This is what happens when food meets fashion. The award-winning Italian photographer Fulvio Bonavia creates an interesting series of photos for the book A Matter of Taste. Earrings of chocolate, purses made out of berries, boots of rice and many other edible fashion accesories — that i would not mind owning those if they ever come into production — are in Fulvio's new book.
当水果遇见时尚,就成了这个样子Fulvio Bonavia在新书《A Matter of Taste》中创作了一系列有趣的水果时尚:巧克力耳环,草莓手提包,米饭靴子,还有许多其他有趣又时尚的配饰——如果市场上出售,我一定会去抢购 。
。意大利摄影家Broccoli Handbag