A second civil war flared up, once more requiring from Cromwell all his military ruthlessness.
第二场内战爆发 克伦威尔再次要求 他的军队必须残酷无情
With his annihilation of the Royalist Scottish army in 1648 at Preston,
当1648年 保皇派的军队在普勒斯顿大败之后
Charles's final hope had gone.
Any thought of conciliation with the king was now purest folly.
至此 与国王妥协的想法变得愚蠢至极
Those MPs who persisted in the idea that Charles could be reasoned with
那些坚持认为 可以与查理理论的议员
now had a furious and vengeful army to answer to.
现在都听命于一个狂躁 图谋复仇的军队
When Colonel Thomas Pride used his troops to weed out any MP suspected of going soft on Charles,
当托马斯·普莱德上校以武力铲除了 对查理有恻隐之心的议员时
the country realised there was a new power in the land.
This was the soldiers' show now.
Britain belonged to them, and they belonged to God.
不列颠听命于他们 而他们听命于上帝
They had no desire to go back to a country of princes, lords and gentlemen.
他们不愿回到 那个有王子 贵族和绅士的国家
They wanted Jerusalem now.
And they wanted the biggest sinner of them all, the man of blood,
他们想要那个万恶之源 那个残忍的人
Charles Stuart, to feel the fire of God's wrath.
查理·斯图亚特 亲自领教上帝的愤怒
The final question could be addressed what should happen to Charles?
最后的问题浮出水面 查理会有何等下场