是由于磨工公司举办的高贵的教育制度遭到失败所引起的。他刚才在那人的质地粗糙的帽子上看到一块新的黑纱;他从他的态度和回答中可以肯定,他是为他的儿子保罗佩戴的。 |
So from high to low, at home or abroad, from Florence in his great house to the coarse churl who was feeding the fire then smoking before them, everyone set up some claim or other to a share in his dead boy, and was a bidder against him! Could he ever forget how that woman had wept over his pillow, and called him her own child! or how he, waking from his sleep, had asked for her, and had raised himself in his bed and brightened when she carne in! | 正是这样!从地位高的到地位低的,在家里或在外面,从住在他的宏伟的公馆中的弗洛伦斯开始,一直到这位正在给锅炉烧火,在他们前面正冒出黑烟来的粗汉,每个人都认为对他死去的孩子享有自己的一份权利,都成为他的竞争对手!他能忘记那个女人曾经怎样在保罗的枕边痛哭,把他称做她自己的孩子吗?他能忘记那孩子从睡眠中醒来的时候怎样打听她,而当她进来的时候,他又怎样喜形于色地从床上坐起来吗? |
To think of this presumptuous raker among coals and ashes going on before there, with his sign of mourning! To think that he dared to enter, even by a common show like that, into the trial and disappointrnent of a proud gentleman's secret heart! To think that this lost child, who was to have divided with him his riches, and his projects, and his power, and allied with whom he was to have shut out all the world as with a double door of gold, should have let in such a herd to insult him with their knowledge of his defeated hopes, and their boasts of claiming community of feeling with himself, so far removed: if not of having crept into the place wherein he would have lorded it, alone! | 想一想这个在煤块和灰烬中间拨弄火耙子的人正毫无顾忌地佩戴着他那服丧的标志,在前面向前行进吧!想一想他竟敢那怕是采用那样普普通通的一种表示,来分担一位高傲的绅士的秘密的心中的烦恼与失望吧!想一想这个死去的孩子本应当和他共享财富与权力,本应当与他共同策划未来的事业,本应当和他一起像关上双重金门一样地与全世界隔绝的,却竟会让这样一类愚昧无知的平民闯进来,对他破灭的希望了如指掌,并扬扬得意地夸耀能跟他分担与他们如此疏远的感情上的悲痛,用这种方式来侮辱他吧!且不说他们还可能已偷偷地爬进他想独自霸占的地方了呢! |
The simple father was beginning to submit that he hoped his son, the quondam Grinder, huffed and cuffed, and flogged and badged, and taught, as parrots are, by a brute jobbed into his place of schoolmaster with as much fitness for it as a hound, might not have been educated on quite a right plan in some undiscovered respect, when Mr Dombey angrily repeating 'The usual return!' led the Major away. And the Major being heavy to hoist into Mr Dombey's carriage, elevated in mid—air, and having to stop and swear that he would flay the Native alive, and break every bone in his skin, and visit other physical torments upon him, every time he couldn't get his foot on the step, and fell back on that dark exile, had barely time before they started to repeat hoarsely that it would never do: that it always failed: and that if he were to educate 'his own vagabond,' he would certainly be hanged.
Mr Dombey assented bitterly; but there was something more in his bitterness, and in his moody way of falling back in the carriage, and looking with knitted brows at the changing objects without, than the failure of that noble educational system administered by the Grinders' Company. He had seen upon the man's rough cap a piece of new crape, and he had assured himself, from his manner and his answers, that he wore it for his son.
So from high to low, at home or abroad, from Florence in his great house to the coarse churl who was feeding the fire then smoking before them, everyone set up some claim or other to a share in his dead boy, and was a bidder against him! Could he ever forget how that woman had wept over his pillow, and called him her own child! or how he, waking from his sleep, had asked for her, and had raised himself in his bed and brightened when she carne in!
To think of this presumptuous raker among coals and ashes going on before there, with his sign of mourning! To think that he dared to enter, even by a common show like that, into the trial and disappointrnent of a proud gentleman's secret heart! To think that this lost child, who was to have divided with him his riches, and his projects, and his power, and allied with whom he was to have shut out all the world as with a double door of gold, should have let in such a herd to insult him with their knowledge of his defeated hopes, and their boasts of claiming community of feeling with himself, so far removed: if not of having crept into the place wherein he would have lorded it, alone!

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