10 Shocking Ways To Eat Food
Twitter users have shared their unusual ways of eating food...can you make it through these photos without getting angry?
推特用户和大家分享了不同寻常的吃东西的方式 。你能淡定地看完这些照片后不感到饥饿吗?
Mutilating hot dogs
On,the humanity!
Putting ice on cereal.Now those are some frosty flakes!
把冰放在谷物上 。现在变成冰片了!
Some people swap their milk for OJ...OJ+cereal= unbalanced breakfast.
一些人用牛奶代替OJ,OJ+谷物——不平衡的早餐 。
These doughnuts sliced up like tiny pies.You fancy now!
这些炸面圈切开后就像细小的馅饼 。现在由你来摆花样了 。
Something seeming backwards here...then it's just cheese.
这种造型看上去像是倒过来了一样 。然后是奶酪 。
Take a big bite out of an orange...is like comparing apples and oranges.
咬一大口橙子,就像橙子和苹果进行比较一样 。
If you don't string your string cheese...
Some things are just meant to be sliced...But,hey...enjoy it however you want.
有有些食物就应该被切开来 。但是……无论怎样,你喜欢就好 。
What weird way do you like to eat?