Obama delays acting on immigration until after November elections
President Obama has put the brakes on immigration reform until after the November congressional elections. Obama had promised to announce a decision by the end of the summer, but a White House official says the issue has become a threat to fellow Democrats. Some worried that any executive actions taken without congressional approval could hurt Democrats in November as they struggle to retain control of the Senate. The official says Obama will take action on immigration before the end of the year. Not soon enough for those in the Hispanic community who want measures to protect many of the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants from deportation.
奥巴马总统暂停移民改革,直至11月份国会选举后 。奥巴马曾承诺在夏季结束之前宣布决定,但是一名白宫官员表示,该事宜已对民主党同僚造成威胁 。一些人担忧未经国会同意的任何行政措施都会在11月份给民主党带来伤害,因为他们现在要控制参议院已经非常困难 。这位官员表示,奥巴马将会在今年年末之前针对移民措施采取行动 。对于希望保护美国多达1100万未注册移民的拉美裔社区来说,时间太久了 。
Australia's Abbott on MH370: "We will not give up
With the pomp and circumstance of its military marching band, Malaysia rolled out the red carpet on Saturday, welcomin Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. On his one-day state visit, Abbott met with his counterpart, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. The two discussed issues related to the search for missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 and the recent downing of MH17 in eastern Ukraine. Australia is leading the searching for MH370, which disappeared six months ago about an hour into its journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
隆重的欢迎仪式和整齐的仪仗队,周六,马来西亚铺好红毯迎接澳大利亚总理艾伯特访问MH370航班和最近在乌克兰东部被击落的MH17航班等问题 。澳大利亚在MH370的搜索工作中处于主导地位 。六个月前,这架从吉隆坡飞往北京的航班起飞一小时后失踪 。 。在为期一天的国事访问中,艾伯特会见了马来西亚总理纳吉布 。两位领导人讨论了搜索失联的马来西亚航空
(SOUNDBITE) (English) AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER TONY ABBOTT SAYING: "We will not give up till we have found what is left of flight MH370. We owe it to the family of the lost. We owe it to grieving countries. We owe it to the frightened and the curious all around the world. We will do whatever we reasonably can to resolve this mystery."
澳大利亚总理艾伯特:“我们不会放弃,直到发现MH370航班的线索 。这是我们欠遇难者家庭的 。是我们欠那些悲伤的家庭的 。是我们欠全世界恐惧而好奇的民众的 。我们将采取一切合理的措施来揭开这个谜团 。”
Then in July, Malaysia Airlines MH17 was downed in eastern Ukraine. All 298 passengers on board were killed and the investigation is facing difficulties as the region is controlled by rebels.
随后,7月份,马来西亚航空MH17航班在乌克兰东部被击落 。机上所有298名乘客全部遇难 。由于该地区被反叛分子控制,调查工作面临困难 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) MALAYSIAN PRIME MINISTER NAJIB RAZAK SAYING: "So that is why we are very, very keen to re-enter the crash site especially before winter sets in and we do need at least a few weeks. The Malaysian side, together with Australia, Netherlands and the other countries, will want to comb the entire area, because the area is wide."
马来西亚总理纳吉布:“这就是我们为何迫切地重新进入坠机地点的原因,尤其是在冬季来临之前 。我们至少需要几周的时间 。马来西亚与澳大利亚,荷兰以及其他国家需要排查整个地区,因为范围非常广阔 。”
The two tragedies prompted a major restructuring for Malaysia Airlines.
这两起灾难促使马来西亚航空进行重大改组 。
Donetsk residents wary of Ukraine ceasefire
With a new ceasefire in place in Ukraine, peace and calm are returning to Donetsk. But residents of one of the two last rebel strongholds in the country have their doubts.
乌克兰签署了新的停火协议,顿涅茨克恢复了和平与安静 。但是叛军最后两个堡垒之一的顿涅茨克居民还存在疑问 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) DONETSK RESIDENT, TATIANA, SAYING: "Trust or don't trust - it doesn't matter. I hope for the best.Whether we want it or not, it's not up to us. No one wants war. The people don't care."
顿涅茨克居民TATIANA:“信任还是不信任,这并不重要 。我抱着最好的希望 。无论我们想不想要,这并不取决于我们 。没有人想发生战争 。民众并不在乎 。”
The Ukrainian government and pro-Russian separatist fighters agreed to the truce Friday in Belarus. They also reached a deal on prisoner exchanges, deliveries of humanitarian aid and the withdrawal of heavy weapons. But Donetsk residents don't think the peace will last.
周五,乌克兰政府和亲俄分裂分子战士在白俄罗斯达成休战协议 。他们还达成了交换囚犯,人道主义运输和撤出重武器等协议 。但是顿涅茨克居民并不认识和平能够持久 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) DONETSK RESIDENT, OLEG, SAYING: "Because Comrade Poroshenko doesn't keep his word. It's not only me.Most of the people from Donetsk think that." So far more than 2,600 people have been killed in five months of conflict.
顿涅茨克居民OLEG:“因为波罗申科不能信守诺言 。不只是我 。顿涅茨克大部分人都这样认为 。”目前为止,已有超过2,600人在为期五个月的冲突中遇难 。