In the following months,the war broke down into grim, grinding local conflicts.
在随后的数月中 战争演变成了艰苦的局部冲突
Parliament held on to London,the king tried to nail down bases of strength in the north and south-west.
议会军据守伦敦 国王则试图依仗 北方和西南地区的力量
The south-western campaign was especially savage.
Towns like Exeter and Taunton changed hands.
Local families were divided between brothers and cousins.
Old friends became new enemies.
Two such opponents, men in every other respect virtually indistinguishable,
其中这样一对 惺惺相惜的朋友
were William Waller, a parliamentary general,and Ralph Hopton, a Royalist.
是议会军将领威廉·沃勒 和保皇党人拉尔夫·霍普顿
In a lull in the fighting,Hopton wrote to Waller asking for a meeting.
在短暂的休战期间 霍普顿写信给沃勒请求会面
Waller felt he had to turn him down,but wrote back in terms which spoke of the deep sorrow he felt at their broken friendship.
沃勒感到不得不拒绝 但回信中谈到了 友情泯灭带给他的深切痛楚
It's the classic lament of this terrible civil war.
To my noble friend, Sir Ralph.
致我尊贵的朋友 拉尔夫爵士
Sir, my affections to you are so unchangeable that hostility itself cannot violate my friendship to your person.
阁下 我对您的感情矢志不渝 战争本身 远无法侵犯你我对你个人的情谊
But I must be true to the cause wherein I serve.
That great God which is the searcher of my heart knows with what a sad scene I go upon this service,
伟大的上帝能探知我的心灵 他知道恪守职责于我意味着何等痛苦
and with what a perfect hatred I detest this war without an enemy.
而我又何等憎恶 这没有仇敌的战争
But I look upon it as an opus domini,which is enough to silence all passion in me.
但我将其视作神的旨意 足以冷却我心中所有的爱