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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"There was this piece of goods Mrs. Garner gave me. Calico.Stripes it had with little flowers in between. 'Bout a yard — not enough for more 'n a head tie. ButI been wanting to make a shift for my girl with it. Had the prettiest colors. I don't even know whatyou call that color: a rose but with yellow in it. For the longest time I been meaning to make it forher and do you know like a fool I left it behind? No more than a yard, and I kept putting it offbecause I was tired or didn't have the time. So when I got here, even before they let me get out ofbed, I stitched her a little something from a piece of cloth Baby Suggs had. Well, all I'm saying isthat's a selfish pleasure I never had before. I couldn't let all that go back to where it was, and Icouldn't let her nor any of em live under schoolteacher. That was out."Sethe knew that the circle she was making around the room, him, the subject, would remain one."加纳太太给了我一块好东西——印花布,竖条中间夹着小碎花。大概有一码——只够做一条头巾的。可我一直想用它给我的女儿变个花样。颜色真漂亮。我简直不知道你应该管那色儿叫什么:玫瑰红里带点黄色。我花了好长时间准备给她做出来,可你不知道,我像个蠢货一样把它落在那儿了。连一码都不到,我一直放着它,因为我又累又没工夫。所以我到了这儿以后,在他们还不让我下床的时候,就用一块贝比·萨格斯的布料给她缝了件小东西。唉,我只是想说那是一种我从来没有过的自私自利的乐趣。我不能让那一切都回到从前,我也不能让她或者他们任何一个在-学校老师-手底下活着。那已经一去不返了。"
That she could never close in, pin it down for anybody who had to ask. If they didn't get it right off— she could never explain. Because the truth was simple, not a long drawn-out record of floweredshifts, tree cages, selfishness, ankle ropes and wells. Simple: she was squatting in the garden andwhen she saw them coming and recognized schoolteacher's hat, she heard wings. Littlehummingbirds stuck their needle beaks right through her headcloth into her hair and beat theirwings. And if she thought anything, it was No. No. Nono. Nonono. Simple. She just flew. Collected every bit of life she had made, all the parts of her that were precious and fine andbeautiful, and carried, pushed, dragged them through the veil, out, away, over there where no onecould hurt them. Over there. Outside this place, where they would be safe. And the hummingbirdwings beat on. Sethe paused in her circle again and looked out the window. She remembered whenthe yard had a fence with a gate that somebody was always latching and unlatchingin the. timewhen 124 was busy as a way station. She did not see the whiteboys who pulled it down, yanked upthe posts and smashed the gate leaving 124 desolate and exposed at the very hour when everybodystopped dropping by. The shoulder weeds of Bluestone Road were all that came toward the house.塞丝知道,她在房间、他和话题周围兜的圈子会延续下去。她永远不能围拢来,为了哪个刨根问底的人将它按住。如果他们没有马上明白——她也永远不会解释。因为事实很简单,不是一长串流水账,关于什么变花样、树上挂篮、自私自利、脚脖子上的绳子和水井。很简单:她蹲在菜园里,当她看见他们赶来,并且认出了"学校老师"的帽子时,她的耳边响起了鼓翼声。小蜂鸟将针喙一下子穿透她的头巾,扎进头发,扇动着翅膀。如果说她在想什么,那就是不。不。不不。不不不。很简单。她就飞了起来。收拾起她创造出的每一个生命,她所有宝贵、优秀和美丽的部分,拎着、推着、拽着他们穿过幔帐,出去,走开,到没人能伤害他们的地方去。到那里去。远离这个地方,去那个他们能获得安全的地方。蜂鸟的翅膀扇个不停。塞丝在转的圈子中又停顿了一下,向窗外望去。她记得,当时院子曾经有道带门的栅栏,总有人在开门闩关门闩,那个时期124号像个驿站一样门庭若市。她没有看见那些白人孩子把它拆毁,拽倒了柱子,砸碎了门,正好在所有人停止过访的时刻让124号变得荒凉而光秃。唯有蓝石路路肩的野草仍向这座房子爬来。
When she got back from the jail house, she was glad the fence was gone. That's where they hadhitched their horses — where she saw, floating above the railing as she squatted in the garden,school-teacher's hat. By the time she faced him, looked him dead in the eye, she had something inher arms that stopped him in his tracks. He took a backward step with each jump of the baby heartuntil finally there were none.当她从牢里归来时,她很高兴栅栏不见了。那正是他们拴马的地方——她蹲在菜园里看见的,"学校老师"的帽子从栏杆上方飘来。等到她面对他,死死盯住他的眼睛的时候,她怀里抱着的什么东西止住了他的追踪。婴儿的心每跳一下,他就退后一步,直到最后,心跳彻底停息。
"I stopped him," she said, staring at the place where the fence used to be. "I took and put my babieswhere they'd be safe.""我止住了他。"她凝视着曾经有过栅栏的地方,说道,"我把我的宝贝们带到了安全的地方。"

"There was this piece of goods Mrs. Garner gave me. Calico.Stripes it had with little flowers in between. 'Bout a yard — not enough for more 'n a head tie. ButI been wanting to make a shift for my girl with it. Had the prettiest colors. I don't even know whatyou call that color: a rose but with yellow in it. For the longest time I been meaning to make it forher and do you know like a fool I left it behind? No more than a yard, and I kept putting it offbecause I was tired or didn't have the time. So when I got here, even before they let me get out ofbed, I stitched her a little something from a piece of cloth Baby Suggs had. Well, all I'm saying isthat's a selfish pleasure I never had before. I couldn't let all that go back to where it was, and Icouldn't let her nor any of em live under schoolteacher. That was out."Sethe knew that the circle she was making around the room, him, the subject, would remain one.
That she could never close in, pin it down for anybody who had to ask. If they didn't get it right off— she could never explain. Because the truth was simple, not a long drawn-out record of floweredshifts, tree cages, selfishness, ankle ropes and wells. Simple: she was squatting in the garden andwhen she saw them coming and recognized schoolteacher's hat, she heard wings. Littlehummingbirds stuck their needle beaks right through her headcloth into her hair and beat theirwings. And if she thought anything, it was No. No. Nono. Nonono. Simple. She just flew. Collected every bit of life she had made, all the parts of her that were precious and fine andbeautiful, and carried, pushed, dragged them through the veil, out, away, over there where no onecould hurt them. Over there. Outside this place, where they would be safe. And the hummingbirdwings beat on. Sethe paused in her circle again and looked out the window. She remembered whenthe yard had a fence with a gate that somebody was always latching and unlatchingin the. timewhen 124 was busy as a way station. She did not see the whiteboys who pulled it down, yanked upthe posts and smashed the gate leaving 124 desolate and exposed at the very hour when everybodystopped dropping by. The shoulder weeds of Bluestone Road were all that came toward the house.
When she got back from the jail house, she was glad the fence was gone. That's where they hadhitched their horses — where she saw, floating above the railing as she squatted in the garden,school-teacher's hat. By the time she faced him, looked him dead in the eye, she had something inher arms that stopped him in his tracks. He took a backward step with each jump of the baby heartuntil finally there were none.
"I stopped him," she said, staring at the place where the fence used to be. "I took and put my babieswhere they'd be safe."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
garner ['gɑ:nə]


v. 贮藏,积累,得到 n. 谷仓 Garner: 加纳

jail [dʒeil]


n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所
vt. 监禁,下狱

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

exposed [iks'pəuzd]


adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,

veil [veil]


n. 面纱,掩饰物,修女
vt. 给 ...

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩



n. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎

bout [baut]


n. 回合,一场

needle ['ni:dl]


n. 针
vt. 用针缝,激怒,嘲弄

precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的





