Anxiety: 名词,焦虑
Anxiety in your 30's: 30岁阶段的焦虑
"Anxiety is greater than the sum of all worries": 焦虑比一切担心的总和更大。
Anxious: 形容词,焦虑的
Feeling anxious about the present and future: 对于现在和未来都感到焦虑
Establish yourself: 自立、建立属于自己的东西
Falling short of it: 觉得自己远没达到、还差很远
One should be independent in their 30's: 一个人应该在30岁这个阶段自立。
It's not you. It's everyone: 不止是你,人人都有相同的经历。
Being in your 30's is a huge transition in life: 30多岁是人生的一个巨大转变。
From the young and wild days to proper adulthood: 从年少轻狂到正式的成人
Adulting: 进入成人阶段、自立
Turning point: 转折点
Watershed moment: 分水岭的时刻
Full of uncertainties and the unknown: 充满不确定性和未知
Feeling lost: 感到迷失与彷徨
Jenny felt her future was a question mark: 30岁的Jenny觉得未来是个问号。
Adam felt great when he turned 30: Adam30岁时感觉很棒
But the feeling of uncertainty hit him in his late 30's: 但当他进入30岁后期阶段时,彷徨的感觉来了。
Mental switch: 心理上的转变
In hindsight, I can say it required a switch in perspective: 回头看,我觉得当时需要一个视角上的大转变。
Switch is from one state to something completely different: switch形容的是状态上大的改变,不是小的改变。
The realization that what worked before is not going to work going forward: 意识到曾经的那套方法、做法以后行不通了。
Life forces you to have a breakthrough: 人生逼着你有个突破。
From passive (or even active) to proactive: 从被动到积极的推动者
Reflection and review: 思考和复盘
Develop self-awareness: 对自己要有清醒的认识
Seek out people older than you: 找比自己年龄大一些的人。
Seek out their advice and help: 寻求他们的建议和帮助。
It's not like we've figured it all out: 并不是说我们都明白了、弄清楚了。
We just wanted to share what we went through: 我们只是想分享自己经历过的一些事。