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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第10章Part 3

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It was soon discovered that Father Antonio Isabel was preparing him for his first communion. He was teaching him the catechism as he shaved the necks of his roosters. He explained to him with simple examples, as he put the brooding hens into their nests, how it had occurred to God on the second day of creation that chickens would be formed inside of an egg. From that time on the parish priest began to show the signs of senility that would lead him to say years later that the devil had probably won his rebellion against God, and that he was the one who sat on the heavenly throne, without revealing his true identity in order to trap the unwary. Warmed up by the persistence of his mentor, in a few months José Arcadio Segun-do came to be as adept in theological tricks used to confuse the devil as he was skilled in the tricks of the cockpit. Amaranta made him a linen suit with a collar and tie, bought him a pair of white shoes, and engraved his name in gilt letters on the ribbon of the candle. Two nights before the first communion, Father Antonio Isabel closeted himself with him in the sacristy to hear his confession with the help of a dictionary of sins. It was such a long list that the aged priest, used to going to bed at six o'clock, fell asleep in his chair before it was over. The interrogation was a revelation for José Arcadio Segun-do. It did not surprise him that the priest asked him if he had done bad things with women, and he honestly answered no, but he was upset with the question as to whether he had done them with animals. The first Friday in May he received communion, tortured by curiosity. Later on he asked Petronio, the sickly sexton who lived in the belfry and who, according to what they said, fed himself on bats, about it, and Petronio, answered him: "There are some corrupt Christians who do their business with female donkeys." José Arcadio Segun-do still showed so much curiosity and asked so many questions that Petronio lost his patience.

"I go Tuesday nights," he confessed. "if you promise not to tell anyone I'll take you next Tuesday."“我自己是每个星期二晚上都要去的,”他坦白说,“如果你答应不告诉任何人,下星期二我就带你去。”
Indeed, on the following Tuesday Petronio came down out of the tower with a wooden stool which until then no one had known the use of, and he took José Arcadio Segun-do to a nearby pasture. The boy became so taken with those nocturnal raids that it was a long time before he was seen at Catarino's. He became a cockfight man. "Take those creatures somewhere else," úrsula ordered him the first time she saw him come in with his fine fighting birds. "Roosters have already brought too much bitterness to this house for you to bring us any more." José Arcadio Segun-do took them away without any argument, but he continued breeding them at the house of Pilar Ternera, his grandmother, who gave him everything he needed in exchange for having him in her house. He soon displayed in the cockpit the wisdom that Father Antonio Isabel had given him, and he made enough money not only to enrich his brood but also to look for a man's satisfactions. úrsula compared him with his brother at that time and could not understand howthe twins, who looked like the same person in childhood, had ended up so differently.果然,下星期二,佩特罗里奥拿着一只小木凳,从钟楼上下来了(在这以前,谁也不知道小木凳有这种用处),并且把霍阿卡蒂奥第二领到最近的一个畜栏,小伙子那样喜欢这种夜袭,以致很长一段时间没去卡塔林诺游艺场。他成了一个饲养斗鸡的专家,“把这些鸡拿到别处去吧,”他第一次把良种斗鸡带到家里的时候,乌苏娜向他下了命令。“这些鸡给咱们家的痛苦已经够多了,不准你再把它们带回来。”霍·阿卡蒂奥第二没有争辩就带走了自己的斗鸡,但他继续在祖母皮拉·苔列娜家里饲养,祖母为了把孙子留在自己身边,给了他一切方便。很快,他在斗鸡场上成功地运用了安东尼奥·伊萨贝尔神父救他的伎俩,捞到了不少钱,不仅够他补充鸡舍,而且可以满足他享乐的需要。乌苏娜拿霍·阿卡蒂奥第二跟他的兄弟相比,怎么也弄不明白,儿童时代两个一模一样的孪生子竟会变成这样不同的人。
Her perplexity did not last very long, for quite soon Aureli-ano Segun-do began to show signs of laziness and dissipation. While he was shut up in Melquíades' room he was drawn into himself the way Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had been in his youth. But a short time after the Treaty of Neerlandia, a piece of chance took him out of his withdrawn self and made him face the reality of the world. A young woman who was selling numbers for the raffle of an accordion greeted him with a great deal of familiarity. Aureli-ano Segun-do was not surprised, for he was frequently confused with his brother. But he did not clear up the mistake, not even when the girl tried to soften his heart with sobs, and she ended taking him to her room. She liked him so much from that first meeting that she fixed things so that he would win the accordion in the raffle. At the end of two weeks Aureli-ano Segun-do realized that the woman had been going to bed alternately with him and his brother, thinking that they were the same man, and instead of making things clear, he arranged to prolong the situation. He did not return to Melquíades' room. He would spend his afternoons in the courtyard, learning to play the accordion by ear over the protests of úrsula, who at that time had forbidden music in the house because of the mourning and who, in addition, despised the accordion as an instrument worthy only of the vagabond heirs of Francisco the Man. Nevertheless, Aureli-ano Segun-do became a virtuoso on the accordion and he still was after he had married and had children and was one of the most respected men in Macon-do.她的困惑没有延续多久,因为奥雷连诺第二很快地表现了懒惰和放荡的倾向。当他关在梅尔加德斯房间里的时候,他是个闭门深思的人,象奥雷连诺上校年轻时一样。但在尼兰德协定签订之前不久,一件偶然的事使他离开了僻静的斗室,面对现实生活了。有一次,一个出售手风琴彩票的女人,突然十分亲热地招呼他。他并不觉得奇怪,因为人家经常把他错看成他的兄弟,但是,她想用哭泣来使他心软的时候,或者把他领进她的卧室的时候,他都没有挑明她的错误。在这次邂逅之后,她拼命缠着他不放,甚至在彩票上弄了鬼,让他在开彩时得到手风琴。过了两个星期,奥雷连诺第二发现,这个女人轮流跟他和他的兄弟睡觉,把他们当成了一个人,但他并没有讲明关系,反而竭力隐瞒真情,让这种情况延续下去。现在,他再也不回梅尔加德斯的房间,整天待在院子里,学拉手风琴,把乌苏娜的唠叨当成耳边风;当时由于丧事,乌苏娜是禁止家中出现乐曲声的,而且根本讨厌手风琴,认为它是弗兰西斯科人的后代——流浪乐师的乐器。然而,奥雷连诺第二终于成了个手风琴能手,即使有了妻子和孩子之后,他仍然爱拉手风琴,他是马孔多最受尊敬的人物之一。

It was soon discovered that Father Antonio Isabel was preparing him for his first communion. He was teaching him the catechism as he shaved the necks of his roosters. He explained to him with simple examples, as he put the brooding hens into their nests, how it had occurred to God on the second day of creation that chickens would be formed inside of an egg. From that time on the parish priest began to show the signs of senility that would lead him to say years later that the devil had probably won his rebellion against God, and that he was the one who sat on the heavenly throne, without revealing his true identity in order to trap the unwary. Warmed up by the persistence of his mentor, in a few months José Arcadio Segun-do came to be as adept in theological tricks used to confuse the devil as he was skilled in the tricks of the cockpit. Amaranta made him a linen suit with a collar and tie, bought him a pair of white shoes, and engraved his name in gilt letters on the ribbon of the candle. Two nights before the first communion, Father Antonio Isabel closeted himself with him in the sacristy to hear his confession with the help of a dictionary of sins. It was such a long list that the aged priest, used to going to bed at six o'clock, fell asleep in his chair before it was over. The interrogation was a revelation for José Arcadio Segun-do. It did not surprise him that the priest asked him if he had done bad things with women, and he honestly answered no, but he was upset with the question as to whether he had done them with animals. The first Friday in May he received communion, tortured by curiosity. Later on he asked Petronio, the sickly sexton who lived in the belfry and who, according to what they said, fed himself on bats, about it, and Petronio, answered him: "There are some corrupt Christians who do their business with female donkeys." José Arcadio Segun-do still showed so much curiosity and asked so many questions that Petronio lost his patience.
"I go Tuesday nights," he confessed. "if you promise not to tell anyone I'll take you next Tuesday."
Indeed, on the following Tuesday Petronio came down out of the tower with a wooden stool which until then no one had known the use of, and he took José Arcadio Segun-do to a nearby pasture. The boy became so taken with those nocturnal raids that it was a long time before he was seen at Catarino's. He became a cockfight man. "Take those creatures somewhere else," úrsula ordered him the first time she saw him come in with his fine fighting birds. "Roosters have already brought too much bitterness to this house for you to bring us any more." José Arcadio Segun-do took them away without any argument, but he continued breeding them at the house of Pilar Ternera, his grandmother, who gave him everything he needed in exchange for having him in her house. He soon displayed in the cockpit the wisdom that Father Antonio Isabel had given him, and he made enough money not only to enrich his brood but also to look for a man's satisfactions. úrsula compared him with his brother at that time and could not understand howthe twins, who looked like the same person in childhood, had ended up so differently.
Her perplexity did not last very long, for quite soon Aureli-ano Segun-do began to show signs of laziness and dissipation. While he was shut up in Melquíades' room he was drawn into himself the way Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had been in his youth. But a short time after the Treaty of Neerlandia, a piece of chance took him out of his withdrawn self and made him face the reality of the world. A young woman who was selling numbers for the raffle of an accordion greeted him with a great deal of familiarity. Aureli-ano Segun-do was not surprised, for he was frequently confused with his brother. But he did not clear up the mistake, not even when the girl tried to soften his heart with sobs, and she ended taking him to her room. She liked him so much from that first meeting that she fixed things so that he would win the accordion in the raffle. At the end of two weeks Aureli-ano Segun-do realized that the woman had been going to bed alternately with him and his brother, thinking that they were the same man, and instead of making things clear, he arranged to prolong the situation. He did not return to Melquíades' room. He would spend his afternoons in the courtyard, learning to play the accordion by ear over the protests of úrsula, who at that time had forbidden music in the house because of the mourning and who, in addition, despised the accordion as an instrument worthy only of the vagabond heirs of Francisco the Man. Nevertheless, Aureli-ano Segun-do became a virtuoso on the accordion and he still was after he had married and had children and was one of the most respected men in Macon-do.

重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 被牢记的;被深深印入的 v. 雕刻(engra

dissipation [disi'peiʃən]


n. 消散;浪费;损耗

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

bitterness ['bitənis]


n. 苦味,悲痛,怨恨

curiosity [.kjuəri'ɔsiti]


n. 好奇,好奇心

candle ['kændl]


n. 蜡烛

soften ['sɔfn]


v. (使)变柔和,(使)软化

patience ['peiʃəns]


n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌

virtuoso [.və:rtʃu'əusəu]


n. 艺术能手,演艺精湛的人





