参考译文:国际观察员称,继卡扎菲后利比亚第一次大选是成功的。Alexander Graf Lamsdorff 是欧盟选举团队的发言人。他说:“我能说的是,利比亚的选举已经非常好了,当用这些标准来衡量,已经进展的非常好。在不到一年的世界里,这个国家经历了的黎波里的垮台和独裁统治的终结到民主选举。”这是由总部设在美国的凯特中心研究员们反馈的观点。选举的举办代表真一项非凡的成就,利比亚人引以为豪。尽管该国缺乏选举的经验,选举委员会在政治敏感问题以及潜在的动荡局面上进行了有效的民意调查。大选前的暴乱和抗议并没有影响到周末选民们前往选举。官方报道称,全国280万注册选民中有65%参与了选举。并且妇女的权利得到了很好的代表。60年来北非国家第一次自由选举的结果预计要周一晚些时候出来。Deborah Gembara,路透社。
2.Scientists find new particle, probably the Higgs
TEXT:Well, they found... something. Scientists in Geneva announced the discovery of a new subatomic particle that might be the elusive Higgs boson, the basic building block of the universe. Scientist Joe Incandela described the finding from the CERN research centre near Geneva. JOE INCANDELA SCIENTISTS: "So keep that in mind, this is a very very preliminary result, but we think it's very strong and very solid. Otherwise we wouldn't present it." The Higgs particle has been described as the missing link that explains how particles clumped together to form stars, planets and even life. Scientists used this, the Large Hadron Collider, the world's biggest particle accelerator, to smash atoms together at the speed of light. The energy produced from the collisions led them to Higgs. The Higgs is the last undiscovered piece of the Standard Model theory-- which is to physicists what the theory of evolution is to biologists. Julie Noce, Reuters