These sweet Grenade Ornaments by Suck UK will ensure that your next Christmas is a blast, pun very much intended. While we've long been fans of dangerous design (in symbolism, not in reality), these grenade ornaments are more than a conversation piece, they've been designed as a charity item for holiday decoration shoppers.
这个手榴弹圣诞装饰一定能使你家的圣诞节热闹非凡,blast一语双关,既是说炸弹爆炸,又形容节日气氛爆棚 。一直以来我们都喜爱冒险(只是象征性的,而不是真正的危险品),一个小装饰胜过千言万语,他可是圣诞购物者的新宠哦 。