What Causes Garlic Breath
This week on Reactions, we’re talking garlic.
本周,我们一起来探讨一下大蒜的话题 。
Hey, it’s good for your taste buds and good for your body, but you’ve got to wonder,how can something that adds such a brilliant flavor to food leave you with such bad breath after you eat it? Our buddies over at Compound Interest have some answers for us, so sit back, get peeling, and get ready for some hard chemistry facts about garlic.
大蒜让你味蕾大开,有益身体,但是你或许会想,大蒜可以让食物如此美味,为什么吃过大蒜之后会在嘴里留下这么难闻的味道?我们Compound Interest的伙计们为我们带来了答案 。所以,请坐好,给大蒜剥皮,然后准备了解与大蒜有关的一些化学知识 。
Garlic contains four major volatile organic compounds that are responsible for that notorious garlic breath. Interestingly enough,none of these compounds are present in garlic until it’s crushed or chopped.
大蒜中含有四种主要的易挥发的有机化合物,导致令人讨厌的口气 。有趣的是,这些化合物原本并不存在于大蒜中,直到压碎或切碎后才会出现 。
When garlic’s structure is damaged,enzymes convert the compound allin to allicin – the compound responsible for garlic’s distinct smell. Allicin is then broken down into the four compounds that were just mentioned.
当大蒜的结构被破坏后,酶会把化合物蒜苷转化为蒜素——这种化合物就是大蒜有着独特的味道的原因Allicin随后被分解为上述提到的四种化合物 。 。
Once you take your first bite, the allyl methyl sulfide compound is broken down in the body much slower than the rest of the gang, so it’s mostly responsible for your garlic breath.
当你吃第一口的时候,丙烯基甲基硫醚在人体内的分解速度远远低于其他几种,所以它是导致糟糕口气的元凶 。
This compound is then passed into your bloodstream and organs, and is excreted when you sweat, breathe, and when you have to pee. But hey, if you’re worried about garlic breath,try eating some parsley or drinking milk.
然后,这种化合物被传送至血液和器官,当你出汗,呼吸或者放屁的时候就会排泄出来 。但是,如果你担心吃大蒜后口气糟糕,可以吃一些西芹或喝一点牛奶 。
These two foods are actually known to reduce garlic breath!
这两种食物可以缓解大蒜的味道 。
There’s also more to garlic than its delicious flavor and accompanying bad breath.
大蒜除了美味和糟糕的口气之外还有许多你不知道的知识 。
You may have heard people tell that you garlic is good for you health.
你或许听人说过,大蒜对身体健康有益 。
Well they’re right!Garlic carries antibacterial properties,and three compounds in particular do the dirty work: Diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide,and diallyl trisulfide.
是的,他们说的是对的 。大蒜中含有抗菌成分,其中三种化合物功不可没:二烯丙基硫醚,二烯丙基二硫醚和二烯丙基三硫醚 。
Sulfur-containing organic compounds like these can penetrate the cell membranes of bacteria cells, and combine with certain enzymes or proteins to alter their structure,which ultimately damages the cells. Also, along with these organosulfur bacterial assassins,allicin has similar antibacterial properties.
这些含硫有机化合物可以穿透细菌细胞的细胞膜,与特定的酶和蛋白质结合改变其结构,最终破坏细胞 。同样,除了这些硫细菌杀手之外,蒜素也有类似的抗菌功效 。