Swiss vote to curb EU immigration
Working in Switzerland will be tougher in the coming years for foreign nationals. In a close referendum vote, Swiss citizens voted Sunday to reinstate quotas on immigrants from the EU. The "stop mass immigration" vote won by a narrow margin- just 50.3%- and reflects a growing concern amongst the Swiss that immigrants are eroding the nation's Alpine culture and contributing to rising rents, crowded transport and more crime. The EU said the vote goes against the principle of free movement of people and that it could affect trade between Switzerland and the EU. The initiative could further damage the Swiss economy by increasing the amount of red tape foreign professionals have to endure to work in the country. The vote will be turned into law within the next three years.
未来几年,外国公民在瑞士工作将受到更加严格的限制 。周日,在票数非常接近的全民公投中,瑞士公民投票恢复欧盟的移民数量限额 。这次“制止大规模移民”投票仅以少数优势通过——只有50.3%的公民支持——反映了瑞士人越来越担忧移民侵蚀了瑞士的阿尔卑斯文化,并导致房租上涨,交通拥挤和犯罪率上升 。欧盟表示,这次投票违反了人口自由流动原则,会影响瑞士和欧盟之间的贸易 。由于外国专业人员来瑞士工作要受到更加严格的限制,此举会进一步损害瑞士经济 。该投票将在未来三年内签署法律 。
Fans wait in long lines for tickets
美中不足 索契冬奥会观众购票困难
The festive mood continues in Sochi on day two of the Winter Olympics... Fans and spectators walked between venues, stoppingto admire the sights. But problems remain for those attempting to get inside the venues. Long lines at ticket counters persist. Some of these people have been waiting in line for more than two hours to buy tickets to various events.
在冬季奥运会的第二天,索契的节日气氛仍然非常浓厚 。奥运爱好者和观众们在各个竞技场之间穿梭,驻足欣赏激动人心的场景 。但是对于那些试图进入比赛场地的人来说,仍然有许多问题 。售票处仍然排着长长的队伍 。一些人已经排队等候了超过两个小时,只是想买到不同赛事的门票 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) YEVGENY, FAN FROM ST. PETERSBURG, SAYING: "It is a shame... people are standing here, not only Russians but foreigners as well. I think it is wrong that there is only one window which sells one ticket in ten minutes."
来自圣彼得堡的奥运比赛爱好者YEVGENY:“非常令人羞愧……人们就站在这里苦苦等待,不只是俄罗斯人,外国人也是如此 。我认为只设立一个售票窗口是错误的,十分钟才能售出一张票 。”
And delays in purchasing tickets, means arriving at the venues late, long lines at the security checks, and ultimately, empty seats during the sporting events. Event organizers say people should show up early to avoid some of these logistic problems.
买票的延误意味着很晚才能到达比赛场地,又要排很长的队等待安检,而比赛现场的观众席却空空如也 。赛事组织者表示,观众们应该早点到场,避免类似的后勤问题 。
Six family members killed in wrong-way driver crash in California
Six family members were killed after a woman drove into on-coming traffic on a highway near Diamond Bar, California. HerChevy Camaro was traveling at a speed of 100 miles-per-hour when she struck two cars. Officer Rodrigo Jimenez of the California Highway Patrol.
一名女子在加利福尼亚钻石吧附近的高速公路上反向驾驶,造成6名家人死亡 。她的雪佛兰汽车以每小时100英里的速度行驶,后来撞上两辆汽车 。加利福尼亚高速公路巡警Rodrigo Jimenez向我们讲述了事故情况 。
SOUNDBITE: Officer Rodrigo Jimenez of the California Highway Patrol. "It's unfortunate that we've lost six family members.It's horrific. Four of them were deceased on scene, two of them passed away at the hospital (UC-Irvine)."
加利福尼亚高速公路巡警Rodrigo Jimenez:“非常不幸,我们损失了6位家人 。非常可怕 。其中4人当场死亡,两人在医院不治身亡 。”
Two people were injured including the driver --- who is listed in critical condition. Investigators say there was evidence of alcohol consumption at the scene.
包括司机在内的两人受伤,司机情况危急 。调查人员表示,现场发现了饮酒的证据 。