Small plane makes emergency on New York expressway
A small plane makes an emergency landing on a major interstate in New York Saturday. The plane touched down on the Major Deegan Expressway near East 233rd Street in the Bronx. Officials say the plane had departed from Danbury, Connecticut and had flown to the city for a tour of the Statue of Liberty. The plane was returning to Danbury when the pilot executed a controlled emergency landing. Emergency services said three people were onboard the plane. They were taken to the hospital where they were treated for minor injuries. The aircraft sustained minor damage. There was no immediate information available as of late Saturday afternoon on why the pilot of the small plane had to make the emergency landing.
周六,一架小型飞机在纽约一条主要的州际公路紧急迫降 。飞机降落在布朗克斯东233大街附近的狄根少校高速公路 。官员们表示,飞机从康涅狄格州的丹伯里出发飞往纽约参观自由女神像 。飞行员执行迫降操作后,飞机返回丹伯里 。紧急事故部门表示,飞机上共有3人,因轻伤送往医院接受治疗 。飞机遭受轻微损坏 。截止到周六晚些时候,关于为何这架小飞机的飞行员必须迫降还没有详细信息 。
Seasonal flu widespread across the U.S.
This year's peak flu season hit hard and early. New numbers from the Centers for Disease Control show the flu is now widespread in 25 states. Several deaths have been linked to the H1N1 strain, also known as swine flu. It caused a worldwide pandemic in 2009. In Michigan, dozens of patients are on life support at the University of Michigan Hospital and one child has already died from the flu.
今年的流感季节高峰期提早强势来袭H1N1流感病毒,也就是俗称的猪流感而死亡 。2009年,这种流感在全世界范围传染 。在密歇根州,几十名病人在密歇根大学附属医院依靠设备维持生命,一名儿童已经死于流感 。 。来自疾病控制中心的最新数据显示,流感已经在25个州大范围传染 。已有几人因
SOUNDBITE: DR. MATTHEW DAVID, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HOSPITAL, SAYING: "It seems to be starting very early, and starting in a big volume at least in this area and it makes us concerned not only locally but across the state about what may be a more severe flu season than we're accustomed to."
密歇根大学附属医院MATTHEW DAVID医生:“今年的流感季节开始的非常早,而且范围非常大,至少在这个地区是如此,这导致我们担心不只本地,乃至整个州的流感季节可能比我们以前习惯的情况更加严重 。”
Texas has been hit the hardest, 25 people have died from the flu there. The deadly outbreak has people scrambling to get their flu shots.
得克萨斯州的情况最为严重,已有25人死于流感 。流感的致命爆发促使人们尽快去注射流感疫苗 。
SOUNDBITE: ANGELA MINICUCI, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH, SAYING: "It's never too late to get your flu shot. It takes two weeks for the flu shot to be fully effective so we recommend you getting it as soon as you possibly can."
密歇根社区健康部门工作人员ANGELA MINICUCI:“注射流感疫苗永远都不会太迟 。流感疫苗需要两周的时间发挥最佳效力,因此我们建议大家尽快注射 。”
While younger people were more susceptible to H1N1 in 2009, the CDC says it's too early to tell whether the same will be true this year.
2009年,年轻人更容易感染H1N1病毒,疾病控制中心表示,现在要断定今年的情况是否如此还为时过早 。
Syria and Iraq on table as Iranian FM meets Turkish counterpart
Iran's foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif met his Turkish counterpart in Istanbul Saturday to discuss Syria and Iraq. The two leaders sat down amid tensions in the region. At a news conference Zarif said they found common cause when it comes to Syria.
周六,伊朗外交部长扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif)与土耳其外交部长在伊斯坦布尔举行会晤 。两位领导人在该地区的紧张形势下举行会谈 。在新闻发布会上,扎里夫表示,他们发现双方在叙利亚问题方面拥有共同立场 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Farsi) IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER, MOHAMMAD JAWAD ZARIF, SAYING: "Both countries strive for the well-being of the Syrian people. All countries should help the people of Syria so they can come to a compromise and reach a solution that is acceptable for all the fragments of society and this can only be obtained with elections. The public should make their decision with general elections."
伊朗外交部长扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif):“两国都为了叙利亚人民的福祉而努力 。所有国家都应该帮助叙利亚人民,这样他们才能达成折中案,找出社会各个阶层都能接受的解决方法,而这种结果只有通过选举才能获得 。公众应该在大选中做出决定 。”
He also said he hoped an election will restore peace in Iraq, which has seen a recent upsurge in violence.
他还表示,希望选举能够重塑伊拉克和平 。最近,伊拉克暴力事件频发 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Farsi) IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER, MOHAMMAD JAWAD ZARIF, SAYING: "When it comes to Iraq, we hope that they will hold elections successfully and they will manage to establish a government that would ensure peace as an outcome."
伊朗外交部长扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif):“在伊拉克问题方面,我们希望他们能够成功举行选举,希望他们能够组建确保和平的政府 。”
Iraqi troops have reportedly lost control of key parts of Anbar province after intense fighting with al-Qaeda militants and local Sunni tribesmen.
与基地组织好战分子和当地逊尼派部落成员发生激烈的战斗后,伊拉克部队失去了安巴尔省关键地区的控制权 。