Are You Poisoning Your Pet?
Everyone knows that chocolate is bad for your pets, but you might be surprised that some of the other people foods that are not only bad for your animals and could also kill them. GMA now’s resident vet Dr. Marty Becker joins us again with some of the worst human foods you can feed your fat, pet rather. But first up, we want to meet two friends from Humane Society of New York.
每个人都知道巧克力对你的宠物不好,但其他一些食品不仅仅对你的宠物不好,甚至可能会夺走他们的生命,你或许会感到惊讶GMA居民Marty Becker再次加入我们的节目,了解我们可能会喂给我们的宠物的最糟糕的食物 。但是首先让我们认识一下来自纽约人类社区的两位朋友 。 。
This is Mea. What‘s this little guy’s name?
这是Mea 。这个小家伙叫什么?
Ah Taylor.
Taylor 。
Taylor, both are for adoption.
Taylor,两位都是等待收养的宠物 。
They are friends.
它们是朋友 。
They are, so cute. I’ve never seen two -- a little kitten and a dog, get, you know, get along so well. This guy, I understand, swallowed 13 pennies?
它们太萌了 。我从来没见过猫猫和狗狗相处得这么好的 。这个小家伙曾经吞掉13枚硬币?
Well, a lot of dogs have what we call pica appetites, eat strange things and again that, they tend not to pass pennies, or anything like that. So that’s a medical emergency,the owner, you know, had abandoned this dog because of swallowing the penny, so they did a life saving surgery and announced it available for adoption.
许多狗都有我们所说的异食癖,喜欢吃奇怪的东西,而不会传递硬币或其他类似的东西 。所以有这样的医疗急诊 。一些主人会因为这只狗狗吞了硬币而放弃它 。所以它们接受了一些挽救生命的手术,等待收养 。
Make no sense to me. Dr. Becker.
对我来说是行不通的,Becker医生 。
You want go to see your Mama?
Bad pica! If you like to adopt these cuties, it’s the Humane Society of New York, thank you so much. OK, so let’s get to it. So chocolate, first thing first, it’s the first thing we think of food that can potentially, you know, kill our pets.
真是糟糕的异食癖!如果你想收养这些可爱的小宠物,可以到纽约人类社区办理,非常感谢 。让我们继续,巧克力是我们能想到的可能会杀死宠物的第一种食物 。
Not all chocolates are created equal. First of all, the chocolates are sorta bad, why chocolates? There are something called methylxanthine and theobromine. Theobromine is like cassine, if you think of it like that. But for dogs it seems that chocolate it causes increased heart rate, increased respiration seizures, even death. (Really) Now for dark chocolate, it only takes one ounce for a ten-pound dog to cause problems, milk chocolates 10 ounces for a 10-pound dog, white chocolate which is basically sugar and butter is really no problem at all.
并不是所有的巧克力都是一样的,有的巧克力很糟糕,为什么是巧克力呢?其中含有一些叫做甲基黄嘌呤和可可碱的物质 。甲基黄嘌呤就像山扁豆碱一样,你可以这样认为 。但是对狗狗来说,巧克力会导致心率增加,呼吸道疾病发作,甚至死亡 。而黑巧克力,一只十磅重的狗只要吃1盎司巧克力就会出问题,吃10盎司牛奶巧克力就会出问题 。而主要是糖和黄油的白巧克力反而没有问题 。
Now let’s move on. You mentioned coffee. Coffee and caffeinic products, I don’t know this can cause the same harm in our pets.
现在让我们继续 。你也提到了咖啡 。咖啡和咖啡产品,我不知道这些食品会对宠物带来坏处 。
Even two and three coffee beans can cause problem in a pet, and again, they are not aware, we kinda like that coffee jo, you know, to go to Starbuck, get the whole day started with the heart raise and stuff, but it’s not good for pets, and again you just got don't ever leave something like that down, don't ever leave to place where they can get after because they like that kind of aroma especially flavored coffee. So don’t have them down.
两三颗咖啡豆就可以对宠物造成问题 。我们都喜欢去星巴克享受一杯咖啡,一整天都享受心跳加快的感觉,但是这对我们的宠物不好 。不要把咖啡放在宠物可以够到的地方,因为它们喜欢咖啡的香味 。