Another viral TV show: 又一部热播剧
A smash hit: 特别火爆、成功的影视或音乐作品
Joy of Life: 《庆余年》的官方英语剧名
Season 2: 第二季,也可以说second season
Genre: 文艺作品的类型,发音是/??ɑ?n.r?/
Alternate history: 架空历史 (alternate的意思就是另一个版本、虚构的、并未真实发生的)
Time travel: 穿越
Fantasy, mythology, martial arts (or wuxia): 仙侠, (拼音wuxia已经作为外来语进入了英语)
Meta: 虽然我们近年来听到的meta都和元宇宙相关,但是meta还有一个意思是指一部文艺作品的题材就是这个作品本身,因此也叫“后设小说”或“超小说”。比如《庆余年》就是生活在现代的男主角写的一部穿越到古代的小说
Period drama/costume drama: 古装戏
Ancient China: 古代中国
Ancient times: 古代
Lead character/main character: 主角
Male lead: 男主角
Female lead: 女主角
Fan Xian was born in ancient China with memories and knowledge of the 21st century: 范闲虽生在古时,却掌握着21世纪的记忆和知识
Fan Xian was taught martial arts and made incredible discoveries about the deadly power of poison under the guidance of mysterious mentors: 他自幼在神秘高人的点拨下,熟识药性药理、并精进武艺
But questions about his true identity haunt him. When someone tries to kill him, he decides to head to the capital in search of answers: 为要解开自己的身世之谜、并在遭遇刺客黑手之后,范闲离开家乡,前赴京都寻找答案
Season two picks up from where season one left off: 第二季继续了第一季未完的故事
Fan Xian found love with Lin Wan Er. They wanted to live peaceful lives, but a scheming prince plotted his demise.: 范闲与林婉儿完婚。本想过平凡的日子,但很快便造一太子阴谋陷害
Can he break through the webs of lies and deceit to expose the plotters - and live happily ever after with his beloved bride? 他是否能解开谜团、化险为夷、找出幕后黑手,与爱妻过上幸福美满的生活呢?
The formula for success: 成功公式
Appeal of the show: 戏的吸引力
Adapted from a hugely popular online novel: 改编自非常受欢迎的网络小说
Bankable IP: 比较保险、获利几率高的IP
Seamlessly combines popular genres such as alternate history, time travel and romantic comedy: 成功地结合了多种受欢迎的类型,比如架空历史、穿越、浪漫喜剧
The time travel element brings contemporary POV (point of view) into the show, making it relatable for audiences: 穿越元素将当代视角融入古代,更容易引起观众共鸣
The heart of the story is a young man’s journey to manhood, overcoming many obstacles and sinister plots, yet never losing his good nature: 故事中心是男主角的成长史,克服各种困难、战胜各种阴谋,并始终保存着自己善良的内心
Audience wants to root for him: 观众很愿意站在他这边、支持他
The story is full of twists and turns, palace intrigue, power struggle, suspense: 故事本身跌宕起伏、有宫斗阴谋、权力斗争、悬念无穷
The way the young characters speak and carry themselves feels contemporary, making it more accessible for a wider audience: 年轻角色的举止互动比较现代,让更多观众更容易入戏
Top-tier cast from different generations: 顶级阵容,不同年龄的大牌演员