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小故事背诵达人第89期:Dick, The Dalmatian

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 17 Dick, The Dalmatian
  • 第17单元 大麦町狄克
  • Randy and Dick have just called. The building on the corner of 16th St. and Maple Ave is on fire.
  • 蓝迪和狄克刚被派往第十六街和枫树大道转角一栋失火的建筑物那里。
  • Randy is a fire fighter and Dick is a Dalmatian and a fire-fighting dog.
  • 蓝迪是名消防员,狄克则是只大麦町,也是一只救火狗。
  • When the bell sounds at the fire hall, it means that Randy and Disk have to hurry.
  • 当消防厅的警铃响起时,便意味着蓝迪和狄克得火速行动才行。
  • When they got to 26th and Maple, the fire which started on the 1st floor, had spread all the way up to the 4th floor.
  • 他们抵达第十六街和枫树大道转角时,火势已经从一楼一路延烧到了四楼。
  • From a window, Randy saw a small girl screaming. She was stuck. Dick saw the girl too.
  • 蓝迪看到有个小女孩在四楼窗户边尖叫着,她被困住了,而狄克也看到了那个女孩。
  • Dick was a smart dog and very good at his job.
  • 狄克是只聪明的狗,对自己的工作很拿手。
  • He ran into the burning building to save the girl.
  • 于是跑进起火的建筑物要救那名女孩。
  • Dick raced up the stairs and into the apartment where the girl was trapped.
  • 它冲到楼上,进入女孩被困住的公寓里;
  • The girl jumped onto the Dick's back and they were heading down the stairs, when the celling came crashing down in front of them.
  • 女孩则跳到狄克背上要和它一起下楼。结果天花板在他们面前垮了下来,
  • The smoke was thick. He couldn't go down the stairs.
  • 再加上浓烟密布,他们已经无法下楼了。
  • He heard Randy calling him. Dick jumped out of the window and into the net. Both Dick and the girl were safe.
  • 这时狄克听到蓝迪在叫它,便跳出窗子掉在救生网里。狄克和那名女孩总算平安无事了。


Unit 17 Dick, The Dalmatian

第17单元 大麦町狄克
Randy and Dick have just called. The building on the corner of 16th St. and Maple Ave is on fire. Randy is a fire fighter and Dick is a Dalmatian and a fire-fighting dog. When the bell sounds at the fire hall, it means that Randy and Disk have to hurry.
When they got to 26th and Maple, the fire which started on the 1st floor, had spread all the way up to the 4th floor. From a window, Randy saw a small girl screaming. She was stuck. Dick saw the girl too. Dick was a smart dog and very good at his job.
He ran into the burning building to save the girl. Dick raced up the stairs and into the apartment where the girl was trapped. The girl jumped onto the Dick's back and they were heading down the stairs, when the celling came crashing down in front of them. The smoke was thick. He couldn't go down the stairs.
He heard Randy calling him. Dick jumped out of the window and into the net. Both Dick and the girl were safe.

【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


重点单词   查看全部解释    
smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

heading ['hediŋ]


n. 标题,题目,航向





