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小故事背诵达人第88期:Lightening Jack

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 16 Lightening Jack
  • 第16单元 “发亮”杰克
  • Each year at the full moon party, musicians, performers and gypsies come from far and wide to celebrate the new moon.
  • 一年一度的满月派对上,都会有各地来的乐师、表演者和吉普赛人群集庆祝新月的到来。
  • There are people playing strange instruments and performing wild stunts.
  • 有人会弹奏一些奇怪的乐器,也有人表演精彩的绝技。
  • Each year Lightening Jack is always the favorite entertainer.
  • 每年最受欢迎的表演者一直都是“发亮”杰克。
  • He is a daring and adverturous performer.
  • 他是个既勇敢又爱冒险的表演家。
  • He wears interesting clothing from foreign countries. His ears are pierced with shark teeth.
  • 他穿着来自外国的趣味服装,耳洞上穿有鲨鱼牙齿;
  • He smells of flowers and sweet oils and he wears his long blond hair in two braids that hang down almost to his knees.
  • 他身上有花朵和甜油的味道,留着一头长长的金发,两条辫子几乎垂到膝盖上。
  • Just by looking at him, people can tell that he is different from most.
  • 大家光从外表就分得出来,他和大部分人都不一样。
  • Lightening Jack has traveled all over the world learning new tricks to perform for the moon party.
  • “发亮”杰克曾到世界各地旅行,学习满月派对表演用的新花招。
  • People call him "Lightening Jack" because of the trick he is famous for—Fire Throwing.
  • 人们会叫他“发亮杰克”是因为他最有名的把戏便是“抛火秀”。
  • Jack has two ropes that he dips in gas and then lights them on fire.
  • 杰克让两条绳索浸上汽油,然后点火让绳子烧起来;
  • When the music starts, Jack throws, twists, and turns the rope around his body and into the air.
  • 等音乐声响起,杰克便用绳子在身体周围又抛又扭地转来转去,最后还会抛向空中。
  • It is a beautiful and dangerous sight to see. But for Jack, this is an adventure.
  • 这样的景象既美丽又危险,可是对杰克来说,这确实一场冒险。
  • For him, it is a thrill every time.
  • 对他而言,每一回的表演都让他胆战心惊。


Unit 16 Lightening Jack

第16单元 “发亮”杰克
Each year at the full moon party, musicians, performers and gypsies come from far and wide to celebrate the new moon. There are people playing strange instruments and performing wild stunts. Each year Lightening Jack is always the favorite entertainer.
He is a daring and adverturous performer. He wears interesting clothing from foreign countries. His ears are pierced with shark teeth. He smells of flowers and sweet oils and he wears his long blond hair in two braids that hang down almost to his knees.
Just by looking at him, people can tell that he is different from most.
Lightening Jack has traveled all over the world learning new tricks to perform for the moon party. People call him "Lightening Jack" because of the trick he is famous forFire Throwing.
Jack has two ropes that he dips in gas and then lights them on fire. When the music starts, Jack throws, twists, and turns the rope around his body and into the air. It is a beautiful and dangerous sight to see. But for Jack, this is an adventure. For him, it is a thrill every time.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

shark [ʃɑ:k]


n. 鲨鱼
n. 贪婪的人,放高利贷的人,老手

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试





