He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families.
He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy.
After a while, there was a serious argument on the subject between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Slytherin left the school.”
Professor Binns paused again, pursing his lips, looking like a wrinkled old tortoise.
“Reliable historical sources tell us this much,” he said.
“But these honest facts have been obscured by the fanciful legend of the Chamber of Secrets.
The story goes that Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in the castle, of which the other founders knew nothing.
“Slytherin, according to the legend, sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that none would be able to open it until his own true heir arrived at the school.
The heir alone would be able to unseal the Chamber of Secrets, unleash the horror within, and use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic.”