Queen Elizabeth II: 伊丽莎白二世女王
II为罗马数字,念的时候是the second。即Queen Elizabeth the second.
历史上还有大名鼎鼎的Queen Elizabeth I (the first)
注意,用名字时,Queen前面不用加the。直接就是Queen Elizabeth。
但是不用名字时,要加the。The Queen: 女王
The Queen has passed away at the age of 96:女王96岁离世
Her funeral is taking place today (9/19): 女王的葬礼于9月19日举行
The longest reign of any British monarch: 英国历史上统治最久的君王
On the throne for 70 years (from February 1952 to September 2022):
Royal family: 王室家族
Reign: 统治,既是动词也是名词。发音和rain一样
The Queen reigned for 70 years: 女王统治70年
Her reign lasted 70 years: 她的统治长达70年
Monarch: 君主、不限性别
Monarchy: 君主制
Throne: 王座、王位
Hereditary: 遗传的
Inherit the throne: 继承王位
Queen Elizabeth inherited the throne from her father:
Charles inherited the throne from Queen Elizabeth:
The Queen's father became king when his brother abdicated:
Coronation: 加冕
Be coronated: 被加冕、登基
Her Majesty: 女王陛下
His Majesty: 国王陛下
The Queen's timeline and milestones: 女王人生中重要的时间点和里程碑
1947 married Prince Philip: 1947年与菲利普亲王结婚
1948 Gave birth to Prince Charles: 1948年诞下查尔斯王子(现在要称查尔斯国王了)
1953 Coronation (27 years old): 1953年加冕登基 (当时女王27岁)
1992: Elizabeth describes the year as an “annus horribilis,” or a “horrible year.” Three of her four children's marriages ended.
A fire damaged Windsor Castle. Public outcry over the cost of repairs amid a recession prompted the queen to volunteer to pay income taxes.
1997: Public pressure over the royal family's handling of Princess Diana's death. Elizabeth made an unprecedented television broadcast in tribute to Diana’s memory.
2000's: Increasing public scrutiny and pressure over the future role of the royal family.
Scandal and bad press: 绯闻、丑闻、负面媒体报道
The royal family often finds itself in damage control mode: 王室一直要做危机处理
Heavy is the head that wears the crown: 欲戴王冠必先承其重
Through thick and thin: 经历高峰和低谷
Corgis and horses: 柯基犬和马匹
They were the Queen's loyal friends: 它们是女王忠诚的朋友
The Queen in her own words: 女王的名句
"I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong."
The Queen often talked about duty: 女王生前经常会谈到责任
She saw her role as one of great duty: 她对自己身份的诠释是巨大的责任