If a course is cancelled by the university or the professor after registration has opened and prior to allocation, any student who has selected that course as their first choice would now have their second choice moved up to be their new first choice.
The academic affairs office will try to place as many students as possible in their first choice.
However, due to enrollment restrictions and classroom capacities, this is not always possible.
We also endeavour to offer a slate of courses that will offer broad appeal to ensure there is something for everyone.
I would like to pause for questions. Okay, no questions?
Now let's move on to the class details when you select a course.
Here on the handout, you will see the name of the course with a course code.
The course code is comprised of course prefix, which indicates the name of the department and course number, the level or difficulty of the course.
For instance, the course name is "English Medieval Literature" is offered by English department, so the course prefix is EN, short for English, and it is an advanced course, so the course number is 400.
You will find the course code for "English Medieval Literature" is EN 400.
Down below the course name, you will find instructor or instructors.
They are who teach the class.
Clicking on the instructors name, it will allow you to view his or her Information.
"Dual-listed" means that class is part of a group of undergraduate and graduate classes that meets together.
Notice if there is a "Y" in the box.
"Prerequisite" is the minimum requirements that must be met in order to enroll in this class and "Room Capacity" tells you the maximum number of students the classroom could hold.
The last two items are "Repeat/Retake information" and "Course Description."
A repeatable course may be taken more than one time to earn additional credit.
A retakable course may be taken more than one time to replace the impact of the original grade.
For additional information such as the location of the class, please check out the website page when your enrollment of the course is finally confirmed.