A hard-core hiking trip?
Jenny was chatting with a coworker about her recent hiking trip: Jenny的同事和她聊起自己最近的登山之旅。
She said it was very “硬核”: 她说行程很“硬核”。
The expression came from English: 这个表达来自英语。
Hard core: 作为名词,意思是核心团体、中坚力量,指最重要的一群人
The hard core of the group makes all the big decisions: 团队核心成员做所有重要的决策。
A hard core of investors: 最重要的投资人
Hard-core: 作为形容词,表示坚实、坚固、不动摇、有决心的(注意形容词的拼写有连字符)
This boy band has many hard-core fans: 这个男团有很多忠诚狂热的粉丝。
She's a hard-core runner who gets up at 5 am every day to run: 她是个狂热的跑步迷,每天早上五点起来跑步。
Intense: 高强度的、激烈、激烈的、紧张的
It can describe things and people: 既能形容事物,也能形容人。
The itinerary was really intense: 这次行程很高强度、密集。
Adam's good friend is super intense: Adam有个好朋友,个性很强、特别较真儿。
An intense person has very intense emotions and takes everything very seriously: 一个intense的人情感很浓烈、把什么事情都看得很重。
Committed: 投入的、坚定的、忠诚的
It describes people and feelings: 形容人和情绪、感觉。
She is a very committed learner who spends hours studying every day: 她是个很认真、投入的学生,每天花很多时间学习。
He is a very committed gamer who spends all day playing video games: 他是个绝对的游戏玩家,每天花很多时间打游戏。
All-in: 全情投入、完全投入、义无反顾
We are all-in on the new strategy: 我们完全投入支持新策略。
Die-hard: 死忠、既为忠诚
It only describes people, not things: 只能形容人,不能形容事。
Die-hard fans: 死忠粉
前面举例子的hard-core runner、gamer这些也都可以用die-hard来形容。
Adam节目里还提到了ride or die这个表达,是形容莫逆之交、生死之交: He is my ride or die friend.
Beast mode: 野兽模式
Enter/get into beast mode: 进入野兽模式
Students enter beast mode before a big exam: 学生关键考试前要进入野兽模式。
I need to be in beast mode during the interview tomorrow: 我明天面试一定要进入野兽状态。
Legit: 靠谱的、正当的、可信的
The buyer is serious. The offer is legit: 买家很诚心,出价是真实的。
Solid: 坚实的、实打实的
Today's show was solid: 今天的节目干货十足。