Turkish hostages in Iraq released
Freedom at last for dozens of men, women and even children held hostage by Islamic State for three months. It was an emotional end in the Turkish capital to their long journey. They were escorted down the aircraft's steps by the Turkish prime minister before they were bombarded by their families and friends. They were diplomats, soldiers and employees, who been taken from the Turkish consulate as IS fighters overran the northern city of Iraq in June. Earlier Ahmet Davutoglu flew into Sanliurfa to greet the 46 Turkish hostages and three Iraqis, who'd been freed.
被伊斯兰国激进分子劫持了三个月的数十名男女甚至儿童终于获得自由Ahmet Davutoglu飞往萨利乌尔法问候了获释的46名土耳其人质和3名伊拉克人 。 。在土耳其首都,人们为他们结束悲苦的历程而感慨万千 。他们在土耳其总理的护送下走下飞机的台阶,随后受到朋友家人的热烈欢迎 。他们是外交官,士兵和雇员,六月份伊斯兰国战士袭击伊拉克北部城市时从土耳其领事馆被带走 。早些时候,
(SOUNDBITE) TURKISH PRIME MINISTER AHMET DAVUTOGLU, SAYING: "Today is not only a celebration day for you and your families, it is a very significant day for the whole nation. I wish from God that all of our days in future will be as good as this one and we will never experience such a sadness ever again."
土耳其总理Ahmet Davutoglu:“今天不仅是值得你和家人庆祝的日子,对于整个国家来说也是重要的一天 。我向上帝祷告,希望我们未来的每一天都像今天一样,我们永远不要再经历这样的悲伤 。”
It's believed they were released along the Syrian-Turkish border. They were brought to southern Turkey in the early hours of the morning. The circumstances behind their freedom remains unclear but Turkey has refused direct involvement in the military campaign against IS partly because of fears over their safety.
据信他们是在叙利亚土耳其边境获释的 。他们于清早被带到土耳其南部 。他们获得自由的背景仍不清楚,但是由于担心人质的安全,土耳其拒绝直接参加打击伊斯兰国的军事行动 。
Storm leaves 200,000 displaced in Philippines, heads for Taiwan
Streets turned into rivers and homes half submerged. The storm Fung-Wong slammed into the northern Philippines on Friday, killing several people and bringing the capital to a near standstill. Now the huge mopping up operation begins. Layers of thick sludge and debris must be cleared from roads and homes. Many areas are still without power. Hundreds of towns across the country were flooded, with some areas as much as two metres underwater. Around 200,000 people have been forced out from their homes to stay in shelters, like these, converted schools and public buildings. With just a plastic bag to carry the few possessions they managed to salvage, many must rely on food handouts to survive. Fung-Wong arrived as Manila was recovering from another storm the previous week. The tropical storm, which has weakened, is now churning towards Taiwan and expected to hit on Monday.
街道成为汪洋大海,房屋一半被淹没 。周五,台风凤凰袭击菲律宾北部,造成几人死亡,导致首都接近瘫痪 。现在,浩大的清理工作已经开始 。必须从家中和道路上清理厚厚的泥浆和废墟 。许多地区仍然没有电力供应 。数百个城镇遭遇洪水,一些地区的积水深达两米 。大约200,000人被迫离开家园,暂住在庇护所中,比如这些学校和公共建筑 。他们只有一个塑料袋装着挽救到的所剩无几的财产,许多人只能依赖分发的食物生存 。凤凰抵达马尼拉时,这里刚刚从前一周的另一场台风中恢复 。该热带风暴已经减弱,正向台湾移动,预期将于周一抵达台湾 。
Scottish nationalist leader Alex Salmond to resign after No vote
A grueling night for the defeated leader of the independence campaign Alex Salmond. Looking drained, he said it was time to move on.
对于独立公投中落败的亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond)来说,这是精疲力尽的一晚 。看上去形容憔悴的萨尔蒙德表示,是时候继续前行了 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) SCOTTISH NATIONAL PARTY LEADER, ALEX SALMOND, SAYING: "For me right now, therefore, there is a decision as to who is best placed to lead this process forward. I believe that this is a new exciting situation that is redolent with possibility, but in that situation I think that party, parliament and country would benefit from new leadership. Therefore I have told the national secretary of the Scottish National Party that I shall not accept nomination for leader at the annual conference in Perth on the 13th-15th November. For me as, as leader my time is nearly over, but for Scotland the campaign continues and the dream shall never die."
苏格兰国家民族党领袖亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond):“对我来说,现在需要决定谁是领导这场运动继续进行的最佳人选 。我相信,这是新的激动人心的形势,充满各种可能性,但是在这种情况下,我认为整个政党,议会和国家将从新的领导中受益 。因此我已告诉苏格兰国家民族党秘书处,我在11月13日至15日期间举行的年度会议上不会接受党派领袖提名 。对我来说,作为领袖的时代已经结束,但是对苏格兰来说,这场运动仍会继续,梦想不会灭亡 。”
Across the country, emotions were heightened and passions divided. Scotland had spurned independence but here in Glasgow, where nationalists were in a majority divisions were particularly deep. The trouble began when the Union supporters fired a flare and charged, but their numbers dwindled away later. Several arrests were made after rival Union and independence supporters gathered in George Square in the centre of the city...divided in joy and disappointment over the fate of their country....
在全国各地,人们的情绪非常高涨,意见各不相同 。苏格兰已经拒绝独立,但是在格拉斯哥,民族主义者的分歧非常大,陷入一片混乱 。统一派支持者点燃火焰时开始出现混乱,但是后来数量迅速减少 。支持统一派和支持独立派在市中心乔治广场聚集,警方逮捕了一些闹事者 。由于苏格兰的命运归属,有人欢喜有人失望 。