Edward Snowden has more secrets to share
The father of former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden returns home after a weeklong visit with his son in Russia. Lon Snowden told journalists at a New York airport that his son has more secrets to share and should stay in Russia "to make sure the true story is told".
美国情报机构前雇员爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的父亲在俄罗斯探访儿子一周之后回家 。隆·斯诺登(Lon Snowden)在纽约机场告诉记者,他的儿子还有更多机密分享,应该留在俄罗斯“确保讲述事实真相” 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) LON SNOWDEN, EDWARD SNOWDEN'S FATHER, SAYING ABOUT WHAT ADVICE HE GAVE HIS SON: "To stay. To stay. But that is my advice, that is not necessarily what my son will do. He is comfortable, he is happy and he is absolutely committed to what he has done."
隆·斯诺登(Lon Snowden),爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的父亲说到了他给儿子的建议:“留下来,留下来 。但是这只是我的建议,我的儿子不一定这样做 。他很舒服,很开心,对自己的所作所为无怨无悔 。”
(SOUNDBITE) (English) LON SNOWDEN, EDWARD SNOWDEN'S FATHER, SAYING ABOUT HIS SON'S PLANS TO TALK TO PRESS: "He is a whistleblower. He is not a fugitive. He is a legal asylee of the Russian federation. And the press needs to get that right and I think our government probably understands that."
隆·斯诺登(Lon Snowden),爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的父亲说到了儿子向媒体讲话的计划:“他是揭秘者,不是逃亡者 。他是俄罗斯联邦的合法收容人员 。媒体有权利,我认为政府可能理解 。”
Edward Snowden was granted asylum in Russia after spending nearly two months in this transit zone at Moscow airport when the U.S. filed charges and revoked his travel documents. The 30-year-old leaked thousands of intelligence documents, revealing extensive internet and phone surveillance by both the U.S. and British intelligence. Admirers call him a human rights champion but critics denounce him as a traitor.
由于美国提起控诉并吊销其旅行证件,爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)在莫斯科机场过渡区逗留了接近两个月的时间,随后俄罗斯决定收容他 。这名30岁的年轻人泄露了数十万分情报文件,揭秘了美国和英国情报机构大量的网络和电话监控项目 。赞赏者称他是人权卫士,但是批评者抨击他为叛国者 。
Suicide bomber kills Pakistani provincial law minister, 7 others
It was supposed to be a celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid instead it has become a time of mourning. A suicide bomber shot his way into the home of a provinical law minister in northwest Pakistan on Wednesday, as he greeted villagers. Israullah Gandapur was killed in the explosion along with seven others in a village near Dera Ismail Khan. More than 30 people were wounded. Sweets, strewn clothes and empty chairs, an overturned cot -- remnants of a party. Police now pick their way through the debris to find out who was responsible for the attack. But suspicion is likely to fall on the Taliban, who have targeted government officials. Gandapur joined the ruling provincial party led by the former cricket star Imran Khan, who is a strong proponent of peace talks with the Taliban. But several officials from Khan's party have been killed in attacks since the May election.
原本应该是穆斯林节日开斋节的庆祝时刻,却演变为哀悼的时间Israullah Gandapur和其他七人一起在Dera Ismail Khan附近这个村庄的爆炸中遇难 。超过30人受伤 。到处是散落的糖果,跌落的服装和空空的椅子,倾覆的小屋——节日聚会后的景象 。警方正在废墟中寻找线索,查找袭击责任人 。但是嫌疑人可能是塔利班分子,他们曾经袭击过政府官员 。Gandapur加入昔日板球明星伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan)领导的“巴基斯坦公正运动党”,此人强烈支持与塔利班进行和谈 。但是自五月份的选以来来自汗(Imran Khan)的党派的几名官员在袭击中遇难 。 。周三,一名自杀式爆炸者持枪闯入巴基斯坦西北部一名省级法律官员家中 。当时这位官员正在问候村民 。
U.S. Congress ends debt impasse
By a vote of 285 to 144 the U.S. House of Representatives approved a deal to end a political crisis that partially shut down the federal government, and brought the world's biggest economy to the edge of a debt default. Earlier the Senate passed the measure on a 81-18 vote President Barack Obama says the government will be back in business immediately.
美国众议院以285:144的投票结果通过了一份协议,终止了一场政治危机 。这场政治危机导致联邦政府部分关闭,世界上最大的经济体濒临债务违约的边缘 。早些时候,参议院以81:18的投票通过了该措施,奥巴马总统表示,政府将立即开始重新运作 。
SOUNDBITE: U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "Once this agreement arrives on my desk I will sign it immediately. We will begin reopening our government immediately, and we can begin to lift this cloud of uncertainty and unease from our businesses and the American people."
美国总统奥巴马:“一旦该协议送到我的办公桌,我将立即签署 。我们将立即开始重新开放政府,我们将开始拨开笼罩在企业和美国民众心头不确定和不安的迷雾 。”
The deal offers only a temporary fix. It funds the government until January 15, and raises the debt ceiling until February 7,so Americans face the possibility of another government shutdown early next year. Obama said he plans to speak about a path ahead on fiscal issues Thursday.
该协议只提供了暂时的解决方法,为政府提供资金直至1月15日,将债务上限提升至2月7日,这样,明年年初美国人有可能再次面临政府关闭 。奥巴马表示,他准备在周四提出探讨解决财政事宜的途径 。