20th century America will see a long struggle for equality.
20世纪 美国经历了一场漫长的争取平等之战
Race riots in Chicago in 1919 leave 38 dead.
1919年 芝加哥种族动乱中38人死亡
In the segregated South, separate schools,
在种族隔离的南方 学校要隔离
separate buses, separate restaurants.
公交车要隔离 就连餐馆也要隔离
Twice as many unemployed.
Change begins when one million black soldiers join up in World War II.
百万黑人投身二战 成了改变局面的分水岭
And blacks demonstrated they could fly planes just like anyone else,
黑人士兵展示了他们同其他人一样 能驾驶战机
they could sail ships,they could do anything the white soldier could do.
也能操纵舰船 白人士兵能做的他们也能做
They don't know it yet, but these soldiers are the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.
Individuals more than willing to fight and die for our country and for the freedoms that our country represented.
战士们斗志昂扬愿为自己的祖国和其代表的自由赴汤蹈火 乃至牺牲生命
Yet freedoms that were not still truly shared by all Americans.
And the first step towards equal rights is taken.
从此 迈出了走向平权运动的第一步
July, 1948. The military is desegregated.
No more whites-only regiments,
no more blacks-only Regiments.
Just Americans shoulder to shoulder.大家都是美国人 并肩作战
When I came in, my superior said to me,
我刚入伍的时候 我的首长告诉我
we don't care if you're black,我们不在乎
we don't care if you're white.
We don't want to hear any hard luck stories.
The only thing we care about is performance.
But outside the military, it is a different story.
但军队之外 情况大相径庭
Blacks do not have the same status as whites.
The people among us who in many cases were doing the dirty work of society,
the people who were making the hotels ready for us to stay in
and serving us food at restaurants that wouldn't see them as guests.