Yes, you can die of a broken heart
心碎也能要人命 坦然享受生命
A family obituary in this morning's New York Times is announcing the death of the mother of Christine Brinkley at the age of 91 says:her heart never survived losing the love of her life for her husband who predeceased by seven weeks. It's very common after the death of a longtime spouse, but the sadness also a medical condition and worst of all, could truly be fatal as it often appears to be. Our report tonight from our chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderan.
今早《纽约时报》一则讣告宣布Christine Brinkley的母亲去世,享年91岁:七周前,她的丈夫去世,由于失去丈夫的爱,她的心脏难以承受 。陪伴一生的配偶去世后伤心在所难免,但是悲伤也是一种疾病,甚至最糟糕的情况下会致命 。我们今晚的报道由首席医疗编辑Nancy Snyderan医生带给大家 。
Cindy Bezon's husband Joel had been in the cardiac ICU of Maine Medical Center for three days, recovering from a heart attack. And she had a visual in a nearby waiting room.
Cindy Bezon的丈夫Joel在缅因州医疗中心心脏病重症监护病房待了三天,此前心脏病发,目前正在恢复 。她在附近的候诊室通过图像观看丈夫的情况 。
-You are constantly waiting for someone to come out and talk to you.
你一直在等待有人出来跟你说话 。
当然 。
-And you stressed hormones are off the charts.
你的压力荷尔蒙已经超标 。
-I was on urge. But I thought I was doing fine. And I thought I was handling it very well.
我非常冲动 。但是我觉得我很好 。我认为我处理得很好 。
But she wasn't.
但实际上她的情况并不好 。
-I remember coming, standing by the nurse's station, talking to someone. And as I was talking, I said: well, I really feel dizzy. I remember grabbing onto a counter. I was just trying to hold on for support. At that moment, black cloud,just,curtain just came down over my eyes that I couldn't shake away. And that's the last thing that I remember.
我记得我来到这里之后站在护士台旁边,跟别人说话 。我说:我觉得自己头晕眼花 。我记得自己抓住了一个柜台,希望能得到一点支撑 。当时我眼前一黑,难以摆脱 。这是我记得的最后的事情 。
Cindy was in full cardiac arrest, suffering from something literally called Broken-heart syndrome. Ninety percent of the patients who experienced it are post menopausal women, mostly over age of 55.
Cindy心脏骤停,准确地说叫做心碎综合症 。遭遇这种状况的90%的病人都是绝经后的女性,大部分年龄在55岁以上 。
We think that it is women age, their hearts and small blood vessels around their heart become more susceptible to distress hormones. So a stress that you might experience at the age of 25 when your estrogen levels are high may not have the same effect on your heart as it might when you are 65 years old.
我们认为随着女性年老,她们的心脏和心脏周围小的静脉血管越来越容易受压力荷尔蒙的影响 。这种压力非常巨大,当你25岁雌激素水平非常高的时候,你的心脏受到的影响却不如65岁的时候影响那么大 。
The extreme stress of her husband's medical crisis triggered Cindy's brain to send a signal to her adrenal glands which released an unusual surge of stress hormones into her blood stream. That surge rushed to her heart, essentially paralyzing part of it, causing it to bloom now like this and then shut down.
丈夫的疾病带来的极端压力触发了Cindy的大脑向肾上腺发送了一个信号 。肾上腺会向血液中释放非常高水平的压力荷尔蒙 。突然增加的压力荷尔蒙涌向心脏,甚至让心脏的部分区域瘫痪,导致目前这种情况,甚至导致心脏骤停 。
--There are cases of people dying of this condition and when I'm asked can you die of a broken heart, we absolutely say yes, you can.
甚至有人因为这种情况而死亡 。当有人问我,是否会因为心碎而死亡时,我们的答案是肯定的,肯定会 。
Cindy and Joel both recovered. And now celebrating life's simple pleasures has taken on a new meaning.
现在Cindy和Joel都康复了 。现在,庆祝人生中一些简单的快乐有了新的意义 。
--We don't sweat the small stuff. We live to enjoy life.
我们不再纠结于琐碎的事情 。我们活着就是要享受生活 。
--Enjoy each other and we're grateful for every moment that we have.
享受对方的陪伴,我们感恩我们享受的每一分钟 。
This is not a heart attack. The symptoms may mimic one. Heart attack is caused by blockages. This is simply a case of the heart being stunned by all those chemicals rushing to it. It's a temporary malfunction. And the heart usually covers completely if it's recognized in time, important thing is to recognize it. I think they are frankly under-recognized in this country.
这并不是心脏病,不过其症状和心脏病很像 。心脏病是由血管堵塞引起的 。而这种疾病是由于心脏受到突然涌向心脏的化学物质引起的,这只是暂时的心脏功能失调 。如果能够及时鉴别,心脏通常能够完全恢复,关键就是要及时鉴别 。我认为在整个国家,这一点做得还不够 。
One of the true enduring medical mysteries. Nancy, thank you as always.
这确实是医学界长期存在的谜团 。Nancy,非常感谢 。