Senator John McCain leads delegation in Kiev
U.S. Senator John McCain leads a delegation of fellow senators to Kiev, Friday. They visit the street where dozens were killed by sniper fire last month. The lawmakers laid flowers at one of the many memorials to the fallen. This comes as Crimea's pro-Russia parliament has scheduled a referendum on Sunday to decide whether the region should be annexed by Russia. The senators later met with Ukraine's newly-installed leaders where acting president Oleksander Turchinov praises McCain's efforts.
周五,麦凯恩率领由美国参议员组成的代表团前往基辅Oleksander Turchinov)高度赞扬了麦凯恩的努力 。 。他们探访了上月几十人被狙击兵杀害的街道 。议员们在纪念陨落者的众多纪念碑中的一座前奉上鲜花 。克里米亚支持俄罗斯的议会已经定于周日举行全民公投,决定该地区是否加入俄罗斯 。随后,参议员们与乌克兰新任领导人举行会晤 。代理总统图奇诺夫(
(SOUNDBITE) (Ukrainian) UKRAINE'S ACTING PRESIDENT, OLEKSANDER TURCHINOV, SAYING: "I am very grateful to John McCain for his participation in these historical processes in Ukraine."
乌克兰代理总统图奇诺夫(Oleksander Turchinov):“参议员麦凯恩能够参与乌克兰历史性的进程,我非常感激 。”
McCain traveled to Kiev in December when he addressed demonstrators whose protests helped lead to the ouster of former President Viktor Yanukovich.
十二月份,麦凯恩曾前往基辅,并向示威者发表讲话 。示威者的抗议活动导致总统亚努科维奇被推翻 。
Anti-World Cup protests in Brazil
Another one of many protests in Brazil against this year's world football cup. In this rally in Sao Paulo around 1,500 people took to the street to complain about the costs of staging the tournament. They marched through the city centre chanting: "There will be no Cup". Brazil has witnessed months of protests against the estimated $11 billion price-tag for the world cup. These demonstrators say the money would have been better spent on improving poor public services.
巴西再次发生反对今年世界杯足球比赛的抗议活动 。在圣保罗这次集会中,大约1,500人走向街头,抗议兴建体育场地的巨额费用 。他们穿越市中心,高呼口号:“反对世界杯” 。由于为这次世界杯比赛兴建场地的费用高达110亿美元,巴西遭遇了连续数月的抗议活动 。这些示威者们表示,这笔资金应该更好地用于改善脆弱的公共服务 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) LAWYER, CESAR MONTEIRO, SAYING: "A World Cup is not our priority. Our priority is quality transportation, a system of quality universal health care, quality universal education. These are the demands of this protest in reality."
律师CESAR MONTEIRO:“世界杯比赛并不是我们的首要任务 。我们的当务之急是改善交通状况,改善全民医疗体系,改善全民教育体系 。这些都是抗议活动的要求 。”
The demonstration was peaceful.... not surprising when the police outnumbered the protesters. Recent protests have been small but some have turned violent. Thursday's rally comes less than three months before the FIFA World cup kicks off in Sao Paulo on June 12th.
示威活动是和平的,这不出所料,因为警方的人数超过抗议者 。最近的抗议活动规模很小,但是有一些抗议转变为暴利活动 。周四的集会发生时,距离本次世界杯6月12日在圣保罗开幕开有不到三个月的时间 。
Rebels storm building in Idlib province
Amateur video, which cannot be independently verified by Reuters, appears to show Syrian rebels storming a battle-scarred government building in northwestern Idlib province. The video comes amid reports that an al Qaeda splinter group finished pulling out of two provinces in the country's northwest Friday. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, a former al Qaeda affiliate, and competing insurgents have been fighting since the start of the year. Rights groups say some 4,000 people have been killed in rebel infighting, undermining the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad. As the conflict in Syria enters its fourth year, demonstrations in a suburb of Damascus. The conflict has killed more than 140,000 people and forced millions to flee their homes.
路透社难以独立证实的业余视频显示,叙利亚叛军正在袭击西北部伊德利卜省一栋身经百战的政府建筑 。有报道称,基地组织一个分支已经于周五完成了从西北部两个省份撤离的工作 。伊拉克与黎凡特伊斯兰国是前基地组织附属机构,自今年年初以来一直与敌对的反叛分子战争不断 。人权组织表示,已有大约4,000人在叛军对抗中遇难,削弱了对总统阿萨德的反抗 。随着叙利亚冲突进入第四年,大马士革郊区发起了示威活动 。这场冲突已经造成超过140,000人死亡,迫使数百万人背井离乡 。