Irish President in historic UK visit
This is the first state visit by an Irish head of state to Britain. It's a sign of how much relations between Dublin and its former colonial master are improving. Britain's Queen Elizabeth hosted a banquet for Irish President Michael Higgins.
这是爱尔兰国家元首首次对英国进行国事访问Michael Higgins) 。 。这表明都柏林和它的前殖民主义主子之间的关系出现大幅度改善 。英国女王伊丽莎白举行宴会款待爱尔兰总统希金斯(
(SOUNDBITE)(English) BRITAIN'S QUEEN ELIZABETH SAYING: "We, the Irish and the British, are becoming good and dependable neighbours and better friends, finally shedding our inhibitions about seeing the best in each other."
英国女王伊丽莎白:“我们英国和爱尔兰逐渐成为友好的,互相依赖的友邻国家,成为更好的朋友,最终互相合作,互惠互利 。”
(SOUNDBITE)(English) IRISH PRESIDENT MICHAEL HIGGINS SAYING: "I can assure you that this first state visit by a president of Ireland to the United Kingdom is a very visible sign of the warmth and maturity of the relationship between our two countries."
爱尔兰总统希金斯(Michael Higgins):“我可以向大家保证,爱尔兰总统首次对英国进行国事访问标志着两国之间的关系越来越缓和,越来越成熟 。”
Another mark of just how far things have changed was the participation of former Irish Republican Army guerrilla chief Martin McGuinness in a toast to the Queen. The conflict over British-ruled Northern Ireland claimed more than 3,600 lives from the 1960s until a peace deal largely ended it in 1998.
两国关系进展的另外一个标志就是,爱尔兰共和军游击队指挥官麦金尼斯(Martin McGuinness)向女王敬酒 。从90年代开始,针对英国统治的北爱尔兰的冲突导致超过3,600人遇难,直到1998年签署和平协议,冲突才大致结束 。
US marine dies in shooting
The shooting happened at the main gate of the Camp Lejeune military base in North Carolina. A U.S. Marine was shot and killed when a sentry's rifle went off. A base spokesman didn't say whether the shooting was intentional or not.
枪击事件发生在北卡罗来纳州列尊营(Camp Lejeune)军事基地主门 。一名哨兵的来福枪开枪,一名美国海军士兵被枪杀 。基地一名发言人并未 说明这起枪击事件是否有预谋的 。
(SOUNDBITE)(English) CAPTAIN JOSHUA SMITH, CAMP LEJEUNE SPOKESMAN, SAYING: "Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families involved at this point. I just want to stress that this is being ruled an isolated incident. It's neither an act of terrorism nor an active shooter. The situation is not active, it's under control and is being investigated by NCIS."
列尊营军事基地发言人,海军上校JOSHUA SMITH:“我们为这起枪击事件涉及的所有家人祈祷 。我要强调,这是一起独立的事件 。这不是恐怖主义袭击,也不是活跃的连环枪手 。形势已经处于控制中,海军罪案调查处正在进行调查 。”
The dead Marine was not immediately identified by officials at the base, while they notified next of kin.
基地官员目前还未透露遇难海军士兵的身份,不过已经通知了近亲 。
NATO chief calls on Russia to "step back"
Police detain 70 pro-Moscow protesters occupying a regional administration building in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine says the seizure of public buildings in its mainly Russian-speaking industrial heartland is a replay of events in Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula Moscow annexed last month. The Interior Minister says it took 18 minutes to clear the building Monday, pinning responsibility for occupation on Russian leader Vladimir Putin. After meetings with French President Francois Hollande, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen is calling on Russia to back off.
警方逮捕了占领乌克兰东部一座地方政府建筑的70名亲莫斯科抗议者 。乌克兰表示,这个主要讲俄语的工业中心地带公共建筑被占领是克里米亚事件的重演 。克里米亚是黑海一个半岛,上月已经加入俄罗斯 。内政部长表示,周一,他们花费了18分钟肃清这栋建筑,并将建筑被占领归咎于俄罗斯领导人普京 。与法国总统奥朗德举行会晤后,北约秘书长拉斯穆森呼吁俄罗斯后退 。
(SOUNDBITE) (French) NATO SECRETARY GENERAL ANDERS FOGH RASMUSSEN SAYING: "Our position is very clear. The Russian actions in Ukraine are illegal, illegitimate, and we asked Russia to step back."
北约秘书长拉斯穆森(ANDERS FOGH RASMUSSEN):“我们的立场非常明确 。俄罗斯在乌克兰的行为是非法的,不合理的,我们要求俄罗斯让步 。”
While separatists are cleared from a building in one city -- others are preparing for a long siege hoping for a future with Russia.
尽管一座城市建筑中的分裂主义者已经被清除,其他城市的人却仍在准备长期努力,希望将来能够加入俄罗斯 。