Dad jokes: 爸爸笑话,也就是中文说的冷笑话(英语没有cold jokes这一说法)
Dad jokes are corny, silly jokes that dads tell to entertain their children and lighten the mood: “爸爸笑话”通常有点傻傻的,是爸爸们逗孩子、制造欢乐氛围的法宝
These jokes are wholesome, clean and family friendly: 这些笑话都很健康、干净、适合一家老少
They are also excellent for learning English because a lot of dad jokes use word plays or puns: “爸爸笑话”还很有助于英语学习。因为这些笑话的梗通常是文字游戏、或者谐音、双关语
Puns: 双关语比如:
Why did the scarecrow win an award? 稻草人为什么得奖?
Because he was outstanding in his field: 因为他站在外面田地里(这个梗是outstanding: 优秀、杰出的;与out standing: 站在外面 谐音)
十大经典Dad jokes
1. What is a watch worn on the waist? 戴在腰间的表是什么?
A waste of time: 浪费时间 (waste:浪费 与waist: 腰 谐音)
2. Why was 10 afraid of 7? 10为什么怕7?
Because 7 ate 9: 因为7吃了9 (ate:吃与eight: 8谐音,seven ate(eight) 9)
3. I used to be a baker, but…我以前是个面包师,但是......
I couldn't make enough dough: 我颌面太慢、赚不到钱(make dough除了颌面,也是赚钱的意思)
4. Why don't skeletons fight each other? 为什么骷髅们不打架?
They don't have the guts: 因为他们没胆子 (guts一个意思是肠子,另一个意思是胆子)
5. What did the ocean say to the beach? 大海对沙滩说了什么?
Nothing, it just waved: 什么也没说,就是挥挥手 (wave作为动词的意思是挥手,作为名词的意思是海浪)
6. I'm on a seafood diet. 我在试海鲜减肥餐
I see food and I eat it: 我看见(see)食物(food),就吃掉
7. I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes: 我跟我太太说,她应该拥抱错误
Then she gave me a hug: 然后,她给了我一个拥抱
8. I only know 25 letters of the alphabet: 我只知道25个字母
I don't know y: 我也不知道为什么(why和字母y谐音)
9. I'm reading a book on the history of glue: 我在读一本关于胶水历史的书
I just can't seem to put it down: 我怎么也放不下来(can’t put a book down是一个常用表达,形容一本书很好看、很精彩)
10. What do you call a factory that makes okay products? 一家只生产质量平平、还过得去产品的工厂叫什么
A satisfactory: 一般般工厂(satisfactory虽然中文翻译有令人满意的意思,但它其实是指刚刚及格、只能凑合)
What do you call someone with no body and no nose? 一个没有身体、没有鼻子的人叫什么?
How do you make 7 even? 怎么把7变成偶数?
What do you get from a pampered cow? 一头娇生惯养的奶牛会产什么?
Nobody knows: 没人知道(No body: 没有身体和nobody: 没人 谐音;knows:知道和nose:鼻子谐音)
Take away the s: 去掉s (seven去掉s就是even, even numbers就是偶数;顺便补充一下,odd numbers是奇数)
Spoiled milk: 变质的牛奶(英语pampered和spoiled都有娇惯、宠坏的意思。而spoiled还有一个意思就是变质、坏掉了)