Nopain, no gain.我们的安排是这样的,第一遍用听力软件精听材料(建议做单句听写,听写的时候不要偷看我给的挖空题),然后按照我给的挖空题填关键词,回复后即可看到听力原文和文章精解,我将把难点和易错点oneby one 分析给大家。
So, uh . . . as Jim said, James Polk was the eleventh President, and . . . uh . . . well, my report's about the next President—Zachary Taylor. Taylor was elected in 1849. It's surprising because . . . well, he was the first President that didn't have any previous political experience. The main reason he was chosen as a candidate was because he was a war hero. In the army, his men called him "______". I guess because of his . . . "______." He was kind of______and he didn't really look like a military hero. He liked to do things like wear______clothes instead of a______, even in battle. And he was so short and______he had to be lifted up onto his horse. But he did win a lot of battles and he became more and more popular. So, the Whig party decided to______him for the______, even though no one knew anything about where he stood on the issues. I couldn't find much about his______, probably because he was only in office about a year and a half before he died. But one thing, he pushed for the development of the______railroad because he thought it was important to form a link with the West Coast. There was a lot of wealth in California and______from commerce and minerals and stuff. Also, he established an agricultural______in the Department of the Interior and promoted more government aid to agriculture. Well, that's about all I found. Like I said, he died in office in 1850, so his Vice President took over, and that's the next report, so . . . thank you.