Tax fraud charges against Spanish princess upheld
According to a Spanish court, Princess Cristina de Borbon - sister of the recently crowned King Felipe - may be guilty of tax fraud. The court has upheld tax fraud charges against the Princess, following an investigation into her husband Inaki Urdangarin's business dealings. He's accused of embezzelment and using his connections to win public contracts. The scandal is just the latest in a series that have hurt the monarchy's popularity in recent years. And while the court is dropping charges of money-laundering against the princess, everyone in Madrid it seems, has an opinon.
据西班牙法庭透露,公主克里斯蒂娜——最近刚刚加冕的国王菲利普的姐姐——可能犯有税务欺诈罪Inaki Urdangarin)的生意往来进行调查后,法庭维持了对这位公主的税收欺诈指控 。他被指控挪用资产,利用自己与王室的关系来赢得公共合同 。这桩丑闻是近年来导致王室受欢迎程度下跌的一系列事件中最新的 。尽管法庭放弃了对公主的洗钱罪指控,马德里的民众却有自己的看法 。 。对克里斯蒂娜的丈夫乌丹加林(
(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) CRISTINA, SPANIARD, SAYING: "It's the Royal House. Obviously they will let her get off the hook...What this shows for the n-th time is that justice is not the same for everyone."
西班牙人CRISTINA:“这是西班牙王室 。很明显,他们会让她走出困境 。这多次向我们表明,正义面前并不是人人平等 。”
(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) ROSA, SPANIARD, SAYING: "I think people expected the ruling -- there has been so much press coverage and it's difficult to believe she knew nothing about her husband's business."
西班牙人ROSA:“我认为人们很期待判决——媒体曾大肆报道,人们很难相信她对自己丈夫的生意一无所知 。”
Now the princess may be required to appear in court -- to answer the charges and potentially prolong the embarrassment of Spain's royal family.
现在,公主可能会被要求出庭面对指控,可能会延长西班牙王室家族的尴尬 。
Berliners welcome "Wall" of lights
Twenty five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall... An art installation made up of thousands of balloons illuminate where it once stood. The city was partitioned for nearly thirty years, until the Wall was unexpectedly torn down on November 9, 1989. Passers-by say the art installation is a good way to show younger generations what life was like back then.
柏林墙倒塌已经过去了25年 。由数千个气球打造的艺术品矗立在柏林墙原来的位置 。这座城市被分离了近30年,直到1989年11月9日,柏林墙出人意料地被推倒 。路人表示,这个艺术品装置是向年轻的一代展示过去生活的好方法 。
(SOUNDBITE) (German) PASSERBY, PETER-UWE KRAEHN, SAYING: "As the Wall's pathway has nearly vanished over the past 25 years and nobody really remembers where it actually was, I think this is a very good thing."
路人PETER-UWE KRAEHN:“过去25年,柏林墙的通道几乎已经消失,没有人记得柏林墙曾经在何处,所以我认为这个艺术装置的出现是好事 。”
(SOUNDBITE) (German) PASSERBY, IRENE KRAEHN, SAYING: "Yes, I agree. We witnessed all that. I was 17 years old when the wall was built and I think it is a good thing that all the others can see what we had to go through and what we missed."
路人IRENE KRAEHN:“是的,我赞同 。我目睹了一切 。柏林墙建筑的时候我只有17岁 。我认为这是好事,所有其他人都可以看一下我们曾经经历了什么,错过了什么 。”
The balloons carry messages written by "balloon sponsors" -- including churches and schools -- who shared their memories of the fall of the Wall -- as well as their hopes for a world without walls. On Sunday, audiences will watch them be released into the sky during a special ceremony. The guest list includes German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will enjoy the spectacle from the Brandenburg Gate.
气球上写有“气球发起者”书写的信息——包括教堂和学校——他们分享了自己关于柏林墙倒塌的记忆——以及他们对没有柏林墙的世界的希望 。周日,观众们将在特别的仪式上观看气球被放飞到空中 。宾客名单包括德国总理默克尔,她将在勃兰登堡门观看这场精彩的表演 。
Massacre of missing students verified by Mexican Attorney General
Mexico's Attorney General Jesus Murillo says evidence suggests that 43 missing trainee teachers were murdered and their charred remains thrown into a garbage dump and a river in southwest Mexico, based on the confessions of three detained gang members.
墨西哥司法部长穆里略(Jesus Murillo)表示,有证据表明,43名失踪的实习教师被谋杀,他们烧焦的遗体被丢入一个垃圾堆和墨西哥西南部一条河流 。这是三名被捕犯罪团伙成员招供的信息 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) MEXICAN ATTORNEY GENERAL JESUS MURILLO, SAYING: "Some hours ago I informed the families of the missing youth on the advances in the investigation taking place. I know that the information we have obtained causes great pain in the families, a pain that everyone shares in solidarity. The statements and confessions that we have gathered from investigations carried out unfortunately points out to the murder of a large number of people in the area of Cocula."
墨西哥司法部长穆里略(Jesus Murillo):“几个小时前,我已将调查的进展告知失踪年轻人的家人 。我知道我们得到的消息对失踪者的家人造成了巨大的痛苦,每个人都深切地感受到这种痛苦 。我们从进行的调查中得到的供词不幸地表明这些年轻人在Cocula地区被集体杀害 。”
The government says police working with a local drug gang abducted the students. Detainees, caught a week ago, admitted to setting fire to a group of bodies near where the students went missing in late September.
政府表示,警方与当地犯罪团伙勾结绑架了这些学生 。一周前被捕的囚犯承认在9月末这些学生失踪地点附近放火燃烧了一些尸体 。
(Spanish) MEXICAN ATTORNEY GENERAL JESUS MURILLO, SAYING: "The detainees pointed out that in this area they took the lives of the survivors and then they they put them under the rubbish dump where they burnt the bodies. They took shifts so that the fire lasted hours, using diesel,petrol, tires, plastic."
墨西哥司法部长穆里略(Jesus Murillo):“囚犯供述,他们在这里夺走了幸存者的性命,然后把尸体丢入垃圾堆焚烧 。他们轮流进行,所以大火持续了几个小时 。他们使用了柴油,石油,轮胎和塑料 。”
Outrage has spilled into the streets over the disappearances -- presenting the toughest challenge yet for President Enrique Pena Nieto, who took office two years ago vowing to restore order in Mexico, where about 100,000 people have died in violence linked to organized crime since 2007.
43名学生的失踪导致民情激愤——这是总统裴纳尼托面临的最严峻的挑战 。两年前上台时,这位总统承诺重塑墨西哥秩序 。自2007年以来,墨西哥已有大约10万人死于与犯罪团伙有关的暴力 。