Lack of sleep linked to stroke risk
Our health news tonight is about the lack of sleep and the real consequences for those who don't get enough of it, including the very real increased risk of stroke. The story from our chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman.
我们今天的健康新闻涉及的是缺乏睡眠,以及缺乏睡眠人群面临的后果,包括中风的风险大幅增加Nancy Snyderman医生的报道 。 。来自我们的首席医疗编辑
Sleep, a rare commodity in many homes across this country, may be even more important than previously thought. Sleep experts presenting their latest findings in Boston reveal that middle-aged or older Americans who habitually get too little sleep increase their risks of stroke dramatically.
全国许多家庭都睡眠不足 。睡眠或许比我们以往认为的还要重要 。睡眠专家在波士顿发表了最新发现,他们披露,习惯性睡眠不足的中年人或更老的美国人中风的风险大幅增加 。
When you have this sleep loss, you increase inflammation in the body, you also, there is a lot of dysregulation in blood pressure as well.
当你睡眠不足的时候,体内的炎症就会增加,血压也会失调 。
And this affects many American adults. The number of people who report a full eight hours or more of sleep each night has dropped 10% in the last decade to only 28% in the US.
这一点影响着许多美国成年人 。过去10年,报告每晚保证8小时以上睡眠的人数下降了10%,只有28%了 。
There's not enough hours in the day.
一天都没有足够的时间 。
I am a truck driver and I work 10 to 14 hours a day.
我是一名卡车司机,我每天工作10至14小时 。
Sometimes I just worry too much.
有时我担心的事情太多了 。
Stroke, the fourth leading cause of death in this country, occurs when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted. It's more common in people with high blood pressure and sleep deprivation can be a contributing factor.
中风是美国第四大死亡诱因,当血液向大脑的供应被阻断时就会发生 。中风在高血压人群中更为常见,而睡眠不足是主要因素 。
Today's study says that those who get less than six hours of sleep at night are four times as likely to suffer a stroke.
今天的研究表示,每晚睡眠不足六小时的人中风的风险是正常人的四倍 。
What makes this new research even more concerning is that more than 56,000 people included were not overweight or suffering from an activity, also key risk factors for stroke. A reason experts say to make sleep a priority.
关于这项研究更令人担忧的是,超过5.6万人并不肥胖,也没有夜间活动,而他们也面临中风的风险,而专家称,缺乏睡眠是主要原因 。
It's just making commitment to stopping work and stopping all those activities earlier in the night and giving themselves adequate opportunity.
所以,停止工作,早点停止夜间活动,给自己更多机会 。
There may be some connection between a lack of sleep and then disturbances in the cardiovascular system and while the results are preliminary. The numbers really point to a worrying conclusion that in addition to your weight and not smoking and getting some fresh air and yes all the things we know to do, sleep has to be on that list of how we keep us healthy. The first thing I'll say to Brian, to people, Brian, get your television set out of your bedroom.
缺乏睡眠和心脑血管受到扰乱之间或许存在联系,而结果只是初步的 。这些数字得出让人担忧的结论,除了控制体重,不要抽烟,多呼吸新鲜空气等我们都知道的事情之外,充足的睡眠也是保持健康的关键 。我要对大家说的是,电视机不要放在卧室里 。
Oh, boy, the story got the attention of a lot of people today as you know, Nancy, Thank you.
希望今天的故事能够引起大家的注意Nancy,谢谢你 。 。