It's the first ever all-in-one personal home computer.And you called me because?
We need a heat efficient power supply. In the case.
我们需要你设计一个高效率的电源 机箱里面用的
That's impossible, but don't mind me.I'm just, you know, an engineer.
我觉得根本不可能 但是我不介意(试试)。毕竟 我也是个工程师
So, wattage?40 watts. And quiet.
需要多大电压?40瓦 而且必须安静
What the hell do you mean, quiet? I mean silent.
怎样算是"安静" 最好是静音的
There's no such thing.These things run hot. They need fans in them.Those bitches ain't quiet.
目前还没有这种东东,它会发热 必须有个风扇,风扇噪音可不会小。
That's exactly why we need you.To redesign it.Redesign what?
The power supply. From scratch.It can't have a fan, it can't overheat.And it needs to fit inside a box, this size.
整个电源系统 重新开始设计。不能有风扇 还要保证散热,还要能装进机壳 就这么大的机壳
Don't do that. Please, don't do...Whatever. Do whatever you want.
别抽烟 好吗!不管怎样 尽你可能做吧
My rate is $200 a day.And if I ever think things aren't working out, I walk.
Mmm-hmm.Are we clear?We're clear.