For Complex News, I'm Sean Evans and earlier this week we told you about The First Couple's favorite songs of 2015, with President Obama selecting Kendrick Lamar's "How Much a Dollar Cost" and Michelle going with the decidedly less surprising "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars.
Complex新闻,我是Sean Evans 。本周早些时候,我们披露了总统和第一夫人2015年最喜爱的歌曲 。奥巴马总统选择的是Kendrick Lamar的How Much a Dollar Cost,毫无意外,米歇尔选择的是Bruno Mars的Uptown Funk 。
Well, the video performed well enough to warrant a follow up. And thankfully, People.com blessed us with a few more year-end superlatives from the White House, including the pair's favorite TV shows, movies and books.
视频做的非常不错,很容易吸引观众People.com为我们提供了来自白宫的更多年末最佳列表,包括这对夫妇最喜欢的电视节目,电影和书籍 。 。谢天谢地,
The president says that his favorite book of the year is Fates and Furies, while the First Lady gives a nod to The Light of the World, a memoir about the death of author Elizabeth Alexander's husband.
总统表示,他今年最喜欢的书是《命运女神和复仇女神》,而第一夫人比较欣赏的是《世界之光》,是关于作家伊丽莎白·亚历山大的丈夫的回忆录 。
On the movie side of things, Barack's favorite film is The Martian. Michelle, on the other hand, chooses Inside Out, The Pixar movie starring Amy Poehler. And, from the big screen to the LED, the president's favorite TV show goes to The Knick, which you can catch on Cinemax. Michelle's favorite TV show? ABC's Blackish.
在电影方面,总统最喜爱的电影是《火星救援》Cinemax上观看 。米歇尔最喜爱的电视节目是ABC电视台的《喜新不厌旧》 。 。米歇尔最喜爱的是《头脑特工队》,皮克斯电影出品,艾米·波勒主演 。从大荧幕到电视,总统最喜爱的电视节目是《尼克病院》,可以在电视网
Plan your holiday binge watching accordingly.
可以根据以上信息选择你假期观看的节目 。
That's the news for now.
以上就是今天的新闻 。