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小故事背诵达人第86期:Luck's Run Out

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 14 Luck's Run Out
  • 第14单元 运气用光了
  • From the time they were in high achool, Wendy and Tina awore that after graduation
  • 温蒂和蒂娜从高中开始就发誓毕业后要努力工作,
  • they would work to save up enough money for two tickets to Las Vegas.
  • 等存够了钱就买两张票到拉斯维加斯去。
  • Once there they would spent all their money gambling in fancy casinos and drinking facy drinks with pink umbrellas.
  • 等到了那里,她们要把所有的钱拿去特级赌场赌博,插着粉红色小纸伞喝着特别调的酒。
  • And now they were here, star-stuck by the lights of Las Vegas.
  • 现在她们终于来到了这里,看到拉斯维加斯一片霓虹灯灯光闪闪,她们被眼前的景象给震住了,
  • They had never seen anything like it before.
  • 这样的场面她们以前从未看过。
  • They spent the first couple days playing poker and blackjack.
  • 她们前几天都在玩扑克和21点,
  • They ever managed to win a coulpe hundred dollars. Things were looking good.
  • 甚至还赢了几百块。一切看起来挺顺利的。
  • On their final night. Wendy was feeling a bit cocky. She had had a streak of good luck.
  • 到了最后一晚,温蒂赌钱时却显得有点太过自信。
  • So, on a whim, she bet all she had won, plus the money they needed to get home.
  • 她一开始有阵子运气很好,后来却突发奇想,把所有赢来的钱加上回家所需的钱全部压注了下去;
  • But Wendy's luck ran out and so did all their money.
  • 结果温蒂好运用光了,当然钱也就跟着输光了。
  • They were stranded with no money and no way to get home.
  • 她们就这样身无分文被困在这里,完全回不了家。
  • Tina and Wendy had told their parents they were going to a summer camp.
  • 蒂娜和温蒂原本是跟她们父母说她们要去参加夏令营,
  • When they alled their parents to come and get them, they were not happy and the girls were grrounded!
  • 所以当她们通知父母来接她们时,父母都很不高兴,这两个女生也就被禁足了!


Unit 14 Luck's Run Out

第14单元 运气用光了
From the time they were in high achool, Wendy and Tina awore that after graduation they would work to save up enough money for two tickets to Las Vegas. Once there they would spent all their money gambling in fancy casinos and drinking facy drinks with pink umbrellas. And now they were here, star-stuck by the lights of Las Vegas. They had never seen anything like it before.
They spent the first couple days playing poker and blackjack. They ever managed to win a coulpe hundred dollars. Things were looking good.
On their final night. Wendy was feeling a bit cocky. She had had a streak of good luck. So, on a whim, she bet all she had won, plus the money they needed to get home. But Wendy's luck ran out and so did all their money.
They were stranded with no money and no way to get home. Tina and Wendy had told their parents they were going to a summer camp. When they alled their parents to come and get them, they were not happy and the girls were grrounded!

【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


重点单词   查看全部解释    
whim [wim]


n. 一时的兴致,突然的念头;奇想,幻想

streak [stri:k]


n. 条理,斑纹,倾向,少许,痕迹
v. 加条





